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Your search for "*" yielded 529947 hits

Diversity of thermostable DNA enzymes from Icelandic hot springs

The diversities of bacteria as well as thermostable DNA enzymes in Icelandic hot springs were studied using different techniques. First of all the bacterial diversity of different microbial mats as well as sediment samples was described by using both molecular methods and cultivation methods. The molecular methods showed a low level of diversity and it was apparently lower as the environment becam

Symmetric Positivity Preserving Balanced Truncation

We consider positivity preserving model order reduction of SISO linear systems. Whereas well-established model reduction methods usually do not result in a positive approximation, we show that a symmetry characterization of balanced truncation can be used to preserve positivity after performing balanced truncation. As a consequence, the method is independent of the initial realization and always r

Young Citizens and New Media: Learning for Democratic Participation

A collection of original chapters focusing on young people and their political involvement, their use of the internet and other new media for learning the roles and practices of various forms ofcitizenship. The collection is analytically framed by the current dilemmas of democracy

Extensive Questions

Olsson and his collaborators have proposed an extension of Belief Revision Theory where an epistemic state is modeled as a triple S=⟨K,E,A⟩ , where A is a research agenda, i.e. a set of research questions. Contraction and expansion apply to states, and affect the agenda. We propose an alternative characterization of the problem of agenda updating, where research questions are viewed as blueprints

Autoimmune type 1 diabetes.

The pathophysiologic mechanisms in type 1 diabetes (T1DM) involve loss of islet β-cell secretory function caused by selective killing of these cells primarily by aggressive autoimmune responses involving both cellular and humoral immune pathways. Inflammatory cells heavily infiltrate pancreatic islets leading to insulitis where CD8+ T lymphocytes are thought to be responsible for selective and spec

Immaterialrätt och skydd av samhällsideal. En studie av klassikerskyddet i upphovsrätten och undantagen i varumärkesrätten, mönsterrätten och patenträtten för allmän ordning och goda seder.

The subject of this thesis is intellectual property and protection of non-commercial societal interests. The study is divided in two main parts. The first part deals with the provision of the Swedish Copyright Act laying down that literary and artistic works may not be performed or reproduced publicly after the death of their author in a manner that violates cultural interests (protection for clas

Acidaemia at Birth: Risk factors, diagnosis and prognosis, with special reference to maternal fever in labour

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under fostertiden är fostret beroende av tillförsel av syre och näringsämnen via moderkakan och navelsträngen, och koldioxid som bildas vid dess ämnesomsätt-ning avges i motsatt riktning. Under förlossningen ökar trycket i livmodern vid varje värk, så att tillförseln av syrerikt blod från modern till moderkakan till-fälligt nedsätts. Det finns också en risk att navelstrAcidaemia at birth is a result of an impaired intrauterine gas exchange. Between 1988 and 1996, acid-base balance in cord artery blood pH was assessed in 23 016 of 27 064 newborns (85%). Obstetric risk factors for acidaemia (cord artery pH < 7.05) were identified in a case-control study. Independent risk factors were breech delivery, administration of oxytocin or pethidine, cord entanglement and m

Coaching coaches [extreme programming]

We have developed a tandem of undergraduate courses for teaching XP and coaching of XP teams. This paper focuses on the coaching course and the coaching practices we have developed. The tandem of courses enables us to give a challenging and interesting course for the coaches, and, at the same time, allows us to afford on-site coaches for the younger students, providing them with a high quality env