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Pioneering, chromatin remodeling, and epigenetic constraint in early T-cell gene regulation by SPI1 (PU.1)

SPI1 (also known as PU.1) is a dominant but transient regulator in early T-cell precursors and a potent transcriptional controller of developmentally important pro-T-cell genes. Before T-lineage commitment, open chromatin is frequently occupied by PU.1, and many PU.1 sites lose accessibility when PU.1 is later down-regulated. Pioneering activity of PU.1 was tested in this developmentally dynamic c

Serum biomarker signature-based liquid biopsy for diagnosis of early-stage pancreatic cancer

Purpose Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has a poor prognosis, with a 5-year survival of, 10% because of diffuse symptoms leading to late-stage diagnosis. That survival could increase significantly if localized tumors could be detected early. Therefore, we used multiparametric analysis of blood samples to obtain a novel biomarker signature of early-stage PDAC. The signature was derived from

Drug-related problems in the elderly

Drug-related problems in the elderly is intended to serve as a source of information and clinical support in geriatric pharmacotherapy for students as well as all health care professionals, e.g. physicians, nurses and pharmacists. Pharmacotherapy is of great importance to all mankind. Drugs are however powerful and must be handled appropriately. This is especially important for elderly patients. D

Blown by the wind. Replacing nuclear power in German electricity generation

Only three days after the beginning of the nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima, Japan, on 11 March 2011, the German government ordered 8 of the country's 17 existing nuclear power plants (NPPs) to stop operating within a few days. In summer 2011 the government put forward a law - passed in parliament by a large majority - that calls for a complete nuclear phase-out by the end of 2022. These governmen

Flow pulsation plays an important role for high-pressure homogenization in laboratory-scale

Most experimental and numerical investigations of high-pressure homogenizers assume that the valve is fed with a constant flowrate. However, technical homogenizers use piston pumps with either 3 or 5 pistons (production- and pilot-scale machines) or a single piston (laboratory-scale machines). This results in flow pulsation. It is still unknown to what extent this influences valve hydrodynamics. M

A pooled cross-section analysis of the health care expenditures of the OECD countries.

This paper has two purposes. The first, empirical purpose is to estimate and evaluate the effects of aggregate income, institutional and socio-demographic factors on health care expenditures in the OECD countries. The second purpose is methodological, and comprises assessment of temporal instability, the choice of functional form, and misspecification of the estimated relationships. Data compiled

Industrial site energy integration - The sleeping giant of energy efficiency? Identifying site specific potentials for vertical integrated production at the example of German steel production

Heat integration and industrial symbiosis have been identified as key strategies to foster energy eficient and low carbon manufacturing industries (see e.g. contribution of Working Group III in IPCC's 5th assessment report). As energy efficiency potentials through horizontal and vertical integration are highly specific by site and technology they are often not explicitly reflected in national ener

New estimates of the demand for health : Results based on a categorical health measure and Swedish micro data

In this paper we estimate a 'Grossman' model of demand for health based on Swedish micro data. The data set consists of a random sample of over 5000 individuals taken from the Swedish adult population. Health capital is measured by a categorical measure of overall health status, and an ordered probit model is used to econometrically estimate the demand for health equation. The results are consiste

Estimating the costs of hip fracture and potential savings

This paper examines the determinants of hip fracture costs and further evaluates potential savings in costs when the occurrence of hip fracture is prevented. The costs of hip fracture are comprised of direct costs from health care and the social welfare system. Data were collected for 1,080 postmenopausal women admitted from private residence for primary hip fracture surgery during the year of 199

Evolution of resident bird breeding phenology in a landscape with heterogeneous resource phenology and carryover effects

It is generally expected that, in environments with pronounced seasonal resource peaks, birds’ reproductive success will be maximised when nestlings’ peak food demand coincides with the timing of high food availability. However in certain birds that stay resident over winter, earlier breeding leads juveniles to join the winter flock earlier, which by the prior residence effect increases their succ

Enrichment of rare copy number variation in children with developmental language disorder

Developmental language disorder (DLD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder with largely unknown etiology. Rare copy number variants (CNVs) have been implicated in the genetic architecture of other neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), which have led to clinical genetic testing recommendations for these disorders; however, the evidence is still lacking for DLD. We analyzed rare and de novo CNVs i

The impact of preanalytical variables on measuring cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis : A review

Introduction: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers have the potential to improve the diagnostic accuracy of Alzheimer's disease, yet there is a lack of harmonized preanalytical CSF handling protocols. Methods: This systematic review summarizes the current literature on the influence of preanalytical variables on CSF biomarker concentration. We evaluated the evidence for three core CSF biomarkers:

Estimation of area at risk in myocardial infarction

This study presents a new method for estimation and imaging of the area at risk (AaR) in myocardial infarction (MI). The values of the ST-segment deviations of 12-lead ECG signal were used as input parameters. Based on DECARTO model, the spherical surface was chosen as a reference surface to approximate the ventricular wall. On this surface, the spatial ST vector was projected. The center of AaR w

Active listing and more consultations in primary care are associated with shorter mean hospitalisation and interacting with psychiatric disorders when adjusting for multimorbidity, age and sex

Objective: Patient-provider relationships with primary care and need for hospitalisations are related within the complex networks comprising healthcare. Our objective was to analyse mean days hospitalised, using registration status (active or passive listing) with a provider and number of consultations as proxies of patient-provider relationships with primary care, adjusting for morbidity burden,

Platform climate protection and industry north-rhine westphalia - A multi stakeholder process for the advancement of energy efficiency and lowcarbon technologies in energy intensive industries

Energy intensive industries are one of the fields in which strong increases of energy efficiency and deep decarbonisation strategies are particularly challenging. Although European energy intensive industries have already achieved significant energy and greenhouse gas reductions in the past, much remains to be done to make a significant contribution to achieving European as well as national climat

Future development of the upstream greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas industry, focussing on Russian gas fields and export pipelines

Natural gas makes an increasing contribution to the European Union's energy supply. Due to its efficiency and low level of combustion emissions this reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to the use of other fossil fuels. However, being itself a potent greenhouse gas, a high level of direct losses of natural gas in its process chain could neutralise these advantages. Which effect will finally p

Russian long distance gas transmission pipelines : Methane losses, mitigation options, and policy issues

The Russian natural gas industry is the world's largest producer and transporter of natural gas. This paper aims to characterize the methane emissions from Russian natural gas transmission operations, to explain projects to reduce these emissions, and to characterize the role of emissions reduction within the context of current GHG policy. It draws on the most recent independent measurements at al

Spontaneous remission of "aleukemic" skin chloroma

We report a unique case of "aleukemic" skin chloroma located at the place of previous head injury. Chloroma presented as a local livid papulous skin infiltration (5x3cm), whilst physical examination and patient's complete blood counts were normal. Chloroma spontaneously disappeared. One month later, a diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia was made. We discussed different pathogenetic mechanisms of t