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Stem-cell-based Therapies for Improving Islet Transplantation Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes

INTRODUCTION: Beta-cell replacement by human islets or whole pancreas offers a life-saving therapeutic remedy for patients suffering from type 1 diabetes, providing considerable advantages with respect to diminishing total daily insulin dose and lowering frequencies of debilitating hypoglycemic reactions as well as preventing chronic micro- and macrovascular complications. Although remarkable prog

Association between fee-for-service expenditures and morbidity burden in primary care

BACKGROUND: In primary care, fee-for-services (FFS) tariffs are often based on political negotiation rather than costing systems. The potential for comprehensive measures of patient morbidity to explain variation in negotiated FFS expenditures has not previously been examined.OBJECTIVES: To examine the relative explanatory power of morbidity measures and related general practice (GP) clinic charac

Does Large-Scale Gold Mining Reduce Agricultural Growth? : Case studies from Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali and Tanzania

We apply a novel analytical framework based on medium resolution satellite data for the period 2001 – 2012 to estimate the effects of gold mining on agricultural production in Ghana, Mali, Tanzania and Burkina Faso. Our analysis finds a strong correlation between official statistics of agricultural production and vegetation index from satellite data at district level in these countries. Agricultur

Harmonization at the costs of context-orientation - framing and scaling the crisis in Swedish Baltic Sea fisheries

The crisis in fisheries, both in Sweden, Europe and globally, has for decades been a central topic for discussion among stakeholders with different perspectives. However, to regulate a problem and give the policy-making a proper target, there is a need for a common understanding of the problem. Inspired by Maarten Hajer, it is argued that discourses on environmental problems include story-lines an

Measurement of the mass and width of the W boson in e+e- collisions at √s = 189 GeV

A measurement of the W mass and width has been performed by the DELPHI Collaboration using the data collected during 1998. The data sample has an integrated luminosity of 155 pb-1 and an average centre-of-mass energy of 188.6 GeV. Results are obtained by applying the method of direct reconstruction of the mass of the W from its decay products in both the W+W- → lvlqq′ and W+W- → qq′qq′ channels. T

Time-crystal ground state and production of gravitational waves from QCD phase transition

We propose a novel mechanism for the production of gravitational waves in the early Universe that originates from the relaxation processes induced by the QCD phase transition. While the energy density of the quark-gluon mean-field is monotonously decaying in real time, its pressure undergoes a series of violent oscillations at the characteristic QCD time scales that generate a primordial multi-pea

Att balansera på två hjul : en etnologisk undersökning av cykelkurser för vuxna inom projektet Frihet på cykel

Att kunna cykla ses som närmast självklart i Sverige. Den som inte kan avviker från normen och från föreställningen om vilka kunskaper och kompetenser en vuxen människa förväntas ha. Att inte kunna cykla blir också ett problem för individen som riskerar att begränsas och utestängas. Intresset för cykelkurser är därför stort. I denna rapport om Cykelfrämjandets projekt Frihet på cykel undersöks för

Monitoring moisture distribution in textile materials using grating interferometry and ptychographic X-ray imaging

Employing two recently developed X-ray imaging techniques, we investigated methods for observing moisture at different length scales in organic fibers and textiles. Using the coherent diffractive imaging technique of ptychographic tomography, structural features in a single coated wool fiber in both dry and humid conditions were observed at about 200 nm resolution. The reconstructed three-dimensio

Magnesium and potassium status in healthy subjects as assessed by analysis of magnesium and potassium in skeletal muscle biopsies and of magnesium in mononuclear cells

Magnesium and potassium concentrations were determined in plasma, erythrocytes and urine collected during 24 h, and in percutaneous muscle biopsies obtained in 30 healthy subjects. Magnesium was also analyzed in mononuclear cells. Men, compared to women, showed a higher urinary excretion of magnesium (p less than 0.05). The magnesium contents in mononuclear cells correlated significantly with the Magnesium and potassium concentrations were determined in plasma, erythrocytes and urine collected during 24 h, and in percutaneous muscle biopsies obtained in 30 healthy subjects. Magnesium was also analyzed in mononuclear cells. Men, compared to women, showed a higher urinary excretion of magnesium (p less than 0.05). The magnesium contents in mononuclear cells correlated significantly with the