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The interplay of contextual layers : A multilevel analysis of income distribution, neighborhood infrastructure, socioeconomic position and self-rated health in Brazil

Our hypothesis is that neighborhood infrastructure modifies the association between state-level income distribution and self-rated health. In our findings neighborhood infrastructure amplifies the association between income equality and self-rated health, yet with a differential impact on health according to sex, race and education level favoring individuals at higher socioeconomic positions. Most

A robust approach to the synthesis of Dolph-Chebyshev beampatterns for uniform circular arrays

The Davies transformation is a method to transform the steering vector of a uniform circular array to another vector with Vandermonde form. However, this transformation can be highly sensitive to perturbations of the underlying ideal array model. In this paper, we describe a method for deriving a more robust transformation using optimisation techniques. The effectiveness of the method is illustrat

The effect of birth weight on hospitalizations and sickness absences : a longitudinal study of Swedish siblings

We examine the effect of birth weight on health throughout childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, focusing on two health outcomes: all-cause and cause-specific hospitalizations and sickness absences. The outcomes are important, not only from a health perspective but also from a labor market perspective, as the inability to fully participate in the labor force due to impaired health is known

Effect of mechanical load on optical properties of un-doped and Eu3+-doped Y2SiO5 at the quantum scale

It is well known that material properties are size dependent at small enough geometrical scales. With the advance of technology and computational power, we are now able to bridge the atomistic or even electronic scale phenomena with macroscopic properties of materials. A strategy to capture the electronic structure effect is to perform first principles calculations. Here we present results of firs

Splitting or synonymizing – genus concept and taxonomy exemplified by the Parmeliaceae in the Nordic region.

The current use of a 30 million year dateline for accepting genera in the Parmeliaceae is evaluated. Its value is doubtful since evolution obviously went quicker in some lichen groups compared with others. Parallel evolution is also very common among lichens. Polyphyletic genera should always be split, while sister groups may remain split or be combined after considering non-molecular characters. The current use of a 30 million year dateline for accepting genera in the Parmeliaceae is evaluated. Its value is doubtful since evolution obviously went quicker in some lichen groups compared with others. Parallel evolution is also very common among lichens. Polyphyletic genera should always be split, while sister groups may remain split or be combined after considering non-molecular characters.

Current state of Lobaria pulmonaria in southernmost Sweden.

Sites of Lobaria pulmonaria reported from the nemoral zone of the Swedish provinces Skåne and Blekinge since 1990 were revisited. At each locality, the habitat ecology and lichen viability were investigated. A substantial decline was noted, particularly in Skåne, as L. pulmonaria was found at only 24 sites, 22 of which were forests and two were wooded meadows. The commonest habitats for L. pulmonaSites of Lobaria pulmonaria reported from the nemoral zone of the Swedish provinces Skåne and Blekinge since 1990 were revisited. At each locality, the habitat ecology and lichen viability were investigated. A substantial decline was noted, particularly in Skåne, as L. pulmonaria was found at only 24 sites, 22 of which were forests and two were wooded meadows. The commonest habitats for L. pulmona

Autoantibodies Targeting a Collecting Duct-Specific Water Channel in Tubulointerstitial Nephritis

Tubulointerstitial nephritis is a common cause of kidney failure and may have diverse etiologies. This form of nephritis is sometimes associated with autoimmune disease, but the role of autoimmune mechanisms in disease development is not well understood. Here, we present the cases of three patients with autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 who developed tubulointerstitial nephritis and ESRD in

Evaluation of the impact of a system for real-time visualisation of occupational radiation dose rate during fluoroscopically guided procedures

Optimisation of radiological protection for operators working with fluoroscopically guided procedures has to be performed during the procedure, under varying and difficult conditions. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of a system for real-time visualisation of radiation dose rate on optimisation of occupational radiological protection in fluoroscopically guided procedures. In

Persons who frequently visit the psychiatric emergency room. Who are they and what are their needs?

Persons who frequently visit psychiatric emergency rooms (PERs) account for a disproportionately high number of total visits to PERs. They have needs just as any other human beings do. Yet in addition, they also have specific daily function needs, service needs, and needs for professional healthcare.The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate who persons frequently visiting PERs in Sweden ar

Genetic inactivation of ANGPTL4 improves glucose homeostasis and is associated with reduced risk of diabetes

Angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4) is an endogenous inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase that modulates lipid levels, coronary atherosclerosis risk, and nutrient partitioning. We hypothesize that loss of ANGPTL4 function might improve glucose homeostasis and decrease risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D). We investigate protein-altering variants in ANGPTL4 among 58,124 participants in the DiscovEHR human genetics s

Systemizing and the gender gap : examining academic achievement and perseverance in STEM

For years, a popular explanation for women choosing to abandon studies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) has been their lack of aptitude. This study challenged that notion by integrating theories of cognitive style, academic emotion, self-efficacy, and motivation to explain students’ academic achievement and perseverance in STEM when transitioning to college. A sample of

Industrial chicken meat and the good life in Bolivia

This paper is concerned with the role the current Bolivian government has played in the industrialization of the country’s poultry sector. In-depth ethnographic fieldwork carried out by the author provides data that allows connecting the spheres of production, distribution, and consumption of industrial chicken meat. In the realm of production, recently, large industries are taking over the market

HPI appraisal of concentrations of heavy metals in dynamic and static flow of Ganga River System

Ganga River system is a life support system to sustain the people of northeast region, India, by providing freshwater resource. In this study, the seasonal heavy metal concentrations of Ganga River system at Haridwar region (India) have been characterised for metal pollution. The collection of water samples was done from 10 different locations and analysed for various metal parameters (Zn, Pb, Mn,

Brief Therapist-Guided Exposure Treatment of Panic Attacks : A Pilot Study

A three-session therapist-guided exposure treatment was tested in a consecutive series of eight primary health care patients suffering from panic attacks who specifically used distraction techniques as their primary safety behavior. The Panic Disorder Severity Scale Self-Report (PDSS-SR) was administered at baseline (1-3 weeks before the first session), and 1, 2, and 3 weeks after treatment. Weekl

Axel Danielsson som minnesplats : Medierade minnen från begravningen till Arbetets nedläggning

Axel Danielsson var redaktör för tidningen Arbetet och en av den tidiga svenska arbetarrörelsens viktigaste ledargestalter. Efter hans tidiga död 1899 vårdades hans minne inom den sydsvenska socialdemokratin under ett helt sekel. I denna artikel görs ett antal nedslag i denna minnesproduktion, från begravningen till Arbetets nedläggning. Danielsson studeras som en minnesplats vars innehåll förändr