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State Responsibility and the Primary-Secondary Rules Terminology: : The Role of Language for an Understanding of the International Legal System

In the international legal literature, it is commonplace to talk about the law of state responsibility as secondary rules of law. The terminology emphasises that in some way or another the law of state responsibility is different from other rules of the international legal system – what international legal scholars refer to as primary rules of law. The present essay inquires into the soundness of

Nitric oxide synthase in female reproductive and urinary organs: Hormonal regulation and functional significance

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nobelpriset i fysiologi och medicin 1998 gick till tre forskare från USA som gjort forskningsinsatser för upptäckten av kväveoxid (NO) vilket är en viktig signalsubstans i våra kroppar. Upptäckten av att en så liten molekyl som NO har så många funktioner i kroppen anses som en av de mest överraskande i medicinhistorien. Redan 1876 började man använda nitroglycerin som eNitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity was studied in cytosolic and particulate fractions in reproductive organs from rabbit (uterus and vagina) and rat (uterus, vagina and cervix). NOS was found predominantly in cytosolic fractions in all tissues and the activity of NOS in both fractions was highly Ca2+ dependent. NOS activity in vagina and cervix were much higher (3-6-fold) than in the uterus. Est

An Approach for Designing Management Support Systems: The Design Science Research Process and its Outcomes

Design science research involves creating and evaluating innovative methods and approaches to be used in design practice. We present an approach to be used in the process of designing Management Support Systems (MSS). The nature of managerial work makes the design, development, and implementation of MSS a major challenge. The MSS literature suggests that determining MSS requirements and specificat

Experimental evidence of granulence

We present an experimental study of velocity fluctuations in quasistatic flow of a 2D granular material deformed in a shear apparatus named 1γ2ε [1]. Radjaï and Roux [2] revealed systematic similarities between velocity fluctuations observed in discrete element simulations of quasistatic flow of granular material and turbulent flows in fluids. The character of these velocity fluctuations - named g