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Your search for "*" yielded 529146 hits
Högfettdieter är inte harmlösa – allvarliga hälsorisker har kartlagts
Improved visibility of the subthalamic nucleus on high-resolution stereotactic MR imaging by added susceptibility (T2*) contrast using multiple gradient echoes
Learning from the Bangalore Experience: The Role of Universities in an Emerging Regional Innovation System
Remission in schizophrenia: analysis in a naturalistic setting.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the recently defined Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for Schizophrenia remission criteria in a naturalistic setting of psychotic patients; to identify causal factors that change remission status; and to validate the criteria against global indices of illness, cognitive functions, and social outcome. METHODS: This was a longitudinal naturalistic study of 162 patients,
Chloroplast thylakoid membrane-stabilised emulsions.
BACKGROUND: Thylakoid-stabilised emulsions have been reported to possess satiety-promoting effects and inhibit pancreatic lipase-colipase activity in vitro, which prompted the investigation of their interfacial properties.RESULTS: Thylakoid membranes isolated from spinach were used as an emulsifier/stabiliser in oil (triglyceride)-in-water emulsions. Emulsions were characterised with respect to dr
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves health-related quality of life in patients with diabetes and chronic foot ulcer.
Adjunctive treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy has recently been shown to improve ulcer healing in patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcer. The aim of the present study is to evaluate whether hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves the health related quality of life in these patients.
Den svenska skaldekonstens fader och andra Stiernhielmsstudier
Changes in forearm bone mass and bone size after menopause - A mean 24-year prospective study.
Objective: Bone loss and periosteal expansion is found after menopause. The accelerated early postmenopausal bone loss is not permanent but if the same accounts for the periosteal expansion is unknown. Methods: Bone mineral density (BMD) and skeletal structure of the distal forearm were followed from menopause and on average 24 years (range 18-28) by single-photon absorptiometry at 12 occasions in
Is the course of gastroesophageal reflux disease progressive? A 21-year follow-up.
OBJECTIVE. We re-evaluated a cohort of patients referred for reflux symptoms and objectively diagnosed with pathological reflux, with the purpose of clarifying the course of conservatively treated gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). MATERIAL AND METHODS. All consecutive patients with GERD diagnosed between 1984 and 1988 showing pathologic 24-h pH-metry in the interval 3.8-10% and without any p
Lifetime measurements in Gd II and Gd III using time-resolved laser spectroscopy
Natural radiative lifetimes of 20 levels (energy range between 20 000 35 000 cm(-1)) in Cd II and 5 levels (energy range between 43 000-49 000 cm(-1)) in Gd III have been measured using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence III a laser-produced plasma.
Subharmonic and strongly subharmonic functions in case of variable coefficients
A home for the warships
On the Performance of Incremental Redundancy Schemes with Turbo Codes
En vallfart till Island - Samtal med Jorge Luis Borges
Review of S. R. Couch & J. S. Kroll-Smith, "Societies at risk: Environmental hazards and technological change"
Subjective memory complaints, neuropsychological performance and psychiatric variables in memory clinic attendees: A 3-year follow-up study.
The aims were to evaluate the cognitive performance and clinical diagnosis in patients (
Platelet-derived S100A8/A9 and cardiovascular disease in systemic lupus erythematosus.
S100A8/A9, a pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic protein complex, is increased in several diseases and high levels predispose to cardiovascular disease (CVD). Recently, platelet S100A8/A9 synthesis was described in mouse and humans in relation to CVD. However, the role of platelet S100A8/A9 in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a disease with markedly increased cardiovascular morbidity, as well a
Prevalence of osteoporosis and incidence of hip fracture in women--secular trends over 30 years.
BACKGROUND: The number of hip fractures during recent decades has been reported to be increasing, partly because of an increasing proportion of elderly women in the society. However, whether changes in hip fracture annual incidence in women are attributable to secular changes in the prevalence of osteoporosis is unclear. METHODS: Bone mineral density was evaluated by single-photon absorptiometry a