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Global Governance of Biofuels for Transport: Viewpoints of Key Stakeholders?
In the context of the emerging bioeconomy, the production and use of biofuels for transport is expanding rapidly around the world. This development presents both exciting opportunities and significant risks. Not least because biofuels are intimately connected to (and impacting on) food, water, climate and economic systems. The implications of different production chains and the international trade
Learning characteristic decision trees
Decision trees constructed by ID3-like algorithms suffer from an inability of detecting instances of categories not present in the set of training examples, i.e., they are discriminative representations. Instead, such instances are assigned to one of the classes actually present in the training set, resulting in undesired misclassifications. Two methods of reducing this problem by learning charact
Implementation of a system for validation of algoritms used in digital radio communication schemes
Practical Experiences of Adaptive Techniques
The key adaptive techniques are automatic tuning, gain scheduling and continuous adaptation. This paper describes how these techniques are used for industrial process control When implementing the ideas in products, it is particularly important to make the systems so that they can be used by ordinary plant personnel. Some ways to achieve this are discussed.
Europas retorik om identitet alltmer ihålig
Anm. av Radan, P.: The break-up of Yugoslavia and international law
Kognition, virtualitet och interaktion
Varieties of learning trajectories
Measurements of Oscillator Strengths in Fe, Zr, Mo and Ce
Popular Abstract in Swedish En enkel beskriving av atomen kan utgå från Bohrs atommodell (som emellertid ej är användbar för en exaktare beskrivning): runt kärnan, som består av positivt laddade protoner och neutrala neutroner, kretsar elektroner. Vilket grundämne det är bestäms av antalet protoner i kärnan. Antalet elektroner för en atom är detsamma som antalet protoner i kärnan. Tillförs atomen Atomic data are needed in many different areas of science and technology. Examples of users are the astronomical community and the lighting industry. In this work, the purpose of the projects has been to produce reliable atomic data needed to solve specific astrophysical problems. Oscillator strengths, which are needed when analysing stellar absorption spectra as well as spectra of emission line o
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This thesis presents a new technique to prove the convergence of finite difference methods applied to nonlinear Systems arising in computational fluid dynamics. The underlying Systems are either hyperbolic such as the Euler equations or mixed hyperbolic-parabolic like the Navier-Stokes equations. We analyze implicit finite-difference methods. As the argument is based on the concept of consistency
Normaliseringstal för Solvärmeanläggningar i Sverige. Inverkan av Prestanda, Ekonomi och Livslängd
Simulating Actions with the Associative Self-Organizing Map
The Last Dog in Rwanda: Swedish Educational Films and Teaching Guides on the History of Genocide
Sweden has a long tradition of using film material in school education. As a way to heighten the film industry’s status, commercial film companies began to lend out films to schools already in 1921. This practice continued until Swedish television (SVT) started to televise programs directly to schools in 1961. The Last Dog in Rwanda (Den sista hunden i Rwanda, 2006, Jens Assur) is a short film pro
Liberalising Local Empowerment in Egypt: Foreign Funding and the Freedom to ‘Democratise’
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Abstract in Undetermined Contribuir para a validade da Classificação Internacional de Doenças-11ª edição no diagnóstico diferencial entre experiências espirituais/anômalas e transtornos mentais revisando artigos de pesquisa sobre o tema em psiquiatria e psicologia envolvendo populações latino-americanas e/ou produzidos por pesquisadores latino-americanos. Método: Pesquisa em bases de dados (PubMed