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User Effect Mitigation in MIMO Terminal Antennas

The rapid growth of cellular technology over the past decade transformed our lives, enabling billions of people to enjoy interactive multimedia content and ubiquitous connectivity through a device that can fit into the palm of a hand. In part the explosive growth of the smartphone market is enabled by innovative antenna system technologies, such as multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, fa

Numerical effects in time-domain simulations of electronic circuits - a reminder

This paper reminds the analog designer of the possible stability problems encountered when simulating strongly resonating circuits in the time domain. The warping of circuit pole positions in different numerical integration algorithms is reviewed, and it is shown that all time domain simulation algorithms suffer from this effect, including Simulink, time-domain steady-state, and a harmonic balance

Cancerframkallande ämnen i tätortsluft – Personlig exponering och bakgrundsmätningar i Malmö 2008

Den allmänna befolkningens personliga exponering i Malmö för några cancerframkallande ämnen undersöktes under perioden september-december 2008. Totalt 61 mätningar genomfördes på 41 slumpmässigt utvalda individer med personburna passiva provtagare för bensen, 1,3-butadien, formaldehyd, samt kvävedioxid, i sjudygnsperioder. Upprepade mätningar gjordes på 20 personer. Parallellt med de personburna m

Images of Risk Taking : On Graffiti as Process and Gesture

At the IMAGE=GESTURE conference, I presented my thoughts on graffiti – which is related to, but still rather distinct from, street art (my dissertation topic) – and the way that this type of expression functions as a gesture. In his book "Taking the train: how graffiti art became an urban crisis in New York City", associate professor of History Joe Austin discusses the discursive construction of

Språkövergång : rapport från ett studiebesök på Teaterhögskolan i Oslo (februari 2005)

Jag har sedan länge haft ett stort intresse för att låta skådespelarelever få undervisning inte bara i så kallad rikssvenska utan jag anser att de även bör få lära sig att använda olika dialekter i sitt sceniska arbete. Ett intresse för detta finns också hos elever. Många skådespelare menar att undervisning i andra dialekter skulle vara nyttigt. Man har bl.a. påpekat att det skulle medföra en ökad

European Democracy Promotion: Positive Policies, Poor Practice

In the post 9/11 era the effort to strengthen democracy in weak and fragile states has become a common undertaking of prominent international actors in their foreign policy agendas. In much of the academic and policy discourse democracy assistance has been framed as a solution to political instability and under-development in troubled states. With the case of the Middle East and North Africa regio