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The changing geography of innovation : Chinese and Indian regions and the global flows of innovation

Despite the recent theoretical and empirical advancements in the geography of innovation literature regarding the role that global sources of knowledge may have for regional growth and development, research in this field remains focused on successful regions and clusters in developed countries. Hitherto there has been limited research on the role of regions located in developing countries and the


25. Brorson H. Armlymfödem. In: Nationella riktlinjer för bröstcancersjukvård, Medicinskt och hälsoekonomiskat faktadokument. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen; 2006. p. 110-117 164-168. [National Guidelines for Breast Cancer Treatment, The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare 2006]

Architectural considerations for rate-flexible trellis processing blocks

A flexible channel decoding platform should be able to operate in varying communication scenarios, and different code rates have to be supported. Therefore, we present a framework that allows efficient processing of rate-flexible trellises. Using a fundamental computational unit for trellis-based decoding, formal principles are obtained to emulate more complex trellises. In a design example, such

Seasonal and Long-Term Storage of Baled Municipal Solid Waste

Popular Abstract in Swedish Samhällets produktion av avfall är ett ständigt pågående problem. Tidigare metodik för att ta hand om avfallet genom att deponera det på soptippar håller på att förändras. Genom beslut inom EU har det kommit krav på sortering av avfallet vilket har lett till att hushållsavfall inte längre kommer att få deponeras. Ett sätt att ta hand om avfall är att förbränna avfallet Baling of MSW has been extensively used in Sweden and other countries for the storage of energy (biomass for energy) for incineration and production of either and or electricity and heat. Baling is performed in two principally different ways, leading to cylindrical- or rectangular bales. This work has focused on various parameters during the storage of MSW. The first parameters investigated were g

EPR Studies of Ruthenium-Manganese Complexes as Biomimetic Models for Photosystem II - Approaching Artificial Photosynthesis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna doktorsavhandling är en delstudie i ett större projekt som syftar till att utveckla Artificiell fotosyntes för att framställa ett värdefullt bränsle, vätgas, från solenergi och vatten. Vår typ av Artificiell Fotosyntes syftar till att framställa syntetiska “superämnen” som kan härma nyckelsteg i den naturliga fotosyntesen. Våra artificiella ”superämnen” skall kunnIn natural photosynthesis, solar energy is converted to chemical energy by photosynthetic reaction centers. In green plants and algae, Photosystem II (PSII) and Photosystem I (PSI) absorb light and utilize the charge separation reactions to convert solar energy to chemical energy. The energy is later stored in form of energy- rich substances formed in reductive biosynthetic reactions. The electron