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Between Ghambageu and Jesus: The Encounter between Sonjo Traditional Leaders and Missionary Christianity

Ghambageu, the apotheosized cultural hero of the Sonjo of Northern Tanzania, has traditionally had many affinities with Jesus. During the last six decades of missionary efforts among the Sonjo, he has increasingly developed into a Jesus-like figure. Through this "inverted contextualization", linked with the use of traditional means of excercise of power through the control over irrigation water, t

Cascading and radiator flow optimization in district heating substations and advanced customer accounting - In pursuit of improved cooling

Ibis paper deals with various methods of improved cooling of primary water in district heating (DH) substations and evaluates the benefit of an improved cooling from the perspective of the construction of an appropriate customer accounting method. The general benefit of an improved cooling is well-known: Less thermal stresses in pipelines, lowered heat and pumping losses and increased capacity in

Analysis of tracer molecules from organic aerosols - Application of liquid phase microextraction to aerosol analysis

Popular Abstract in English Airborne particulate matter is well known because of its adverse impacts on human health and its role in climate processes. In order to understand completely the role of aerosols in atmosphere, their chemical composition is of basic importance. Chemical analysis of aerosols involves broadly two steps, extraction step and detection/quantification of chemical constituentsAirborne particulate matter is well known because of its adverse impacts on human health and its role in climate processes. In order to understand completely the role of aerosols in atmosphere, their chemical composition is of basic importance. Chemical analysis of aerosols involves broadly two steps, extraction step and detection/quantification of chemical constituents. Generally aerosols are ext

Themes and challenges in developing sustainable supply chains

Sustainable development is one of the greatest global challenges facing human beings in the 21st century. In order to tackle sustainability related problems, several global, European, and national targets for 2050 have been set. The transition of supply chains activities towards sustainability targets calls for designing new strategies and continuously identifying and tackling the challenges that

Dispersion Relations in Scattering and Antenna Problems

This dissertation deals with physical bounds on scattering and absorption of acoustic and electromagnetic waves. A general dispersion relation or sum rule for the extinction cross section of such waves is derived from the holomorphic properties of the scattering amplitude in the forward direction. The derivation is based on the forward scattering theorem via certain Herglotz functions and their as

Immunohistochemical study of rats receiving peripheral immunization with IFNg transfected glioma cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi har studerat hur man kan använda immunsystemet för att behandla råttor med hjärntumör (maligna gliom). Eftersom råttor väldigt sällan utvecklar hjärntumörer, så måste vi injicera tumörceller i hjärnan själva. Om djuren inte får någon behandling dör de vanligen inom ca. 24 dagar. Får de däremot en injektion i buken eller under huden på benet med genmanipulerade tumörcMalignant glioma is, with rare exceptions in younger adults, an uncurable brain tumor, as very few survive more than 1-2 years after diagnosis. Despite advances in recent years, current treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy only prolongs the life of the patients. Because of the poor prognosis, several additional therapies have been investigated and are under development, such a