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Design and performance of a silicon–tungsten calorimeter prototype module and the associated readout

We describe the details of a silicon–tungsten prototype electromagnetic calorimeter module and associated readout electronics. Detector performance for this prototype has been measured in test beam experiments at the CERN PS and SPS accelerator facilities in 2015/16. The results are compared to those in Monte Carlo Geant4 simulations. This is the first real-world demonstration of the performance o

Pre-study for geoelectrical monitoring for detection of internal defects and anomalous seepage in the Älvkarleby test embankment dam

Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) can be used to monitor the interior of hydropower embankments dams, and thereby detect zones with anomalous material properties and flow induced variation in the resistivity caused by changes in total dissolved solids (TDS) and temperature. Furthermore, monitoring of embankment dams in connection with a substantial change in the reservoir water level can det

On the cosmic origin of fluorine

The cosmic origin of fluorine, the ninth element of the periodic table, is still under debate. The reason for this fact is the large difficulties in observing stellar diagnostic lines, which can be used for the determination of the fluorine abundance in stars. Here we discuss some recent work on the chemical evolution of fluorine in the Milky Way and discuss the main contributors to the cosmic bud

A comparison of AAV-vector production methods for gene therapy and preclinical assessment

Adeno Associated Virus (AAV)-mediated gene expression in the brain is widely applied in the preclinical setting to investigate the therapeutic potential of specific molecular targets, characterize various cellular functions, and model central nervous system (CNS) diseases. In therapeutic applications in the clinical setting, gene therapy offers several advantages over traditional pharmacological b

Workplace violence : A threat to autonomy and professional discretion

Det finns många teorier och mycket tidigare forskning om autonomi och professionellt handlingsutrymme, men kunskapen om i vilken utsträckning rädslan för att utsättas för arbetsrelaterat våld begränsar denna autonomi och handlingsutrymme är begränsad. Denna artikel bygger på en enkätstudie (N =1,236) och jämför svenska socialarbetares, lärares och journalisters erfarenheter av arbetsrelaterat våldAlthough many theories have been developed and a great amount of research has been conducted on autonomy and professional discretion, knowledge on the extent to which fear of being subjected to workplace violence might restrict such autonomy and professional discretion being used is limited. This article draws on a survey study (N=1,236) and compares the experiences of workplace violence of Swedis

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Abstract in DanishMed postkolonialismen har fulgt et øget fokus på det singulære ved ’den koloniale kontekst’, et fokus der i de seneste årtier har fornyet studiet af den koloniale stat og skabt en interesse for at specificere og nuancere vores forståelse af forskellen mellem governmentalitet i Europa og i kolonierne. Trods sin grundlæggende komparative dimension har dette fokus på ’den koloniale

On the Mechanism of Self-Assembly by a Hydrogel-Forming Peptide

Self-assembling peptide-based hydrogels are a class of tunable soft materials that have been shown to be highly useful for a number of biomedical applications. The dynamic formation of the supramolecular fibrils that compose these materials has heretofore remained poorly characterized. A better understanding of this process would provide important insights into the behavior of these systems and co

Att göra många till en – om populismens logik

Den här artikeln introducerar Ernesto Laclaus teori om populism för den skan-dinaviska retorikforskningen i syfte att adressera en befintlig brist på begrepps liga resurser för att analysera populistiska artikulationer. Laclaus teori om populism syftar till att förklara de retoriska processer inneboende i varje politisk kamp såväl som att förstå konfliktdimensionen som konstitutiv för demokratisk po

Biobank Economics and the Commercialization Problem

The economics of biobanking are intertwined with its social and scientific aspects. In this article, we illustrate this interrelationship and describe two problems that structure the discussion about the economics of biobanking. First, there is a “sustainability problem” about how to maintain biobanks in the long term. Second, and representing a partial response to the first problem, there is a “c

From Quark Gluon Plasma to a Perfect Fluid of Quarks and Beyond

With high energy heavy ion collisions one tries to create a new forms of matter that is similar to the one present at the birth of our Universe. Recent development on flow pattern, initial energy-density and freeze-out temperature shows that most likely this new form of matter is in a deconfined state, has colored degrees of freedom and is more fluid-like than gas-like. In present paper we calcula


En översikt av häxförföljelser från antiken till nutiden, med fokus på europeisk tidigmodern tid.

Lilian Andersson (1937-2019) in memoriam

Minnesord över en förgrundsfigur inom den svenska sexarbetarrörelsen. Andersson var en av medgrundarna till Sexualpolitisk Front, Nordens första sexarbetarorganisation. Under hela sitt vuxna liv arbetade hon för att sexsäljares situation i samhället skulle förbättras, och 2017 tilldelades hon Jasminepriset, föreningen Rose Alliances pris för arbete mot våld mot sexarbetare,