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Vive la fransk kultur! : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av bilden av Frankrike som kulturproducent i Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet under 2020

Målet med denna uppsats var att undersöka vilken bild av Frankrike som kulturproducent som förmedlades av svensk rikstäckande dagspress, i det här fallet Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet, under år 2020. Genom att genomföra en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av samtliga recensioner av fransk kulturproduktion publicerade i de båda tidningarnas kulturdel under det valda året ville jag få fram utrymmetThe goal of this thesis was to conduct a study in what image of France as a cultural producer that was mediated by the Swedish national press, in this case Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, during 2020. By implementing a qualitative content analysis on all of the reviews on French cultural production published in the chosen newspapers’ cultural section throughout the year, I wanted to examine

Patterns and factors affecting brownification in a boreal river

During the last decades a brownification of the lakes and streams in the northern hemisphere has been observed. The change has been attributed to an increase of organic content in the water, leached from the top soil layers, called humic substances. Several theories have been proposed to explain the drivers behind the brownification process, among them the decrease of sulfur deposition from reduce

Design and test of a robotic cell for stud bolt welding in heat exchangers for SWEP International AB

This project targeted automating production steps where stud bolts are welded on a heat exchanger within allowed perpendicularity and position requirements. Until now, this has been a manual process where an operator uses steel templates to position the bolts in the right place and manual welding guns to weld the bolts. The scope of this project is to create a digital model of a robot cell to calc


In the hectic and stressful climate of our more or less urbanized lives, it can be easy to neglect our surroundings and forget about our origins. The experiences and knowledge that is obtained from nature is a thing of absence in more and more people’s lives. Främja is a project about helping children to reconnect with nature and be present outdoors, through their personal gear. For children espe

Touching From a Distance: Towards a Resonance Theory of Metaphor Understanding

The present thesis suggests a new type of theory from which to analyse metaphorical language. This new theory is motivated by shortcomings from the available theories (most notably Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Embodied Metaphor Theory) in analysing metaphors in poetry. The thesis uses a sample of metaphorical poems to highlight three key issues that the available theories have in accounting for

Patterns of Post-Breeding Dispersal of Sandwich Terns (Thalasseus sandvicensis) in Danish Waters

Like many other terns, European Sandwich Terns (Thalasseus sandvicensis) exhibit a period of post-breeding dispersal before migrating to their wintering grounds in Africa. In order to understand the significance of Danish waters for these movements, I analysed the post-breeding phenology of Sandwich Terns at nine roosting sites and determined their overall distribution throughout Denmark by using

Implementation of a component to manage authorization for a web application

Examensarbetet utfördes i samarbete med Klarna i Giessen med syftet att utveckla en komponent i en del av en webbapplikation som hanterar autentisering. Komponenten skulle interagera med auktoriseringstjänsten försedd från Okta tillsammans med korrekt auktoriseringsflöde som en lösning för tillåten användning av webbapplikationen. Arbetet inleddes med en undersökning av webbapplikationen, bakomligThis thesis was written in collaboration with Klarna in Giessen with the purpose of developing a component to deal with authentication in a web application. The component is intended to interact with the authorization service from Okta with the correct type of authorization flow to allow or disallow access to the web application’s resources. At first, knowledge was gathered regarding the web appli

I cannot tap you on the shoulder for a quick question - May I schedule a meeting?

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to create a better understanding of how collective creativity processes are influenced by the shift in space when employees are forced to work from home (WFH). Research Question: How has the enforced WFH affected collective creativity processes? Methodology: The study was conducted by in-depth semi-structured interviews with employees from a large Swedish mult

Conforming building models derived in Esri's environment to the Swedish national specification for 3D data

Three-dimensional (3D) city models are increasingly utilized among stakeholders of different sectors, particularly those dealing with building information. 3D city models are a three-dimensional digital representation of urban structures, most prominently buildings. They offer diverse applications and have gained wide acceptance as a support tool in planning practices. The push to achieve greater

Poetry, Nature and Trauma during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Intersectional Examination of the Traumatised Subject and their Relationship to Nature

This thesis explores the ways in which ‘‘Ides of March, 2020’’ (2020) by Didi Jackson, ‘‘Sing a Darkness’’ (2020) by Carl Phillips, and ‘‘Desert Lily’’ (2020) by Rigoberto González engage with concepts of nature and trauma. All three poems reveal poignant elaborations on human position and relationship to nature, and how nature might help the speakers dealing with the traumatic present of the pand

Sjukfrånvarons Betydelse för Mortaliteten vid Svenska Särskilda Boenden

Att leverera en god äldreomsorg är en av statens viktigaste uppgifter. Det är en viktig del av svensk välfärd, där invånarna har en förväntan om att kvaliteten på vården ska vara god och där staten vill att detta ska ske kostnadseffektivt. Den kanske viktigaste delen i dessa strävande är personalen vid de särskilda boendena som har daglig kontakt med brukarna. I detta arbete undersöks närmare vad

Interactions between wild waterfowl and domestic ducks and the risk of avian influenza

Avian influenza constitutes a remarkable threat to global health. Interaction between wild and domestic ducks in the natural wetlands has been considered one of the potential risk factors for the rapid spread of the avian influenza virus. Tanguar haor is one of the vital wetlands in Bangladesh, a wintering place of millions of migratory birds. At the same time, native farmers raise their domestic

Exploring the positioning of tobacco-free snus as a new category in the disruption of the market

Purpose: To explore the positioning of tobacco-free snus as a new category in the disruption of the market. Theory: Positioning, Disruption, Blue Ocean Strategy, New Category Creation Methodology: This paper uses a qualitative and exploratory research method. Primary data on the positioning of tobacco-free snus as a disruptive new category in the market was gathered through two semi-structured int

Private Equity-backed IPOs – a recipe for success?

The purpose of this paper is to study and compare the underpricing and long-term performance of Initial Public Offerings of companies backed by Private Equity-firms to Initial Public Offerings of companies not backed by Private Equity-firms on the Nordic stock exchanges between 2007-2018. The sample consists of 92 companies that have went public on any of the Nordic stock exchanges between 2007-