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Abstract in Danish Ph.d. Dissertation, published as a book

On TPC decoding during soft handover in WCDMA

It has been shown in field trials as well as in system simulations that the overall system performance heavily depends on good TPC decoding in the mobile terminals during soft handover in VVCDMA. In this paper we show criteria on the TPC decoding performance in soft handover in the mobile terminal in order to have a stable up-link power control loop in WCDMA. We also show that the traditional "OR"

Evolution in multicellular mitotic lineages

Many animals, and all plants and fungi, produce vegetative offspring, i.e. descendant individuals that originate from mitotic, rather than meiotic, cell lineages. Many animals, and all plants and fungi, produce vegetative offspring, i.e. descendant individuals that originate from mitotic, rather than meiotic, cell lineages. The overall purpose of this work is to increase our understanding of the e

The ethnographic encounter - Fieldwork among the Ainu, the Lubicon Cree and Wall Street Brokers

When reading this book you are embarking on an ethnographic journey, granting you access into the field of ethnography, its methods, knowledge claims and aims. The journey takes you to the indigenous people of Japan, a warrior Nation in Canada and Wall Street financial actors. The book reaches beyond fragmentary knowledge of the studied people and opens up for illustrating not only ethnography in

Glass structures – learning from experts

Despite the increasing research activity on structural use of glass in the past years, there is still a lack of comprehensive design codes and standards linked to real-life applications on a structural level. However, more and more ambitious buildings and structures are built every year. Thus the knowledge is out there. The aim of the presented project is to collect data on the existing design phi

Anna Vasas brev till familjen Gyllenstierna 1591-1612. Listy Anny Wazówny do rodziny Gyllenstiernów z lat 1591-1612.

Anna Vasa (1568-1625), dotter till Johan III och Katarina Jagellonica, levde en stor del av sitt liv vid brodern Sigismunds hov i Polen. Sjuklig och utan egen familj som hon var, tydde hon sig till familjen Gyllenstierna och fann glädje i att på alla sätt engagera sig som dess välgörare. Vid 1990-talets slut hittades 24 dittills okända brev, skrivna på svenska, från prinsessan Anna till Sigrid och

Pairwise Kidney Exchange with Blood-Group Incompatibility

Kidney transplants across the blood-group barrier are medically feasible even if blood-group compatibility is preferred from a medical point of view. However, these types of transplants are motivated by the fact that they help in increasing the number of kidney transplants with living donors. This paper investigates priority matchings in a pairwise kidney exchange problem where blood-group incompa

I objektivitetens sken - en kritisk granskning av objektivitetsideal, objektivitetsanspråk och legitimeringsstrategier i diskurser om dömande i brottmål.

Den dömande verksamheten är en av samhällets mest ingripande former av maktutövning. För att allmänheten ska ha förtroende för denna verksamhet krävs att den framstår som objektiv och därmed legitim. Med utgångspunkt i olika typer av kritik, som förts fram inom såväl den massmediala debatten som den mer rättsinterna aktualiseras frågor om objektivitet och rättstillämpningens legitimitet. FörfattarThe adjudication process is one of society’s most intrusive forms of power. To maintain the general public’s confidence in the judiciary, it is crucial that the judicial activities are perceived as being conducted objectively and hence legitimately. Criminal trials have been subjected to scrutiny and criticism of various kinds in the media as well as in internal debates within the legal discipline