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Läranderesultat som utgångspunkt för högskolans kurs- och utbildningsplaner
Investigating hardware micro-instruction folding in a Java embedded processor
Bytecode folding is an effective technique for speeding up execution in Java virtual machines. This paper investigates a hardware implementation of the aforementioned technique on BlueJEP, a Java embedded processor. Since BlueJEP is a micro-programmed stack machine, we adopt a micro-instruction oriented approach, folding up to four microinstructions (corresponding to up to four bytecodes, on occas
From tool technique to tool practice experiences From the project seamless: strategic environmental assessment and management in local authorities in Sweden
Effects of Life-Course Conditions on Old-Age Mortality in Southern Sweden, 1829-1894
Physical Factors
Bemanningsanställd och rättslös - eller?
Women’s Agency in Transforming Religious Discourse: Gender-Sensitive Interpretations of Islam in Indonesia
The purpose of this article is to present and analyse gender sensitive interpretations of Islam in Indonesia and a reform of fiqh from a gender perspective. These interpretations can be seen as an expression of Islamic feminism, a discursive framework that has grown from the Islamisation processes of Muslim societies in the 1980s. Another aim is to depict the specific Indonesian environment where
Classification of Wolf-Rayet stars in NGC 595 in M 33 through high-spatial resolution observations
NGC 595 is, after NGC 604, the second most luminous HII region in theMilky Ways neighbouring spiral galaxy M 33. Its Wolf-Rayet starcontent has mainly been unveiled by two different channels. On the onehand, the stellar population of NGC 595 has been resolved and its WRstars identified through on-line/off-line HeIIlambda4686 observationsrealised with the HST. Nevertheless, due to the limited numbe
Att minnas siffran 357. Svenska Universitet: Amnesias Akademin
Svensk prosodi - rytm och melodi
‘Product Appearance, Emotions and Identity: Personal Relations with Significant Products Described by Young Adults with Disabilities’
Today we use products to shape our identity, by communicating to others who we are and what we want to be. Using products for communication of identity seems especially important for young adults. Persons with disabilities live with double identities. Sometimes it is important to be a person with a disability (e.g., someone in contact with health care and other welfare systems in society), while a
Ferulago sartorii
Stability of Haptic Obstacle Avoidance and Force Interaction
Stability problems associated with haptics and robot control with obstacle avoidance are analyzed. Obstacle avoidance algorithms are revised to accomplish stable redesign using absolute stability and passivity theory. A modification of potential functions for haptic rendering and obstacle avoidance allowing stable operation for high stiffness is proposed. The modification leads to velocity-depende
Focal accentuation and boundary perception
Skylta inte, stoltsera inte. Om affärsmäns varningar för bilstölder i Polen
Evaluation of BARRIER® EasyWarm on Healthy Volunteers in Three Different Climates and Verification of the Degree of Correlation Between Tests Performed on Healthy Volunteers and in a standardized bench test
INTRODUCTION Anaesthesia induced hypothermia is a common serious but preventable condition associated with increased bleeding and blood transfusion, increased risk for surgical site infections and increased risk for morbid cardiac events. Active warming is effective in preventing hypothermia but there is a need for more easy to use cost-effective products making active warming available to more pa