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Your search for "*" yielded 528926 hits

Trends in Micropollutant Biotransformation along a Solids Retention Time Gradient

For many polar organic micropollutants, biotransformation by activated sludge microorganisms is a major removal process during wastewater treatment. However, our current understanding of how wastewater treatment operations influence microbial communities and their micropollutant biotransformation potential is limited, leaving major parts of observed variability in biotransformation rates across tr

Carbohydrate-binding modules from a thermostable Rhodothermus marinus xylanase : Cloning, expression and binding studies

The two N-terminally repeated carbohydrate-binding modules (CBM4-1 and CBM4-2) encoded by xyn10A from Rhodothermus marinus were produced in Escherichia coli and purified by affinity chromatography. Binding assays to insoluble polysaccharides showed binding to insoluble xylan and to phosphoric-acid-swollen cellulose but not to Avicel or crystalline cellulose. Binding to insoluble substrates was sig

Marine Poly- and Oligosaccharides as Prebiotics

The marine environment can increase the global production of biomass. Interest in marine macroalgae and microorganisms has increased tremendously as a result of international agendas and market trends promoting sustainability as well as healthy food. Macroalgae and marine microorganisms contain unique poly- and oligosaccharides with different substitutions, e.g., sulfation or carboxylation. There

Intensive Imaging-based Follow-up of Surgically Treated Localised Renal Cell Carcinoma Does Not Improve Post-recurrence Survival : Results from a European Multicentre Database (RECUR)

The optimal follow-up (FU) strategy for patients treated for localised renal cell carcinoma (RCC) remains unclear. Using the RECUR database, we studied imaging intensity utilised in contemporary FU to evaluate its association with outcome after detection of disease recurrence. Consecutive patients with nonmetastatic RCC (n = 1612) treated with curative intent at 12 institutes across eight European

Liquid-liquid two-phase flow patterns in ultra-shallow straight and serpentine microchannels

Water-butanol and water-hexane flows were visualized in ultra-shallow straight and serpentine microchannels with a cross-junction. At the inlet cross-junction, three major flow patterns including tubing/threading, dripping and jetting were mapped using the aqueous Capillary number versus the organic Weber number. Correspondingly, in the main microchannel, annular flow, slug flow and droplet flow w

Novel causative variants in patients with achromatopsia

Purpose: To report five novel genetic variants in seven unrelated consanguineous families with achromatopsia (ACHM). Methods: Patients were examined with multimodal retinal imaging and full-field electroretinography (ffERG). Genetic testing was conducted using next-generation sequencing (NGS). Results: Three novel homozygous variants were detected in CNGA3: a missense c.967G > C (p.Ala323Pro) vari

Evidence for substrate binding of a recombinant thermostable xylanase originating from Rhodothermus marinus

The xyn1 encoded 5 domain xylanase from the thermophilic bacterium Rhodothermus marinus binds specifically to xylan, β-glucan and amorphous but not crystalline cellulose. Our results show that the binding is mediated by the full length xylanase, but not by the catalytic domain only. Based on similarities concerning both predicted secondary structure and binding specificity found with one cellulose

Konsthistoria på museerna

Artikeln behandlar det arbete som bedrevs på konstmuseerna, med attribution och katalogisering i centrum. Här berörs de värderingar av kopior och original som gradvis ändrades under 1800-talet samt bandet mellan den konsthistoriska utövningen på universiteten och museerna.

Microbial glycoside hydrolases for biomass utilization in biofuels applications

Renewable biomass is predicted to have the potential to meet at least a quarter of the world demand for transportation fuel, but to do so both terrestrial lignocellulosic as well as marine algal resources need to be efficiently utilized. In the processes where these biomasses are converted into different types of energy carriers (for example fuel-alcohols e.g. ethanol or butanol) microbial glycosi

A review on molten-salt-based and ionic-liquid-based nanofluids for medium-to-high temperature heat transfer

Molten-salt-based nanofluids and ionic-liquid-based nanofluids are developed for thermal storage and heat transfer at relatively high temperatures, in the past few years. Preparation and stabilization techniques are briefly introduced firstly, and then, thermal properties, e.g., specific heat, thermal conductivity and viscosity, are summarized and discussed in detail. The properties are not only a

Statistical atmospheric downscaling for rainfall estimation in Kyushu Island, Japan

The present paper develops linear regression models based on singular value decomposition (SVD) with the aim of downscaling atmospheric variables statistically to estimate average rainfall in the Chikugo River Basin, Kyushu Island, southern Japan, on a 12-hour basis. Models were designed to take only significantly correlated areas into account in the downscaling procedure. By using particularly pr

Examiners' influence on the measured active and passive extension deficit in finger joints affected by Dupuytren disease

Background: The most commonly reported outcome measure in Dupuytren disease is the extension deficit in finger joints. This study aimed to investigate the examiners' influence on the measured difference between active and passive extension deficit. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted on 157 consecutive patients (81% men, mean age 70 years) scheduled for collagenase treatment for Dupu

A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins

Under ongoing climate change and increasing anthropogenic activity, which continuously challenge ecosystem resilience, an in-depth understanding of ecological processes is urgently needed. Lakes, as providers of numerous ecosystem services, face multiple stressors that threaten their functioning. Harmful cyanobacterial blooms are a persistent problem resulting from nutrient pollution and climate-c

The impact of the biological variability or assay performance on AMH measurements : A prospective cohort study with AMH tested on three analytical assay-platforms

This study examined longitudinal, age-related and intra-individual variation in Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) in regular menstruating women and correlated the hormonal levels to the antral follicle count (AFC). The impact of variations on an algorithm for calculation of follitropin-dose for ovarian stimulation were also tested. The study was carried out at a fertility clinic of a tertiary universit

Recurrent obstructive hydrocephalus in a 4-month-old infant

Introduction: Transient, recurrent or permanent causes of hydrocephalus in children are usually due to tumours, cerebral bleeding or colloid cysts and complications of infectious meningitis or secondary to poisoning. Recurrent, obstructive hydrocephalus is very rare. Case report: We report a 4-month-old boy who suffered at least three different episodes of obstructive hydrocephalus presumably caus

Simulations of moisture gradients in wood subjected to changes in relative humidity and temperature due to climate change

Climate change is a growing threat to cultural heritage buildings and objects. Objects housed in historic buildings are at risk because the indoor environments in these buildings are difficult to control and often influenced by the outdoor climate. Hygroscopic materials, such as wood, will gain and release moisture during changes in relative humidity and temperature. These changes cause swelling a