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Quantitative powder diffraction using a (2 + 3) surface diffractometer and an area detector

X-ray diffractometers primarily designed for surface X-ray diffraction are often used to measure the diffraction from powders, textured materials and fiber-texture samples in 2θ scans. Unlike in high-energy powder diffraction, only a fraction of the powder rings is typically measured, and the data consist of many detector images across the 2θ range. Such diffractometers typically scan in direction

Towards an In-Depth Understanding of English-Swedish Translanguaging Pedagogy in Multilingual EFL Classrooms

This paper focuses on language practices in multilingual English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms in lower-secondary education. Based in the Ethnography of Language Policy, it presents a case study of a lead teacher of EFL and a year-8 class in a large urban multilingual school in Sweden. The study aims to map and understand language practices used in this classroom as being part of a larger

Urokinase plasminogen activator mediates changes in human astrocytes modeling fragile X syndrome

The function of astrocytes intertwines with the extracellular matrix, whose neuron and glial cell-derived components shape neuronal plasticity. Astrocyte abnormalities have been reported in the brain of the mouse model for fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common cause of inherited intellectual disability, and a monogenic cause of autism spectrum disorder. We compared human FXS and control astroc

Tourism revisited : The influence of digitalisation on tourism concepts

Information and communication technology (ICT) is ubiquitous in tourism and this changes not only tourists’ immediate behaviour, but also what tourism is. In this way, digitalisation is shifting perceptions of when tourism starts and ends, and how we can understand the term in principal ways. The aim of this working paper is to contribute to the debate about the consequences of today´s fast digita

Nature of Peace: An Interdisciplinary Enquiry into Research at the Intersection of Nature, Peace and Post-Conflict

The nexus between the environment, natural resources and (armed) violence has been researched since the end of the nineties, however major theoretical and empirical gaps still exists in research on the precise role of nature or the natural environment during post-conflict and/or peacebuilding, particularly in relation to those countries that have undergone internal armed conflict.This paper presen

Have we agreed on that? : Collective values in Community Grassroots Innovations

Grassroots Innovations (GI) have became a successful mechanism developed by the associative capacity of people that seek to provide solutions to their own problems relying on the values of solidarity and reciprocity while striving for social transformation (Smith and Seyfang, 2007; Seyfang and Haxeltine, 2012). However, GI still endure three challenges, namely: adaptation vs. transformation, local

NGOs, NGO-ing, and NGO-graphy in Serbia

Review article on anthropology of NGO research with point of departure on two ethnographic monographs on NGOs and civil society development in Serbia, with proposals for further NGO research.

The Long Awaited Trade Deal Between the EU and the UK - Expectations and Realities

At long last, the EU and the UK have struck an agreement on their new relationship defining future trade and cooperation across the Channel. However, expectations and realities do not always meet and so it is in the particular case here. The TCA is not an ordinary international trade agreement, as it contains distinct features which may disappoint those expecting a CETA-style deal. In addition, Br

Disaster-induced displacement in the Caribbean and the Pacific

People in Small Island Developing States are particularly vulnerable to displacement by disaster. Governments in the Caribbean and the Pacific need urgently to do more risk management and planning, rather than focusing almost exclusively on response and relocation.

The role of full-length apoE in clearance of Gram-negative bacteria and their endotoxins

ApoE is a well-known lipid-binding protein that plays a main role in the metabolism and transport of lipids. More recently, apoE-derived peptides have been shown to exert antimicrobial effects. Here, we investigated the antibacterial activity of apoE using in vitro assays, advanced imaging techniques, and in vivo mouse models. The formation of macromolecular complexes of apoE and endotoxins from G

Ventricular-arterial coupling : definition, pathophysiology and therapeutic targets in cardiovascular disease

Introduction: The heart and arterial system are equally affected by arteriosclerosis/atherosclerosis. There is a constant interaction between the left ventricular (LV) function and the arterial system, termed ventricular-arterial coupling (VAC), which reflects the global cardiovascular efficiency. VAC is traditionally assessed by echocardiography as the ratio of effective arterial elastance (Ea) o

Ice out of Fire : Ice and cloud condensation nucleation of aerosol particles emitted from controlled soot generation and combustion of renewable fuels

Aerosol particles, small solid or liquid particles suspended in a gas, are found everywhere in the atmosphere. Air pollution from such particles, mainly soot from combustion-derived activity is a leading cause of premature deaths in the world and have a large effect on the climate. Aerosol particles can interact with climate-related processes in the atmosphere either directly by absorbing or refle

Spectroscopy of 98Cd by two-nucleon removal from 100In

Low-lying states of Cd-98 have been populated by the two-nucleon removal reaction (In-100, Cd-98+gamma) and studied using in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory at RIKEN. Two new gamma transitions were identified and assigned as decays from a previously unknown state. This state is suggested to be based on a pi 1g(/9/2)(-1)2p(1/2)(-2) configuration with J(pi) = 5(-)


This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts covered in the preceding chapters of this book. The book empirically and comparatively, indicates the extent to which there is continuity or change in the foreign policy composition of key European Union (EU) Member States, as found across the 'strong-weak competence spectrum', and on this basis explore the extent to which the resultin

Risk of incident fractures in individuals hospitalised due to unexplained syncope and orthostatic hypotension

Background Impaired orthostatic blood pressure response and syncope confer a high risk of falls and trauma. The relationship between a history of unexplained syncope and orthostatic hypotension (OH) with subsequent fractures, however, has not been thoroughly examined. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between previous hospital admissions due to unexplained syncope and OH and

Determinants for use of direct-to-consumer telemedicine consultations in primary healthcare-a registry based total population study from Stockholm, Sweden

BACKGROUND: In recent years, telemedicine consultations have evolved as a new form of providing primary healthcare. Telemedicine options can provide benefits to patients in terms of access, reduced travel time and no risk of disease spreading. However, concerns have been raised that access is not equally distributed in the population, which could lead to increased inequality in health. The aim of