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Autoantibodies to a 64-kilodalton islet cell protein precede the onset of spontaneous diabetes in the BB rat

Spontaneous insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in the BB rat is associated with the presence of antibodies to a 64-kilodalton rat islet cell protein. These protein antibodies appeared in young animals and remained for as long as 8 weeks before the clinical onset of IDDM. Antibodies to a 64-kilodalton human islet cell protein were found to be associated with human IDDM. Detection of the ant

Inhibition of insulin release after passive transfer of immunoglobulin from insulin-dependent diabetic children to mice

We used the mouse passive transfer model to test whether islet cell antibodies affect β-cell function. The immunoglobulin (Ig) fraction of plasma from 5 islet cell surface antibody-positive, newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetic children or of a pool of plasma from 12 normal subjects was injected daily (7–16 mg IgG/day) for 14 days into normal immunosuppressed BALB/c mice. Insulin secretory r

B‐Cell Function and Islet Cell and Other Organ‐Specific Autoantibodies in Relatives to Insulin‐Dependent Diabetic Patients

ABSTRACT The pancreatic B‐cell function (glucose tolerance, C‐peptide release) and organ‐specific autoantibodies, including islet cell cytoplasmic and cell surface (mouse), were studied in 45 first‐degree relatives of patients with insulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus diagnosed before the age of 30 years. Compared to 107 healthy persons without any family history of either insulin‐dependent or non‐

Multiple-stressor effects of dicyandiamide (DCD) and agricultural stressors on trait-based responses of stream benthic algal communities

Agricultural practices often result in multiple stressors affecting stream ecosystems, and interacting stressors complicate environmental assessment and management of impacted streams. The nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) is used for nitrogen management on farmland. Effects of leached DCD on stream ecosystems are still largely unstudied, even though it could be relevant as a stressor on

Multiple-stressor effects on stream invertebrates : DNA barcoding reveals contrasting responses of cryptic mayfly species

Most freshwater ecosystems are subject to multiple anthropogenic stressors, which commonly reduce biodiversity across all levels. Existing freshwater bioassessment programmes aim at identifying responses of aquatic biota to stressors. For practical reasons, higher-level taxonomic groups (e.g. genus or family) are often used in these programmes. This approach, however, may bias assessment results a

Interactive multiple-stressor effects of the antibiotic monensin, cattle effluent and light on stream periphyton

Streams draining agricultural land are simultaneously exposed to multiple stressors including agricultural antibiotics and effluent from surface water run-off. The potential interactive effects of these contaminants on stream benthic communities are poorly understood. Using a streamside channel experiment with a full factorial, repeated-measures design, we assessed the individual and combined effe

Validation of the movement disorder society criteria for the diagnosis of 4-repeat tauopathies

Background: The Movement Disorder Society criteria for progressive supranuclear palsy introduced the category “probable 4-repeat (4R)-tauopathy” for joint clinical diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration. Objectives: To validate the accuracy of these clinical criteria for “probable 4R-tauopathy” to predict underlying 4R-tauopathy pathology. Methods: Diagnostic acc

CCL2 secreted from cancer-associated mesothelial cells promotes peritoneal metastasis of ovarian cancer cells through the P38-MAPK pathway

Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is considered to secrete various factors in order to promote peritoneal dissemination through cell-to-cell interaction between cancer and mesothelial cells. We previously revealed that TGF-β secreted from EOC induces normal human peritoneal mesothelial cells (HPMCs) to differentiate into cancer-associated mesothelial cells (CAMCs). However, the relationship between

Taking the Ache out of Shakespeare : The Experience of Teaching Shakespeare's Plays Through Performance

This paper discusses the experience of teaching William Shakespeare’s plays through performance and staging the plays with university students as part of the learning experience. The learning outcomes are treated in three sections – the first relating the effects of performance on the students’ linguistic proficiency, the second giving a few examples of how the students discover and learn to maste

Time Trends and Monthly Variation in Swedish Acute Stroke Care

Background and Purpose: Studies of monthly variation in acute stroke care have led to conflicting results. Our objective was to study monthly variation and longitudinal trends in quality of care and patient survival following acute stroke.Methods: Our nationwide study included all adult patients (≥18 years) with acute stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic), admitted to Swedish hospitals from 2011 to 201

From “We Didn’t Do It” to “We’ve Learned Our Lesson” : Development of a Typology of Neutralizations of Corporate Crime

When corporations are faced with accusations of crime, they usually find it necessary to justify their actions to the public, the media and their shareholders. Corporate self-defense, aimed at protecting a corporation’s image and legitimacy, belongs to a broader category of offenders’ denials and neutralizations. The objective of this article is to compile and discuss literature that is of value fWhen corporations are faced with accusations of crime, they usually find it necessary to justify their actions to the public, the media and their shareholders. Corporate self-defense, aimed at protecting a corporation’s image and legitimacy, belongs to a broader category of offenders’ denials and neutralizations. The objective of this article is to compile and discuss literature that is of value f

Magnetotransport properties of graphene layers decorated with colloid quantum dots

The hybrid graphene-quantum dot devices can potentially be used to tailor the electronic, optical, and chemical properties of graphene. Here, the low temperature electronic transport properties of bilayer graphene decorated with PbS colloid quantum dots (CQDs) have been investigated in the weak or strong magnetic fields. The presence of the CQDs introduces additional scattering potentials that alt

Controlled Oxidation and Self-Passivation of Bimetallic Magnetic FeCr and FeMn Aerosol Nanoparticles

Nanoparticle generation by aerosol methods, particularly spark ablation, has high potential for creating new material combinations with tailored magnetic properties. By combining elements into complex alloyed nanoparticles and controlling their size and structure, different magnetic properties can be obtained. In combination with controlled deposition, to ensure nanoparticle separation, it is poss

Isolation of a rat immune response gene identical to an alleged mouse A class II β-chain pseudogene

A human HLA-DQ β-chain cDNA was used as a probe to identify and isolate a rat major histocompatibility antigen β-chain gene from a genomic library constructed in the vector λ Charon 28 using Wistar rat DNA (RT1u). The isolated exon of the rat gene (RT1.Bβ2) encoding a β-chain second domain was found to share 93% nucleotide homology with a mouse A β2 exon. Although the genomic organization of this

Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Scholarly Independence in Multidisciplinary Learning Environments at Doctoral Level and Beyond

The aim of this study is to investigate how patterns of collaboration and scholarly independence are related to early stage researchers’ development in two multidisciplinary learning environments at a Swedish university. Based on interviews with leaders, supervisors, doctoral students, and post docs, results show how early stage researchers’ development is conditioned by their relative positions i

The Effects of Board Independence on Busy Directors and Firm Value: Evidence from Regulatory Changes in Sweden.

Research Question/Issue: This paper examines the impact of changes in board independence on the market valuation of Swedish firms. I exploit an exogenous change to the rules of corporate governance in 2005, which requires large firms to have majority independent boards, as a quasi‐experimental setting.Research Findings/Insights: I use a regression discontinuity design and a difference‐in‐differenc

A morphometric study of age-related changes in serotonin-immunoreactive cell groups in the brain of the coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch walbaum

In the coho salmon there is a transient increase in total brain concentrations of serotonin during smolt transformation which occurs midlife, just before down-stream migration to the ocean. There is also a gradual age-related increase in total brain serotonin concentrations. These increases may be due to reorganization of the central serotonergic system, changes in serotonin turnover, or both. The

Evaluation of a multimodal pain rehabilitation programme in primary care based on clinical register data: a feasibility study

Aim: Investigate the feasibility of identifying a well-defined treatment group and a comparable reference group in clinical register data. Background: There is insufficient knowledge on how to avert neck/back pain from turning chronic or to impair work ability. The Swedish Government implemented a national multimodal rehabilitation (MMR) programme in primary care intending to promote work ability,