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Information Sharing in the Supply Chain: An Exploratory Study

Purpose The purpose is to explore if a potential gap exists between information sharing as recommended in academic literature and the information actually shared among companies and their supply chain partners. Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on an extensive literature review to structure the terminology for information sharing in supply chains and an in-depth interview study to ex

Vårdmatchning. Utveckling av en tjänst som matchar vårdens insatser till effektiva och samordnade vårdtjänster

As healthcare lacks incentives and structures for matching capacity between various care providers and for coordinating episodes of care, the result is capacity management that is difficult and uncertain. The organising of healthcare is not adapted to be able to assume the overall responsibility for the coordination of processes of care. The lack of coordination of care forms the departure point f

The data chicken and egg problem

Creating context aware consumer applications or other user data-driven applications require user data in order to model the user and her context. For users to give up personal data they want value from the data collecting application. So how can we provide the value to get the data when we need the data to provide the value, without intruding on the user’s privacy or violating her trust in the app

Old age and the making of everyday life

The surrounding world, filled with objects, is the foundation of our actions, thoughts and emotions. Equally, we affect things and objects in our turn, through the interpretation and the significance we give them. In regard to old age, certain objects, as well as places, may become problematic. Some things lose their importance and fall out of use while others appear and become integrated in every

State aid to the banking sector

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen behandlar unionens statsstödskontroll och dess tillämpning på statliga stöd till banker. Den huvudsakliga problemställningen i avhandlingen berör vilka villkor som måste vara uppfyllda för att bankstöd ska kunna förklaras förenliga med den gemensamma markanden, enligt unionens statsstödskontroll i artikel 107 3 FEUF. Avhandlingen behandlar alla bankThis thesis examines the state aid rules of the European Union and the application of these rules on banks. The primary problem that is addressed is what conditions should be fulfilled in order for state aid to banks to be declared compatible with the Common Market according to article 107 3 FEUF. The thesis addresses all kinds of state aid to banks and these have been divided into the following g