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TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce : protocol for a European safety study of dupilumab and other systemic therapies in patients with atopic eczema
Background: A long-term prospective observational safety study is essential to characterize fully the safety profile of systemic immunomodulating therapies for patients with atopic eczema. The TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce offers a large platform to conduct such research using national registries that collect the same data using a predefined core dataset. Objectives: To pre
Fungal functional ecology : bringing a trait-based approach to plant-associated fungi
Fungi play many essential roles in ecosystems. They facilitate plant access to nutrients and water, serve as decay agents that cycle carbon and nutrients through the soil, water and atmosphere, and are major regulators of macro-organismal populations. Although technological advances are improving the detection and identification of fungi, there still exist key gaps in our ecological knowledge of t
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Developing the History of Knowledge
The Structure and Classification of Botulinum Toxins
Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are a family of bacterial protein toxins produced by various Clostridium species. They are traditionally classified into seven major serotypes (BoNT/A-G). Recent progress in sequencing microbial genomes has led to an ever-growing number of subtypes, chimeric toxins, BoNT-like toxins, and remotely related BoNT homologs, constituting an expanding BoNT superfamily. Recen
Barn, barnkonventionen och professionella aktörer. Några avslutande reflektioner.
On the meaning of innovation performance : Is the synthetic indicator of the Innovation Union Scoreboard flawed?
The European Union (EU) annually publishes an Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) as a tool to measure the innovation performance of EU Member States by means of a composite index, called the Summary Innovation Index (SII). The SII is constituted by an average of 25 indicators. The SII is claimed to rank Member States according to their innovation performance. This means that the higher the average
Innovation studies-The emerging structure of a new scientific field
The scholarly literature on innovation was for a long time not very voluminous. But as shown in the paper, this is now rapidly changing. New journals, professional associations and organizational units within universities focusing on innovation have also been formed. This paper explores the cognitive and organizational characteristics of this emerging field of social science and considers its pros
Type 1 (Insulin-Dependent) Diabetes Mellitus : Etiology, Pathogenesis, Prediction, and Prevention
Autoimmune Aspects of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Appropriate coronary revascularization can be accomplished if myocardial perfusion is quantified by positron emission tomography prior to treatment decision
Background: Many patients undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) without the use of non-invasive stress testing prior to treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the potential added value of guiding revascularization by quantitative assessment of myocardial perfusion prior to intervention. Methods and Results: Thirty-three patients (10 females) with suspected or established CAD
In situ observations of tin deposition into nanoporous anodic aluminium oxide
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattningAluminium används för en stor mängd produkter, allt från hus och i fordon till såvardagliga produkter som aluminiumburkar. Det breda användningsområdet beror på aluminiumets höga hållfasthet, lätta vikt och dess goda korrosionsmotståndighet. Korrosionsmotståndet beror på att när aluminium exponeras för luft bildas ett aluminiumoxidskikt på ytan, vilket skyddar aluAbstractIn this thesis, the electrochemical deposition process of Sn into ordered nanoporous anodic aluminium oxide (NP-AAO) have been studied. The deposition process was studied in situ using the X-ray techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Grazing incidence Transmission Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (GTSAXS), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) and ex situ usin
Smärtanalys – en förutsättning för en framgångsrik smärtbehandling.
Peripheral Nervous System Disease in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus : Results From an International Inception Cohort Study
Objective: To determine the frequency, clinical characteristics, associations, and outcomes of different types of peripheral nervous system (PNS) disease in a multiethnic/multiracial, prospective inception cohort of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. Methods: Patients were evaluated annually for 19 neuropsychiatric (NP) events including 7 types of PNS disease. SLE disease activity, organ
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Mass changes in migrating birds : the evidence for fat and protein storage re-examined
The energetic cost of feather synthesis is proportional to basal metabolic rate
Nybilda ord bättre än att definiera med icke-ord
Att dikta för livet, döden och evigheten : Tillfällesdiktning under tidigmodern tid
Boken Att dikta för livet, döden och evigheten har fokus på perioden 1500 till 1800 och på svensk tillfällesdiktning insatt i sitt nordeuropeiska sammanhang. Fältet är representativt och omfattande. Vi har lyckats intressera forskare inte bara från Sverige utan även från Danmark, Island, Finland, Estland, Ryssland och Tyskland att medverka med artiklar, vilket varit av avgörande vikt med tanke på