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The essays collected in the present publication deal with personality psychology viewed in a process perspective, termed perceptgenesis from the vantage point of perception and microgenesis when neuroscience is involved. The perceptgenetic approach was tried in Lund already in the middle of the 20th century. One fruitful field of application was clinical diagnostics defence mechanisms being a majo

Teknologers förståelse av centrala begrepp i en kemiteknikkurs

Under första terminen på kemiteknik-programmet läser teknologerna matematik, kemi och kemiteknik. Kemiteknik är ett helt nytt ämne för teknologerna jämfört med de övriga. Den beräkningsmässiga delen av kemitekniken läses under 2 läsperioder. Ett didaktiskt projekt[1] har utförts där teknologernas förståelse av grundläggande begrepp undersöktes med hjälp av intervjuer vid två tillfällen under kurse

Optimum beamformers for uniform circular arrays in a correlated signal environment

By virtue of their geometry, uniform circular arrays (UCAs) are ideally suited to provide 360 degrees of coverage in the azimuthal plane. However, in a correlated signal environment, the well-known technique of spatial smoothing to mitigate the signal cancellation effect as seen in an optimum beamformer will not work since this technique is applicable only to uniform linear arrays. We show how the

Smugglingsbrott som ekonomisk och organiserad brottslighet - Rättspolitik, rättsregler, rättstillämpning

The point of departure of the dissertation is crime committed when doing cross-border transactions concerning otherwise legal products. The crimes in focus are such which can be described as more organised than everyday crime – but not as organised as required by the widely used and discussed concept of organised crime. From there, a discussion, based on criminal politics, criminal law, crime and

Ideation and ability: When actions speak louder than words

We present an approach and examples of design artefacts from on-going work on how children with profound disa-bilities can participate in formative design processes. It involves the pedagogical use of digitally interactive mul-tisensory environments. Rather than mimic participatory design from more symmetrical contexts, we address po-tentials in the situation at hand as well as the key issues of v

Amperometric Biosensors for Detection of Analytes in Cellular Models

Various biological problems such as disease mechanisms, drug development and toxicological studies motivated the introduction of cellular models that today also represent an alternative for reducing the use of animals in controversial medical and pharmaceutical experiments. Cells are complex matrices where several processes occur simultaneously. Because of this, analytical methods with specific p

Window Decoding of Braided Convolutional Codes

We consider a window decoding scheme for Braided Convolutional Codes (BCCs) based on the BCJR algorithm. We describe the principle of this decoding scheme and show that BCCs with window decoding exhibit excellent performance. The tradeoff between performance and decoding latency is examined and, to reduce decoding complexity, both uniform and nonuniform message passing schedules within the decodin

Propagation aspects of vehicle-to-vehicle communications - an overview

Vehicle-to-vehicle (VTV) wireless communications have many envisioned applications in traffic safety, congestion avoidance, etc., but the development of suitable communications systems and standards requires accurate models for the VTV propagation channel. This paper provides an overview of existing VTV channel measurement campaigns, describing the most important environments, and the delay spread