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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av muntlig rapportering inom sluten somatisk vård: en intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Muntlig rapportering är en central del i en sjuksköterskas arbete. Kvalitén på den muntliga rapporten är av vikt för att kunna upprätthålla en god omvårdnad och förebygga vårdskador. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av muntlig rapportering till kollegor och annan omvårdnadspersonal. Metod: En intervjustudie genomfördes med tio sjuksköterskor yrkesverksa

Vem får uppbära försörjningsstöd? En diskursanalys av statens offentliga utredningar angående försörjningsstöd

This thesis aims to analyze the discursive construction of the subject receiving income support and what consequences such construction implies. The material being analyzed is two of the official governmental investigations, from 1999 and 2015, regarding income support. The first investigation was chosen to portray the discourse post the 1990’s financial crisis, and how that reflected on the attit

All You Need is Likes : En fenomenografisk studie om medarbetares förutsättningar för employee advocacy i två organisationer

The world of social media is here to stay, and while it offers plenty of opportunities for employers and organizations it is also said to be the biggest challenge for professional com-municators. Through employee advocacy, individuals can communicate the message of their organization to their whole network with merely the click of a button. But what makes the individual want to be an ambassador fo

Hur kan en arbetsgrupp gynna individens arbetsmotivation?

Studiens syfte är att identifiera faktorer som kan påverka individens arbetsmotivation, samt att utifrån dessa utforma en modell. Därefter applicera modellen på en arbetsgrupp för att pröva vad modellen kan tillföra deras praktik, för att slutligen diskutera hur resultatet av undersökningen påverkar modellen. Studien har ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt vilket innebär att vi undersökt delarna i

Arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar

Arbetstagare i Sverige sjukskriver sig allt mer och det blir vanligare att orsaken beror på psykisk ohälsa. I uppsatsen behandlas arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar, men för att besvara hur långtgående ansvaret är måste även arbetsmiljöanpassning och omplaceringsskyldighet diskuteras. Dessa frågor behandlas ofta i samband med uppsägning av arbetstagaren då arbetsdomstolen ofta väljer att lägga fEmployees who are home from work because of illness are an increasing number in Sweden, and particularly mental illness is getting more and more common. This essay is about the employer's responsibility for the rehabilitation of sick employees. As a part of the rehabilitation, the employer has to adapt the working environment to the employee and investigate whether or not reassignment is possi

Internationella kollektivavtal - att förebygga exploatering av arbetskraft hos textilindustrins leverantörer i utvecklingsländer

Bangladesh utgör en av världens största textilproducenter och precis som för många av världens utvecklingsländer utgör textilindustrin en viktig inkomstkälla. Branschen är en av de mest utsatta sektorerna i världen, vilket har resulterat i att det kännetecknas av undermåliga arbetsförhållanden. Detaljhandelsföretaget H&M Hennes & Mauritz GBC AB (H&M) har placerat hela sin produktion

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The following study investigates the female main character in the novel The Bad Girl (2006), written by the Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa. In addition, it examines how she relates to the Marianismo, the Latin-American ideology that proposes that the woman's spiritual and moral capacity is superior to the man's, and favours the woman's sexual passivity and purity. The essay is base

Lost in transition? - How the end of the Cold War affected Sweden’s state identity & interests

During the beginning of the 1990’s the world witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Union and subsequently the end of the Cold War. This gigantic change within the international system had large ramifications on how states interacted with each other. Within this context, Sweden had a unique position due to its identity of non-alignment combined with an interest for participation in international pea

Basophil Signaling in the Endocrine Pancreas - Implications of beta cell dysfunction/destruction in Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus is a generic term for metabolic diseases were insulin levels are insufficient and in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus insulin also fails to stimulate glucose uptake. Recent findings indicate that cells from the innate immune system could be involved in development of both type 1 and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Basophilic granulocytes are part of the innate immune system and contribute to h

U-Pb baddeleyite dating of intrusions in the south-easternmost Kaapvaal Craton (South Africa) : revealing multiple events of dyke emplacement

This study presents U-Pb baddeleyite ages for five dolerite dykes and one sill in the Mesoarchean granitic basement of south-easternmost Kaapvaal Craton in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The oldest dyke is ENE-trending, and is dated to 2729 ± 5 Ma. One ENE- and two SE-trending dyke are dated to 2580 ± 3 Ma, 2574 ± 5 Ma and ˃2517 ± 5 Ma (minimum age for the latter given by the 207Pb/206Pb da

Hantering av information genom Content Curation och Sociala Interaktioner

Tillgången på information har aldrig varit så utbredd som den är idag eftersom mediebruset finns överallt och är världsomfattande. Det har därmed blivit svårt för människor att hitta rätt information vid rätt tillfälle inom exempelvis ehandeln. E-barometerns helårsrapport (2014) menar att e-handelns framtida utmaningar är att underlätta konsumenters informationssökande och organisera den stora in

Instrumental Securitization : An Investigation of Contemporary Indo-Pakistani Hydro‐Political Dynamics

The Indo-Pakistani rivalry has lasted for more than seven decades, experienced four major wars, countless armed skirmishes and extensive cross-border communal violence, resulting in more than one million casualties, and enormous amounts of resources diverted towards security. The disputed Kashmir region is often cited as the main reason for the persistence of the conflict. However, due to environm

The Legal and Moral Dilemma regarding Human Security of North-African boat-migrants entering the EU territory through Italy

Migration has always occurred throughout human history although in different shapes and for different motives. The reasons to why people choose to migrate are due to bad or inexistent: economic, environmental, health, food, personal, community and political securities. All together, these securities go under the concept of human security. This concept is beset with a broad perspective, focusing on

Mitigating the Economic Costs of Currency Crises in Developing Countries: The Role of Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Inflows

The economic costs associated with currency crises following successful speculative attacks may motivate intervention by the public sector. This thesis uses macro data to examine the effects of two forms of public intervention with regard to debt inflows on the economic costs of a crisis. On the one hand, official creditors may provide debt financing to the country’s public sector. On the other,

Capture Knowledge with Object-Process Modeling - a systems engineering approach

To increase the efficiency of the product development process at Volvo Car Group, knowledge accumulation is central in the early strategy and concept phase. Within the department for Research and Development, the unit responsible for powertrain engineering desires a process to document system interfaces, in order to reuse what they do already know in new applications. This thesis presents a proce

Switching to the “Golden Age of Natural Gas” with a focus on shale gas exploitation : a possible bridge to mitigate climate change?

Currently, policy makers put high attention in supplying global energy demand by focusing on 2°C policy; global temperature anomaly based on the global mean temperature of pre-industrial era (13.7°C). How to keep the 2°C policy at global scope is the main question in climate framework. It is widely believed that primary energy resources (mainly coal, oil and natural gas) with focus on shale gas re

Sun position and PV panels : a model to determine the best orientation

The correct positioning of photovoltaic panels is essential to ensure the maximum production of electrical energy. Two parameters are involved in this: the tilt angle and the angle of orientation. In the literature, though, the orientation angle receives little attention. In this work, I present an application I developed using the Python programming language in a GIS environment that can help fin