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Easy Adaptation of a Commercial Fem Code for Self-Similarity

Self-similar situations are idealized states often referred to in continuum mechanics. Such a situation is generally expected when the formulated problem only involves one significant length parameter. The state at a stationary or at a steadily moving concentrated load may be self-similar. In heat conductivity, the progressive phase transformation near a point-shaped heat source results in a self-Self‐similar situations are idealized states often referred to in continuum mechanics. Such a situation is generally expected when the formulated problem only involves one significant length parameter. The state at a stationary or at a steadily moving concentrated load may be self‐similar. In heat conductivity, the progressive phase transformation near a point‐shaped heat source results in a self‐

The thioredoxin and glutaredoxin systems are efficient electron donors to human plasma glutathione peroxidase

Human plasma glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) is a distinct extracellular selenoenzyme that detoxifies hydroperoxides when used with GSH in high (mM) non-physiological concentrations. We have discovered that NADPH and human thioredoxin reductase (TR) by itself or with thioredoxin (Trx) are efficient electron donors to this human plasma peroxidase. Incubation of 0.05 microM TR with 0.25 microM GSH-P

The domain swapping of human cystatin C induced by synchrotron radiation

Domain swapping is observed for many proteins with flexible conformations. This phenomenon is often associated with the development of conformational diseases. Importantly, domain swapping has been observed for human cystatin C (HCC), a protein capable of forming amyloid deposits in brain arteries. In this study, the ability of short exposure to high-intensity X-ray radiation to induce domain swap

A One-Step Solution Technique for Elastic-Plastic Self-Similar Problems

At self-similarity the strain history is implicit in and deducible from the strain field at each instance of the loading process. This fact is taken advantage of in a FEM-technique which allows the load to be applied in one single step, only, even when the incremental theory of plastic flow has to be used. Two self-similar problems are solved. Firstly an analytically solvable anti-plane strain craAt self-similarity the strain history is implicit in and deducible from the strain field at each instance of the loading process. This fact is taken advantage of in a FEM-technique which allows the load to be applied in one single step, only, even when the incremental theory of plastic flow has to be used.Two self-similar problems are solved. Firstly an analytically solvable anti-plane strain crac

Neutrophils from ANCA-associated vasculitis patients show an increased capacity to activate the complement system via the alternative pathway after ANCA stimulation

Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitides (AAV), including granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) and microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), are autoimmune conditions associated with small vessel inflammation. Earlier studies indicate that complement activation via the alternative pathway plays a major role in the pathogenesis. In this study we have investigated if ANCA-activati

TEM-tomography of FAU-zeolite crystals containing Pt-clusters

A method for preparing ultrathin sections (- 20 nm) of inorganic solids has been developed using ultramicrotomy of resin-embedded crystal fragments. Undamaged crystals, oriented along a crystallographic direction, could be imaged with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) at a resolution better than 0.5 nm. The true internal structure of the crystals could be investigated by imaging the second in

Reduced transcapillary fluid absorption from skeletal muscle and skin during hypovolaemia in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

OBJECTIVES: Diabetes mellitus is associated with a high cardiovascular morbidity which has been linked to disturbances in microvascular function. This study was designed to examine the transcapillary fluid absorption during experimental hypovolaemia in type 1 diabetes.SUBJECTS: Twelve males with type 1 diabetes (age 25 +/- 3 years, duration 8 +/- 1 years) with no clinical microangiopathy and 12 he

Analysis of critical residues of HLA-DQ6 molecules in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

Among DQ6 molecules, DQA1(*)0102-DQB1(*)0602 is negatively associated with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), but DQA1(*)0102-DQB1(*)0604 shows a neutral to positive association in Swedish children with IDDM. The aim of this study was to identify critical DQB1 residues that may account for the differences in IDDM association observed for these two DQ6 molecules. HLA-DQ genotyping in 425 I

Neuropathy-related mutations alter the membrane binding properties of the human myelin protein P0 cytoplasmic tail

Schwann cells myelinate selected axons in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and contribute to fast saltatory conduction via the formation of compact myelin, in which water is excluded from between tightly adhered lipid bilayers. Peripheral neuropathies, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) and Dejerine-Sottas syndrome (DSS), are incurable demyelinating conditions that result in pain, decrea

Volume flow assessment through simultaneous B-mode and Multigate Doppler

The typical approach for volumetric blood flow assessment consists of a velocity measurement performed in a single sample volume placed in the vessel centre, combined to an estimate of the average diameter. This simple approach produces large inaccuracies since it does not account for the complex flow configurations produced by complicated artery geometries and/or pulsatile conditions. Moreover, d

Worse breast cancer prognosis in insulin treated diabetic patients - A population based registry study in Sweden

Background. Diabetes may be linked to incidence of different tumor diseases and prognosis through various mechanisms such as the disease itself, hyperglycemia, obesity and anti-diabetes therapy. Material and methods. The study includes all women with BC diagnosed in Sweden between 2000 through 2008 (n=54406). The women had no previous cancer diagnosis during the period of 1958-1999. Dates of birth

Origin of Molecular Oxygen in Comets : Current Knowledge and Perspectives

The Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis (ROSINA) instrument onboard the Rosetta spacecraft has measured molecular oxygen (O 2 ) in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/C-G) in surprisingly high abundances. These measurements mark the first unequivocal detection of O 2 in a cometary environment. The large relative abundance of O 2 in 67P/C-G despite its high react

BB rat diabetes susceptibility and body weight regulation genes colocalize on Chromosome 2

The genetic etiology of Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus is complicated by the apparent presence of several diabetes susceptibility genetic regions. Type I diabetes in the inbred BioBreeding (BB) rat closely resembles the human disorder and was previously shown to involve two genes: the lymphopenia (lyp) region on Chromosome (Chr) 4 and RT1(u) in the major histocompatibility complex (M

Assessing the sensory experience of product design: Towards a method for ‘Five Senses Testing’

This paper presents and discusses a method using a range of techniques for assessing sensorial perception of product design and interaction. Collectively denoted ‘Five Senses Testing’, the purpose of the method is to facilitate the assessment of sensory experience related to product design and product use. Furthermore, the outcomes of using the techniques inform product design development by conne