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Osteotomy for gonarthrosis - with special reference to the tibial callus distraction technique

Popular Abstract in Swedish I de flesta fall börjar knäledsförslitning i den inre ledkammaren (medial gonartros) och medför en successiv hjulbenthet (varus). I enstaka fall börjar förslitningen i den yttre ledkammaren (lateral gonartros) innebärande kobenthet (valgus). Personer över 60-65 år behandlas kirurgiskt oftast med knäledsprotes med bra resultat. Hos yngre, mer aktiva, är denna metod sämreOsteotomy is used for correction of the altered load on the gonarthrotic knee joint. It can be performed above or below the knee. Clinical results depend on the correction after bone healing. By tibial closed wedge osteotomy (HTO), the deformity is corrected peroperatively in contrast to tibial hemicallotasis osteotomy (HCO) where the correction is performed after surgery. Comparing the two method

Method for tracking reflected reading and multimodal learning of pupils with various abilities

We present a novel method for tracing reflected reading and multimodal learning, based on a combination of eye tracking and cued retrospective verbal protocols. With the help of this method, we can trace pupils’ problem solving, their integration of text, pictures and graphics, connect the process of reflected reading to the product (scores, learning outcomes) and uncover pupils' reading strategie

Personal Value

Certain things, like justice, have impersonal value, other things, like your children, carry personal values: they have value for you. Besides whatever value, period, they have, they are valuable to you. The philosophical as well as non-philosophical literature is inundated with suggestions about the kinds of thing that are good-for us or, if it is a negative personal value, what is bad-for us. Fo

A 30 GHz 90-nm CMOS Passive Subharmonic Mixer with 15 GHz Differential LO

A new passive subharmonic mixer topology is presented and compared to a previously published passive topology. The comparison is conducted using simulations at 30 GHz with a 90-nm CMOS design kit. The advantage of the new passive subharmonic mixer is that it only requires a differential local oscillator (LO) signal, compared to the previously published mixer that requires a quadrature LO signal. T

Tjetjenien i historiens grepp

The article traces the roots and developments of the Chechnyan conflict in factual history as well as in the warriors' uses of this history.

Gestures, referents, and anaphoric linkage in learner varieties

This paper discusses how the gestural modality can contribute to our understanding of anaphoric linkage in learner varieties, focusing on gestural anaphoric linkage marking the introduction, maintenance, and shift of reference in story retellings by learners of French and Swedish. The comparison of gestural anaphoric linkage in native and non-native varieties reveals what appears to be a particula

Experimental study on innovative connections for large span timber truss structures

This paper summarizes an experimental investigation on several innovative reinforcing techniques for the “Single Large Diameter Dowel Connection”, SLDDC in timber truss structures. Besides lateral reinforcing or prestressing, also steel plates glued on two sides of the glulam specimens were used as reinforcing measure. To study the efficiency of these techniques, 15 full-scale quasi-static tensile