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An armchair is a necessity all of us have at home or in our work place. Sitting is often more comfortable than standing, but sitting is not the best option when it comes to our health. As we grow older, our bodies weaken and standing in a longer period gets more difficult. Here is where I started this project. A nursing home for the elderly with dementia called the Fullriggaren contacted the scho

Study of Fluorescence Dye for Tracing Lubrication Oil inside Marine Engines

Många fartyg och fraktfartyg körs på HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil), denna typ av olja är så tjock att den behöver värmas för att kunna flyta. HFO innehåller också många kemiska ämnen så som svavel, som är skadligt för naturen och de Eco-system som finns i haven, därför har många länder börjat införa restriktioner och direktiv av vilka sorters bränsle som får användas på deras vatten. Detta har medfört att Engine lubrication is very important for engine sustainability and efficiency. It becomes even more important when heavier fuel types who contributes to lubrication are changed to alternative fuel without the same lubrication abilities. Because the performance of lubrication systems sometimes can be very hard to study in real time due to hostile environments inside engines, specialized techniques

Numbers VS Narratives in the Eyes of Non-professional Investors

Purpose: In an explorative manner this thesis aims to research how the content of CEO-statement affects non-professional investors’ opinion of a company’s prospects. Methodology: This study is to be considered a qualitative study based on an inductive orientation regarding the role of theory. A cross-sectional design has been followed for the gathering of empirical data. Semi-structured interview

Implementing an agitator with a soft starter controlled by a new HMI

When an agitator is in commission for an extended period of time the impellers can become clogged. In order to clean the impeller, the agitator is runned backwards. This is one of the main functions for a product that CG Drives & Automation is developing for a customer in the agitator business. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to develop and test this product for CG Drives & Automati

From Waste to Bioethanol - A Feasibility Study on Animal Bedding

Från avfall till bioetanol - en undersökning av bioetanolproduktion från djupströ Under de senaste 50 åren har befolkningen på vår planet fördubblats, vilket har lett till att energiförbrukningen har ökat drastiskt. En av de främsta bovarna är transportsektorn, som dessutom medför stora utsläpp av växthusgaser. Ett sätt att minimera dessa utsläpp är att använda sig av miljövänliga transportmedel For the year 2020, the European Union has set common goals to aim for regarding the environment. One of them being to reduce the green house gas (GHG) emissions by 20 percent. The world population is increasing, consequently increasing the demand for energy and food. Since the use of fossil sources is neither sustainable nor environmentally friendly, new techniques of meeting the energy demand nee

Designing the Future Shopping Centre: How a Consumer-Driven Approach to Business Model Innovation Can Increase Visitation

Background: In today’s changing retail landscape, traditional business models are becoming rapidly outdated, signalling the end of traditional retail. Shopping centre owners need to remain agile and willing to re-evaluate their business models, as emerging technologies and changing consumer behaviours are reshaping the retail industry. Only those who have taken notice of these changes and challeng

Policy Diffusion in A Social Security Reform: A Study Case of the National Social Security System in Indonesia

There has been an ongoing debate in the study of diffusion in policy making processes. Acharya (2009) believes that economic crisis was one of the reasons why the phenomenon of diffusion of foreign norms succeeds in Asian countries. It is argued that those norms replacing or assimilated to local ones could increase national self-strengthening (Acharya 2009). Furthermore, he believes that there is

Car Sharing and Urban Mobility in Malmö and San Francisco: A Niche Dynamic Perspective

Car sharing as an idea challenges the prevailing mobility regime in the global north that has been built around private vehicle ownership. Well established regimes such as this, over time generate norms and collect actors that become dependent on the private car as the dominant form of mobility. These norms and actors, whose very existence is at times contingent on upholding the current socio-tech

Binaural interaktionskomponent vid hjärnstamsaudiometri och upplevd audiospatial förmåga hos personer med hörselnedsättning

Syfte: Binaural funktion innebär hörselsystemets förmåga att integrera ljud från båda öronen. Inom forskning har denna funktion undersökts med olika metoder. En objektiv metod är den binaurala interaktionskomponenten i hjärnstamsaudiometri som nästan uteslutande använts på normalhörande. En subjektiv metod är frågeformuläret Spatial Speech and Quality of Hearing Scale. Dessa två metoder har aldrig

A Critique of Critical Geographies

In the 2016 fall issue of ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, a themed section in the journal was dedicated to a revisiting of Friedrich Engels’s pamphlet The Housing Question, written in 1872. Six articles were published where the authors were asked to frame their analyses in reference to Engels’s pamphlet and the subsequent intellectual engagements with it. My teachers, Henr

Blockchains as a solution for traceability and transparency

Requirements from consumers and governments to produce more sustainable products have increased during recent years. Even if products are certified, one cannot make sure companies meet these requirements, since no chain of events can verify this exists. The transportation industry lacks certification and information on whether a product is transported in a sustainable way. The food industry, on th

Changing the game - The effects of a radical logo rebranding strategy on the consumer-brand relationship in football

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to provide an understanding of how consumer-brand relationships are affected by a radical rebranding strategy of a football club’s logo. This further leads the paper to contribute to the literature of consumer-brand relationships in the special context of football. Methodology: The interpretative nature of this research calls for a qualitative research appro

Transferring the Bologna Process Ideas into National Higher Education Practices: The Case of Belarus

This study aims to examine the Bologna process ideas’ transfer and implementation into the higher education practices of Belarus. As an illustrative example of the general trend of higher education internationalization, the Bologna process was also discussed in this study as an object of policy borrowing in higher education. The combination of the ideas and models of policy transfer and policy bo

Atmospheric Particles in Kermanshah, Iran

No measurements of airborne particles have been done in Iran previously. Starting characterization of aerosol particles in a completely new geographical area, a suitable and important measurement parameter is the aerosol particle number size distribution. This can be used to indirectly infer climate- and health effects of the particles. These measurements are often accomplished with the help of an

Allt mitt bär jag med mig – en kvalitativ studie om anorexia nervosa ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv

Författare: Veronica Johansson Titel: Allt mitt bär jag med mig – en kvalitativ studie om anorexia nervosa ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv Kandidatuppsats: SOCK04, 15hp Handledare: Kjell Nilsson Sociologiska institutionen, vårterminen 2017 Orsakerna till anorexia nervosa är fortfarande till stor del okända, men klarlagt är att anorexia nervosa är ett mångfacetterat tillstånd bestående av olika samv

Att brygga förtroende

SAMMANFATTNING Examensarbetets titel: Att Brygga Förtroende, Förtroendets påverkan på ex ante- och ex post transaktionskostnader. Seminariedatum: 2017-06-02 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH19, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete inom Strategic Management på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Joakim Olsson, Johanna Hjälm och Linda Österdahl Handledare: Niklas Lars Hallberg Nyckelord: Transaktionskostnadsteorin,