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Transformed Readings : Negotiations of Cult in Paul, Hebrews, and First Clement

Issues surrounding relationships between different writings and questions regarding literary dependence are ubiquitous in New Testament scholarship. This study aims to answer questions concerning how one is to understand the way that early Christian writers used other Christian writings: Are any typical characteristics discernible regarding the earliest use of Christian writings? Were they memoriz

In vivo imaging system for explants analysis—A new approach for assessment of cell transplantation effects in large animal models

Introduction: Despite spectacular progress in cellular transplantology, there are still many concerns about the fate of transplanted cells. More preclinical studies are needed, especially on large animal models, to bridge the translational gap between basic research and the clinic. Herein, we propose a novel approach in analysis of cell transplantation effects in large animals explants using in vi

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia with mutated IGHV4-34 receptors : Shared and distinct immunogenetic features and clinical outcomes

Purpose: We sought to investigate whether B cell receptor immunoglobulin (BcR IG) stereotypy is associated with particular clinicobiological features among chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients expressing mutated BcR IG (M-CLL) encoded by the IGHV4-34 gene, and also ascertain whether these associations could refine prognostication. Experimental Design: In a series of 19,907 CLL cases with av

Using national hip fracture registries and audit databases to develop an international perspective

Hip fracture is the commonest reason for older people to need emergency anaesthesia and surgery, and leads to prolonged dependence for many of those who survive. People with this injury are usually identified very early in their hospital care, so hip fracture is an ideal marker condition with which to audit the care offered to older people by health services around the world.We have reviewed the r

National and international spillovers from R&D : Comparing a neoclassical and an endogenous growth approach

Two models where productivity growth is caused by spillovers from R&D are analyzed using a sample of nine manufacturing industries in six large OECD countries between 1979 and 1991. The first model is based on traditional productivity analysis, the second model on the endogenous growth theory. The empirical results indicate stronger support for the latter. The results suggest that spillovers f

Alteration of PACAP distribution and PACAP receptor binding in the rat sensory nervous system following sciatic nerve transection

Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) is a widely expressed neuropeptide that has been involved in nerve regeneration, neurone survival and nociception. In this study, the distribution of PACAP and PACAP-receptors were investigated in rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG), spinal cord and medulla oblongata at 3, 7 or 14 days following unilateral sciatic nerve transection using immunoh

The Tracking Ratio Station

In ratio control, the control objective is to keep the ratio between two signals, normally flow measurements, at a desired value in spite of variations in setpoints and load disturbances, and possible control signal saturations. This paper presents a new ratio control scheme, the Tracking Ratio Station, that manages to handle all these situations. It is also able to keep the ratio when one of the

Absence of ongoing activity in fibres arising from proximal nerve ends regenerating into mesothelial chambers

Morphological studies have indicated that proximal nerve ends of transected rat sciatic nerves regenerating into preformed mesothelial chambers show a different organization as compared to neuromas developed in contact with a muscle fascia. We have studied the physiological properties of nerve fibres arising from these types of preparations with reference to ongoing activity, response to mechanica

Islet amyloid polypeptide and calcitonin gene-related peptide expression are down-regulated in dorsal root ganglia upon sciatic nerve transection

Islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) is structurally related to calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and has been implicated in glucose homeostasis and diabetes pathogenesis because it is expressed in insulin cells and forms amyloid in pancreatic islets from type II diabetic patients. IAPP is also constitutively co-expressed with CGRP in rat sensory neurons. Whether expression of IAPP is altered by

’For a Heroic Belarus!’ : The Great Patriotic War as Identity Marker in the Lukashenka and Soviet Belarusian Discourses

More than in any other European country, the modern history of Belarus is a product of World War II. The unification, homogenization and Sovietization of that country are all direct results of the war. World War II - or the Great Patriotic War, as the conflict is still called in Belarus - built legitimacy and constituted the raison d'etre for the political elite in the most conservative of the Sov

Business model innovation for a Circular Economy : Drivers and barriers for the Swedish industry – the voice of REES companies

The idea of Circular Economy is gaining a momentum among companies, households and policy makers. In order to support a smooth transition to this idea, new ways of producing and using products and services are needed, which in turn require innovative business models. Such business models may help companies capitalise on closed resource loops and maintain or improve their competitive position in th

Method for probabilistic energy calculations : variable parameters

Building regulations in Sweden require that an energy calculation is done for every building to show that the building design meets the maximum specific energy use as outlined in the Swedish Building Code. The result of this energy calculation is always one number, for example a building might use 89 kWh/m2 year when the building regulation requires 90 kWh/m2 year. This level of reporting can lead

Tubular versus conventional repair of median and ulnar nerves in the human forearm : early results from a prospective, randomized, clinical study

Injury to a peripheral nerve is followed by local synthesis and release of neurotrophic factors of importance for the regeneration process. This concept was adopted for repair of transected human median and ulnar nerves in the forearm. As an alternative to conventional microsurgical repair of the nerve trunk, silicone tubes of appropriate size were used to enclose the injury zone, intentionally le

Inflammatory cells and mediators in the silicone chamber model for nerve regeneration

In the present study the inflammatory response was quantitatively evaluated during peripheral nerve regeneration. The fluid from silicone nerve regeneration chambers, inserted in rats, was collected during the early period of regeneration of transected sciatic nerves (6 h-7 d) and analysed with respect to inflammatory cells and mediators (leukotriene B4, LTB4, and interleukin-1 alpha, IL-1 alpha).

Synchrotron-based In Situ Electron Spectroscopy Applied to Oxide Formation and Catalysis

Det är svårt att tänka sig dagens samhälle utan katalys då många av de produkter som vi använder dagligen framställs med någon form av katalysator med tillämpningar som sträcker sig från kemikalieproduktion till avgasrening. Den mest kända katalysatorn är nog bilkatalysatorn som används för att omvandla de mest skadliga bilavgaserna till mindre skadliga gaser. En mindre känd katalytisk process somIn this thesis, in situ ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to address chemical reactions on surfaces. The presented work aims at the investigation of the relation between pressure and adsorbate surface structures during catalytic reactions. Various materials have been investigated ranging from single crystal surfaces to an immobilized homogeneous catalyst in an effort