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Real-Time Fluorescence Imaging of Isotachophoretic Preconcentration for Capillary Electrophoresis
Environmental Benefits from Building with Reused and Recycled Materials.
Utvecklingen av socionomyrket i Sverige
A methodology for 7D warping and deformation monitoring using time-lapse seismic data
A methodology is presented for vector analysis of the image displacements (warping) between successive 3D seismic image volumes that provides 7D analysis (including lateral and vertical displacements) of in situ subsurface deformation around hydrocarbon reservoirs. The key challenges are (1) assessment of just vertical shifts is insufficient, and vector displacements should be determined; (2) robu
Anm. av Hobér, Kaj: Extinctive prescription and applicable law in interstate arbitration
Hythane as a Fuel in a 6-Cylinder Stoichiometric Natural-gas Engine
On the Syntax of Past Participles: Evidence from Old and Modern Italian
Kreativa lärmiljöer - vad är det?
Mixing formulas in time domain
This paper discusses the dispersive properties of dielectric materials both in the time and the frequency domains. Special emphasis is on the treatment of heterogeneous materials, in particular two-phase mixtures. A time domain Maxwell Garnett rule is derived which differs from the corresponding frequency domain formula in the respect that it is expressed in terms of convolutions and inverse opera
Implementational space for multilingualism at a Swedish university following the passing of the Swedish Language Act
In order to meet the demands of globalization, universities across the world are in the process of managing issues of multilingualism (Doiz et al. 2013; van der Walt 2013). In Sweden, since the passing of the Language Act in 2009, state-funded universities are obliged to use Swedish as their official language while also becoming increasingly internationalized. While the Language Act makes Swedish
Anm av: Herz, Annette Louise: Menschenhandel. Eine empirische untersuchung zur strafverfolgungspraxis
Wår lärda Skalde-fru. Sophia Elisabeth Brenner och hennes tid
Power in peacebuilding. Desecuritization, technocracy and water management
Image analysis of scanning electron microscope images to determine crack opening stress, crack shape and strain field of fatigue cracks exposed to overloads
Case writing in teaching and assessment.
The Gendered Production---Marketing Continuum of NERICA Upland Rice in Hoima District, Uganda
Drawing on a survey covering 302 smallholder households growing NERICA upland rice in Hoima District, Uganda, complimented by qualitative data, this paper will first show that NERICA has become an important food and income earner for these farmers. More than one third of their total cultivated acreage is dedicated to this new crop, and with over three quarters of the harvest being sold off at comp
Spam är datorvärldens loppor
Researchers' strategies and obstacles in achieving cooperation between universities and SME
State Responsibility and the Primary-Secondary Rules Terminology: : The Role of Language for an Understanding of the International Legal System
In the international legal literature, it is commonplace to talk about the law of state responsibility as secondary rules of law. The terminology emphasises that in some way or another the law of state responsibility is different from other rules of the international legal system – what international legal scholars refer to as primary rules of law. The present essay inquires into the soundness of