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Ligninn i bindemedel för hållbara asfaltbeläggningar. Reologiska undersökningar

Klimatförändringar orsakade av människans aktivitet har de senaste åren varit i fokus runt om i hela världen. Bygg- och anläggningssektor som står för en femtedel av växthusgasutsläpp jobbar ständigt för att hitta hållbara och ekonomiskt lönsamma metoder för att uppnå uppsatta klimatmål. Inom asfaltsindustrin har biobaserade bindemedel den senaste tiden börjat testas för att undersöka potentialen Bio-based binders have recently been introduced to reduce the dependence on fossil raw materials, which bitumen is produced of. Measurements with dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) and rotational viscometer (RVB) were performed on mixtures with bitumen and two different types of bio-based binders, namely Lignin 1 and Lignin 2. Parameters like softness point, viscosity and parameters used to evaluate ru

Vilken redovisningsprincip kommer den svenska försäkringsbranschen välja?

Abstract Title: Which accounting principle will the Swedish insurance industry choose? A qualitative study of factors that affect unlisted insurance companies' choice of accounting principle. Seminar date: 2 June 2021. Course: FEKH69 Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 University Credit Points. Authors: Emil Adméus, Petronella Sandberg, William Rönnlund. Advi

Regulated Booked Values or Macroeconomics?

Titel: Regulated Booked Values or Macroeconomics? Seminariedatum: 02/06/2021 Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, Företagsekonomi, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Nikolaos Karabelas, Tim Vindehall, Simon Wallin Handledare: Karin Jonnergård Nyckelord: Värderelevans, IFRS, OMXS30, Bokförda värden, Ohlson-modellen Frågeställning: Vilka faktorer har haft en effekt på marknadsvärdetTitle: Regulated Booked Values or Macroeconomics? Seminar date: 02/06/2021 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate Level, Business Administration, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) Authors: Nikolaos Karabelas, Tim Vindehall, Simon Wallin Supervisor: Karin Jonnergård Key words: Value Relevance, IFRS, OMXS30, Booked Values, Ohlson model Research question: Which factors had an effect on the ma

Mitigation of Inter-Cell Interference for 5G using machine/deep learning

Since the beginning of wireless communication, one of the central problems has been resource management and maximization of network throughput. Solving these recurring issues is an important topic in the field of wireless communication to increase application options and the user experience. The existing methods for solving the issue of inter cell interference by maximizing the network capacity ar

Scheme Theory & Weak Mordell-Weil for Elliptic Curves Over Number Fields

I många sammanhang är man intresserad av lösningar till ekvationer eller den geometriska strukturen av lösningarna till en mängd ekvationer, speciellt då det inte går att ange dem explicit. Även enkla exempel av detta finns: ekvationen $x^2+y^2=1$ definierar en cirkel, men det går inte att beskriva alla reella tal som löser den utan att man använder transcendentala funktioner. Algebraisk geometri We provide an introduction to scheme-theoretic algebraic geometry, which studies spaces that are in essence locally solutions to systems of polynomial equations, and prove the weak Mordell-Weil theorem. The weak Mordell-Weil theorem states that for an elliptic curve $E$ over a number field $K$, the quotient $E(K)/mE(K)$ is finite for all $m\geq 2$. The proof is adapted from a proof in the language

Closely related Tephritis flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) have closely related host plants

Den där blomman är min! Det är juni. Vart man än vänder blicken är det grönt och blommorna står som vackra färgklickar i allt det gröna. Fjärilar, bin och andra insekter surrar omkring bland blommorna i jakt på föda. Det myllrar av liv och olika arter. Men vart ifrån kommer egentligen all den mångfald av växter och insekter som vi ser? För att förstå biodiversiteten runtomkring oss och hur olikaA significant proportion of the diversity of species seen today are insects and their host plants, and the evolutionary mechanisms behind their radiation have long captured the interest of biologists. The peacock flies of the large genus Tephritis (Tephritidae) use different host plants in the family Asteraceae for their reproduction. There is variation both in use of host plant species and in the

Policy Approaches to Dis/ability Inclusive Development

Dis/ability rights have for a long time been excluded from the discourse and practice of international development. This has taken a turn with the creation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. International organisations have extended their policies on dis/ability, and some development agents now explicitly mainstream dis/ability. Sweden, however, does not h

Hemliga tvångsmedel: Utökad tillämpning av hemliga tvångsmedel - vägen ut ur tystnadskulturen?

Hemliga tvångsmedel innefattar bland annat hemlig avlyssning och hemlig övervakning av elektronisk kommunikation, hemlig kameraövervakning, hemlig rumsavlyssning samt hemlig dataavläsning. Tvångsmedlen regleras främst i rättegångsbalken och används av brottsbekämpande myndigheter för att underlätta deras utredningsarbete. Hösten 2019 presenterade regeringen ett 34-punktsprogram med åtgärder för Covert coercive measures include, among other, covert surveillance and eavesdropping of electronic communications, CCTV, room tapping, and data interception. Coercive measures are regulated in the Code of Judicial Procedure and used by law enforcement agencies to facilitate their investigative work. In the autumn of 2019, the Swedish government presented a 34-point program with measures to curb

En ny konstnär? - En studie om upphovsrättsliga utmaningar vid användandet av AI

Artificiell intelligens får ett allt större utrymme i den allmänna debatten och dess användningsområde växer hela tiden. Ett användningsområde som blivit allt är Kreativ AI. Kreativ AI syftar till att återskapa den mänskliga kreativiteten genom att skapa konstnärliga och litterära alster. Denna uppsats syftar till att belysa och besvara några av de centrala upphovsrättsliga utmaningarna och frågesArtificial intelligence is gaining more and more room in the public debate, and its field of application is constantly growing. One area of use that has become bigger is computational creativity. Computational creativity aims to recreate human creativity by creating artistic and literary works. This essay aims to highlight and answer some of the vital copyright challenges and issues posed by Compu

Smart mobilitet

Titel: Smart mobilitet - Från äganderätten till "användarrätt" Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i Service Management inriktning Hotell och Turism , VT 2021 Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Handledare: Michael Johansson Syfte och frågeställningar: I kontext med den ökande urbaniseringen och massivt bilanvändande i metro urbana städer runt om i

Competence Development and HR in an SME Context

There are over 1.1 million small- or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Sweden. But even if they have a significant impact on both the country’s economy as well as creating a majority of all Swedish jobs, the current research within competence development has in large, overlooked SMEs. The purpose of this study is therefore to fill that gap by investigating current practices and facilitation of co

A Nonlinear Reservoir Model to Simulate Blue-Green Stormwater Systems – An Application to Augustenborg Catchment in Malmö, Sweden

The increasingly rapid urbanization has led to vast impervious surface areas in the urban environment. This situation of impervious surfaces has increased the surface temperature and interrupted the natural water circle, which has negatively impacted the urban environment. Human activities' continuous greenhouse gas emission has contributed to global climate change, which has caused some atmos

"Vad händer när det blir tyst - har mamma dött då?" - En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstarbetares upplevelser kring arbetet med barn som bevittnat våld i nära relationer

Barn som bevittnat våld i nära relationer är en utsatt grupp vars behov ofta förbises(Socialstyrelsen 2019). Såväl svensk som internationell forskning på området visar att denna form av utsatthet får allvarliga konsekvenser på både lång och kort sikt. Samtidigt indikerar andra studier på kunskapsluckor och brister i arbetet med barn som bevittnat våld vilket resulterar i att dessa barn inte får de

Influence of Grassroots Movements on Sustainability Transformations in Monteverde, Costa Rica

This thesis analyses the relationship between sustainability transformations and grassroots movements in Monteverde, Costa Rica. The focus is toward understanding the influence of community-based initiatives on transformations that have sustainability as a goal, due to their potential for shaping society and addressing challenges such as climate change. The study also examines the emergence and de

An investigation of high moisture meat analogues as mince - The influence of process parameters and ingredients on the final texture

The goal of this master thesis project was to investigate and develop a minced meat analogue through high moisture extrusion and shredding of soy protein and vegetable fat. Soy protein in the form of soy protein concentrate (SPC) and soy protein isolate (SPI), vegetable fat in the form of high oleic canola oil and a blend containing partially and fully hydrogenated canola oil was utilized in the s

The distribution of shorebirds and their benthic food underscore the importance of heterogeneity in habitat conservation

Distribution patterns of resources and their role in determining species distribution are not only fundamental to the understanding of ecological patterns, but also of practical significance in conservation management. Shorebirds are experiencing precipitous declines globally, especially along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF), where the major threats include the loss and degradation of ti

The Integrity of the Human Mind - State-Sponsored Online Manipulation and the Freedom to Hold Opinions in Article 10 ECHR

Den teknologiska utvecklingen i samhället medför nya utmaningar i förhållande till mänskliga rättigheter. Individers beroende av internet och sociala medier utnyttjas i allt större utsträckning av aktörer som i hemlighet avser påverka den fria åsiktsbildningen. Statligt finansierad manipulation via digitala medier utgör ett särskilt oroande fenomen på grund av dess implikationer på åsiktsfrihet ocThe current digitalisation in society has brought new challenges to international human rights law. Actors aiming to covertly influence opinions are increasingly taking advantage of individuals’ dependence on the internet and social media. State-sponsored online manipulation constitutes a phenomenon of particular concern in light of its potential implications for the free forming of opinions and,

Reporting Europe: A Narrative Analysis of Euractiv and Politico Europe on EU Affairs

The EU is home to uncountable media outlets whose narratives are vastly impacted by their national identity. Yet, in recent years, Europe witnessed a growth in transnational media. While the European public sphere is vastly researched, little attention has been paid to these newly established newsrooms. This master’s thesis seeks to investigate the framing by the pan-European press. Aside from det

Diagnosis of Synoptic Weather Patterns Causing Heavy Rainfall Occurrence Using Self-Organizing Maps

The annual number of events with precipitation over 50 mm/h have increased from 1970s and this trend is likely to be continued due to climate change in Kyushu, Japan. Therefore, it is important to recognize what kind of meteorological fields have contributed to the occurrence of heavy rainfall events and to reveal whether it is possible to diagnose heavy rainfall risk. Firstly, this study combines