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Radiation enteropathy and leucocyte-endothelial cell reactions in a refined small bowel model

BACKGROUND: Leucocyte recruitment and inflammation are key features of high dose radiation-induced tissue injury. The inflammatory response in the gut may be more pronounced following radiotherapy due to its high bacterial load in comparison to the response in other organs. We designed a model to enable us to study the effects of radiation on leucocyte-endothelium interactions and on intestinal mi

Simulated Fires in Substances of Pesticide Type

In order to characterise fires in chemical warehouses, 38 medium scale experiments have been conducted. The experiments were performed in a 0.66m3 combustion chamber. On-line measurements were made of combustion gases (CO2, CO, HC and NOx), mass loss, smoke, temperatures, external radiation and phi-values. Intermittently gas and soot samples were collected and analysed for content of organic compo

Monte Carlo model of the Studsvik BNCT clinical beam : Description an validation

The neutron beam at the Studsvik facility for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) and the validation of the related computational model developed for the MCNP-4B Monte Carlo code are presented. Several measurements performed at the epithermal neutron port used for clinical trials have been made in order to validate the Monte Carlo computational model. The good general agreement between the MCNP c

Holocene environmental history of Lake Vuolep Njakajaure (Abisko National Park, Northern Sweden) reconstructed using biological proxy indicators

Holocene environmental and climatic changes are reconstructed using analyses of biological proxies in lake sediments from Vuolep Njakajaure, a lake located near the altitudinal treeline in northern Sweden (68 degrees 20' N, 18 degrees 47' E). We analysed biological proxy indicators from both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, including diatoms, pollen and chironomid head capsules, in order to rec

Occurrence and prognostic significance of ventricular arrhythmia is related to pulmonary function: a study from "men born in 1914," Malmo, Sweden

BACKGROUND: Reduced lung function has been associated with increased rates of myocardial infarction. Whether the occurrence and prognostic significance of ventricular arrhythmia is related to lung function is largely unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed a population-based study of 68-year-old men without a history of stroke or myocardial infarction; 402 men participated. Mortality and corona

Regulation of the interferon-inducible p53 target gene TRIM22 (Staf50) in human T lymphocyte activation

TRIM22 (Staf50) is an interferon (IFN)-inducible protein with unknown function. Recently, we identified TRIM22 as a novel p53 target gene and showed that overexpression of TRIM22 inhibits the clonogenic growth of monoblastic U937 cells. Moreover, expression of TRIM22 is high in lymphoid tissue, and levels decrease during T lymphocyte activation with CD3/CD2/CD28, suggesting that TRIM22 could exert

Lessons Learned in Knowledge Managment - the case of construction

The construction sector has been criticised in recent years for being inefficient. The critique involved describes finished buildings as having flaws and there being a lack of interest within the construction sector in assembling knowledge and sharing experience. The construction industry has started working with questions of how efficiency can be increased by reducing the errors made. Knowledge

Radiative forcing of climate by ice-age atmospheric dust

During glacial periods, dust deposition rates and inferred atmospheric concentrations were globally much higher than present. According to recent model results, the large enhancement of atmospheric dust content at the last glacial maximum (LGM) can be explained only if increases in the potential dust source areas are taken into account. Such increases are to be expected, due to effects of low prec

PCR-mediated deletion of plasmid DNA

The PCR-mediated plasmid DNA deletion method is a simple approach to delete DNA sequences from plasmids using only one round of PCR, with two primers, and without ligation or purification prior to in vivo recombination. By using only PCR, the method is sequence independent and, as shown in this study, is applicable to various sizes of plasmids and deletions using minimal primer design.

Treatment of arthritis with tumour necrosis factor antagonists. Clinical, immunological and biochemical aspects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Reumatoid artrit (kronisk ledgångsreumatism; RA) är en inflammatorisk sjukdom där lederna är det primära målorganet. Spondylartropatier är ett gemensamt namn för ett flertal kroniska inflammatoriska sjukdomar med många gemensamma tecken som till exempel: inflammatorisk ryggsmärta, inflammationer i leder, senskidor, muskelfästen, förekomst av "orvfingrar/-tår". Orsaken/eAbstract The treatment of arthritis has undergone a dramatic change since biological agents targeting specific mediators of the disease process have been introduced. Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists have been shown to reduce signs and symptoms of disease and to retard the development of tissue damage in the majority of patients. This thesis focuses on clinical, immunological and biochemic

Tryckpressens makt och makten över tryckpressen : om tryckerietableringar i det svenska riket 1600-1650

After a century of Swedish State monopoly of printing, with only one printing office, that of the Royal Printer in Stockholm, the beginning of the 17th century marks a spread of establishments over the realm. This is a conscious change in Government media policy. Around 1650 there were nine printing shops active in Sweden, six of these in provincial towns with universities or diocesan schools, but

The Hamburg/ESO R-process Enhanced Star survey (HERES). I. Project description, and discovery of two stars with strong enhancements of neutron-capture elements

We report on a dedicated effort to identify and study metal-poor stars strongly enhanced in r-process elements ([r/Fe]>1 dex; hereafter r-IIstars), the Hamburg/ESO R-process Enhanced Star survey (HERES).Moderate-resolution (∼2 Å) follow-up spectroscopy has been obtained for metal-poor giant candidates selected from the Hamburg/ESO objective-prism survey (HES) as well as the HK survey to identify s

Icelandic Case-marked PRO and the licensing of lexical arguments

On the basis of evidence from Icelandic I argue that PRO can be both governed and case-marked, but crucially not properly governed. Lexical arguments must be both case-marked and properly head governed, and proper head government is a strictly local relation whereas case-marking is not. As the subiect position of PRO clauses is not properly head governed, it must not be lexicalized, irrespective o

Effect of allergen provocation on inflammatory cell profile and endothelin-like immunoreactivity in guinea-pig airways

The effect of allergen challenge on the number of leucocytes and the concentration of endothelin 1-like immunoreactivity (ET-LI) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was investigated in guinea-pigs sensitized to Ascaris suum. The animals were twice exposed to allergen aerosol. All animals responded to the second challenge with bronchoconstriction. Twelve hours later, a significant increase in th

Physical performance, toxicity, and quality of life as assessed by the physician and the patient

The aim of this study was to study the relationship between physician-assessed quality of life parameters, i.e., toxicity and physical performance, and patients' self-reports of their quality of life (QoL). QoL was assessed at baseline and before each treatment. using the EORTC QLQ-C30. The WHO performance score (PS) and toxicity were assessed in physician interviews. The correlations between the

Thromboprophylactic effect of low molecular weight heparin started in the evening before elective general abdominal surgery: a comparison with low-dose heparin

A prospective randomized double-blind trial was performed comparing conventional low-dose heparin with a LMWH fragment (Kabi 2165, Fragmin) for thromboprophylaxis in elective general abdominal surgical patients. The first dose of the fragment was given in the evening before surgery, and thereafter every evening. There were 1002 analyzable patients, 826 having received correct prophylaxis. Sixty th