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Användbarhet i datorsystem med många användare - En studie av Arbetsförmedlingens datorsystem

The aim of this study was to examine a computersystem with many users from a usability perspective. The computersystem that was examined was AIS-95, which are being used of the Swedish Employment Service. A former study had been conducted with the same perspective as this study, concerning the Swedish Employment Service´s former computersystem, and it was found interesting to also compare this stu

Doing gender in Pre Schools

Gender categorization is something we are confronted with in our daily lives. The main purpose of this study is to see how children and pre school teachers "do gender" in interaction with each other. We did an observation in a Pre School in Southern Sweden. Our requirement was that there must be at least one male pre school teacher working there. We decided to study "doing gender&qu

Idealiskt Ledarskap - En Kvalitativ Studie av Lärares Tankar och Reflektioner kring Idealiskt Ledarskap

The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the origin of peoples view on ideal leadership. This was at first to be conducted by interviewing eight teachers at an elementary school who where split into four groups divided by gender and age. The intention of the separation was to attain differences of opinions to bring clarity to our main question. The aim with the interviews was to ob

Stereotypier : en korrelationsstudie av europeiska studenters explicita och implicita stereotypier gentemot personer av annat etniskt ursprung

The purpose of this study was to explore stereotypes of various races with four different measures. We used Greenwald's Implicit Association Test, a racism questionnaire and a picture test as well as a measure of willingness to show prejudice. An instruction was given prior to the test indicating that this research involved attitudes towards people with different ethnic origin. Our participant

Kroppsspråk vid en arbetsintervju : en explorativ studie

We have made an exploratory study on body language in a recruiting situation. Our material consists of a film, showing five persons during an employment interview, each of them having different non-verbal behaviour. Professional recruiters were asked to see the film and to freely give comments. These comments were later analysed using the phenomenological method Meaning Constitution Analysis (MCA)

Det blir bättre sex om det finns kärlek : en studie av en grupp unga kvinnors tankar om och kring sin sexualitet

Denna uppsats ger en bild av hur en grupp unga kvinnor i åldern 20-26 år tänker om och kring sin sexualitet. 13 informanter har genom "snöbollsmetoden" valts ut och i halvstrukturerade intervjuer talat om bl a varför de har sex, vilket samband de ser mellan sex och kärlek och vilka konsekvenser de anser att allt prat om sex får. Intervjuerna har spelats in på kassettband och därefter ord

Arbetslöshet i relation till stress, coping, mentalt hälsotillstånd och attribution

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived stress, copingstrategies, mental health and attributions in the unemployment situation, to study which copingstrategies that could predict mental health and whether any gender differences existed. Participants were 157 unemployed in the south of Sweden. Results from a questionnaire showed significant correlations betwe

Dialektisk beteendeterapi (DBT) i Sverige

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) has been developed in the USA by Marsha M Linehan, during the last two decades. Linehan elaborated this method for self-destructive women and in continuous cooperation with those women in treatment throughout her research. Randomised controlled studies have showed good results for self-destructive women with a borderline personality disorder. This group of patien

Sambandet mellan social kompetens och arbetsminne

The purpose of this study was to observe if social competence is dependent on working memory-capacity, in particular the capacity of the working memory to handle emotionally significant information. A working memory test was used that places demands on the participant to both work with and store the given information. Social competence was measured by a questionnaire (SCI) that includes two dimens

Ledarskapsstil och organisatoriskt engagemang i relation till de anställdas välbefinnande

The aim of this study was to gain knowledge about leadership style and its relation to coworker's wellbeing. Of special interest was to find the best predictor variable of wellbeing. A further aim was to study differences between males and females in organizational commitment and wellbeing. A questionnaire was distributed to 100 employees in Telia, a Swedish telecom company. 62 questionnaires

Bakom det uppenbara... : en fenomenologisk studie om tankeprocesser bakom bedömningen av andra människor vid första intrycket

The purpose of this study is to examine the thought processes behind judgements, based on the first impression, which people do about others. As these judgements can have a profound effect, our aim is to increase awareness about what influences them. We have used the phenomenological method, which proceeds from "self-reports". Our 10 participants were asked, through open questions, to wr

OM ÄLDRE En Grundad teori om tidsperspektivskifte som hanteringsstrategi av livets nedförsbacke efter 65 års ålder

The theory about the elderly has been formulated based upon the analysis of 14 one-hour interviews with self-sufficient urban pensioners from 67 to 87 years of age. The main goal of this study was to explore the subjective experience of aging and reproduce this experience as a verifiable, Grounded theory. Our theory is compared and linked to the Theories of Gerotranscendence, Mindfulness, Socioemo

How do negatively valenced pictures influenxe the episodic memory?

The aim of this study was to examine the influence of emotionally negative valenced pictures on the memory process. Appraisal theory of emotions was included as a framework for the understanding of how the emotional process functions with supplementation from evolutionary theory in order to develop the view. The memory process was understood in the frame of especially Tulving's (1986) distinct

Kvinna - företagare - framgångsrik?

This project has been carried out on behalf of ALMI Företagspartner and the regional council in south Sweden (Region Skåne). Its aim has been to look for eventual differences between, from a strict economical criterion, growing and non-growing female entrepreneurs. The study also investigates eventual differences between younger and older women leading companies successfully. Data collection was o

Sambandet mellan stresshanteringsförmåga och upplevd ohälsa på arbetsplatsen

This is a study about the relationships between stress tolerance and ill health in the workplace. Thirty-two police officers in Lund, Hörby and Helsingborg were investigated in the study: 25 male and 4 female officers, 9 police inspectors, 15 event - controlled police, officers 1 near police officer, 4 external command police officers, 2 internal command officers were tested. Stress tolerance was

Till en annan värld - Motståndskraftiga barn och sagan som pedagogiskt verktyg

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur sagor bidragit till att de personer som jag intervjuat kunnat bearbeta de svåra trauman som de alla upplevt under barndomen och lyckats vända utvecklingen så att de idag härigenom lever liv som de själva upplever som meningsfulla. För att uppnå detta syfte har jag valt att utgå från ett kvalitativt angreppssätt och genomföra intervjuer. Utifrån intervjusva

Ledarskapsutbildningen STyrkelyftet Läkarnas räddning i strömmen av krav på ledarskapskompetens inom vården idag

Inom sjukvården har det skett en rad förändringar under de senaste decennierna, så som ekonomiska nedskärningar, ökad fokusering på patienten och större antal vårdbehövande. Dessa förändringar ställer nya krav på samarbetet mellan medarbetarna för att matcha dessa nya krav. Detta medför i sin tur att ledarskapskompetens kommit allt mer i fokus då ledaren har ett stort ansvar för att samarbetet ska

Valet inför framtiden : en studie om hur invandrarelever i en teoretisk och en praktisk gymnasieskola iårsklass tre i Malmö motiveras vid valet av framtiden, samt hur etnisk och socialbakgrund påverkar de i denna process.

Background: The conclusions that emerged from my prior C-level essay formed my opinion that segregation has a negative effect on the learning of the Swedish language. Segregation creates an atmosphere where the identity development of immigrant pupils can be damaged with the result of low self-esteem, which influences the education in a negative way. The future of immigrant pupils doesn't look

Värdegrunden i Lpo-94 i ett samhällsteoretiskt perspektiv

Bakgrund: Värdegrunden infördes i Läroplanen för det obligatoriska skolväsendet 1994. Det är dock ett begrepp vars betydelse och funktion inte är fastställd. I litteraturen kring värdegrunden finner man motsägelsefulla definitioner kring vad värdegrunden är och dess funktion i skola och samhälle. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats var att sätta Lpo-94's värdegrund i relation till dagens samhälle