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Your search for "*" yielded 528139 hits

Treatment of aggressive pituitary tumours and carcinomas : results of a European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) survey 2016

OBJECTIVE: To collect outcome data in a large cohort of patients with aggressive pituitary tumours (APT)/carcinomas (PC) and specifically report effects of temozolomide (TMZ) treatment.DESIGN: Electronic survey to ESE members Dec 2015-Nov 2016.RESULTS: Reports on 166 patients (40 PC, 125 APT, 1 unclassified) were obtained. Median age at diagnosis was 43 (range 4-79) years. 69% of the tumours were

The role of climate, forest fires and human population size in Holocene vegetation dynamics in Fennoscandia

Questions: We investigated the changing role of climate, forest fires and human population size in the broad-scale compositional changes in Holocene vegetation dynamics before and after the onset of farming in Sweden (at 6,000 cal yr BP) and in Finland (at 4,000 cal yr BP). Location: Southern and central Sweden, SW and SE Finland. Methods: Holocene regional plant abundances were reconstructed usin

Mobile Application for Naturalistic Walking/Cycling Data Collection

Two smartphone applications were developed with the aim of harvesting insights of vulnerable road user accidents. The apps require a backend database with software tools for generating and managing questionnaires, etc. Such a system was developed using a MySQL database where a user-friendly platform has been developed in CakePHP. The backend system has been successfully developed and been used to

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Syftet med projektet var att kartlägga drifts- och underhållsförhållanden som påverkar huruvida man går och cyklar, hur mycket man går och cyklar och skaderisken färdmedelsvalet innebär. Rapporten bygger på en litteraturöversikt baserat på publikationer sökta i den svenska nationella bibliotekskatalogen TRANSGUIDE och i den ämnesövergripande databasen Web of Science. Det genomfördes även intervjue

Global socio-technical regimes

This paper addresses the question why socio-technical transitions follow similar trajectories in various parts of the world, even though the relevant material preconditions and institutional contexts vary greatly between different regions and countries. It takes a critical stance on the implicit methodological nationalism in transition studies' socio-technical regime concept and proposes an altern

The Expansion of the University Sector, the Emerging Professions and the New Professional Landscape : The Case of Sweden : Working Papers in Sociology Linnaeus University

The rapid expansion of the university sector has channelled many students into study programs that lead to employment in new kinds of jobs, occupations and professional groups. There are three main reasons why more and more occupations get their training within the university system (a) The qualification and competence level of the labour force has been raised, due to changes in the economy and to

Capsule typing of haemophilus influenzae by matrix-assisted laser Desorption/Ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Encapsulated Haemophilus influenzae strains belong to type-specific genetic lineages. Reliable capsule typing requires PCR, but a more efficient method would be useful. We evaluated capsule typing by using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. Isolates of all capsule types (a–f and nontypeable; n = 258) and isogenic capsule transformants (types a

From Diversity to Conviviality : Intra-EU Mobility and International Migration to Denmark in times of Recession

This article explores differences among EU and non-EU migrants in accommodating to the Danish flexicurity labour and welfare regime during times of economic crisis. We build our findings on a quantitative survey followed by semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted with EU and non-EU migrants who moved to Denmark during the recession period (2008–2013). We argue that the lack of multicultur

Mutational spectrum in a worldwide study of 29,700 families with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations

The prevalence and spectrum of germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 have been reported in single populations, with the majority of reports focused on White in Europe and North America. The Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA) has assembled data on 18,435 families with BRCA1 mutations and 11,351 families with BRCA2 mutations ascertained from 69 centers in 49 countries on six

Boredom in Meetings

For managers, meetings may be an arena “where the action is”: situations to display competence and moral character. However, others may feel less involved, and meetings may be experienced as nonsense, as meaningless and worthless. A recurring theme in various studies is complaints about meetings, particularly regarding their frequency, their emptiness, and the forced attendance, taking time from wFor managers, meetings may be an arena “where the action is”: situations to display competence and moral character. However, others may feel less involved, and meetings may be experienced as nonsense, as meaningless and worthless. A recurring theme in various studies is complaints about meetings, particularly regarding their frequency, their emptiness, and the forced attendance, taking time from w

Citizenship inclusion and intellectual disability : Biopolitics post-institutionalisation

What happens when a group traditionally defined as lacking the necessary capacities of citizenship is targeted by government programs that have made 'citizenship inclusion' their main goal? Combining theoretical perspectives of political philosophy, social theory, and disability studies, this book untangles the current state of Western intellectual disability politics following the replacement of

Chemical signaling and insect attraction is a conserved trait in yeasts

Yeast volatiles attract insects, which apparently is of mutual benefit, for both yeasts and insects. However, it is unknown whether biosynthesis of metabolites that attract insects is a basic and general trait, or if it is specific for yeasts that live in close association with insects. Our goal was to study chemical insect attractants produced by yeasts that span more than 250 million years of ev

Review of current study methods for VRU safety : Appendix 4 –Systematic literature review: Naturalistic driving studies

With the aim of assessing the extent and nature of naturalistic studies involving vulnerable road users, a systematic literature review was carried out. The purpose of this review was to identify studies based on naturalistic data from VRUs (pedestrians, cyclists, moped riders and motorcyclists) to provide an overview of how data was collected and how data has been used. In the literature review,

Bronchial extracellular matrix from COPD patients induces altered gene expression in repopulated primary human bronchial epithelial cells

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a serious global health problem characterized by chronic airway inflammation, progressive airflow limitation and destruction of lung parenchyma. Remodeling of the bronchial airways in COPD includes changes in both the bronchial epithelium and the subepithelial extracellular matrix (ECM). To explore the impact of an aberrant ECM on epithelial cell phe