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Your search for "*" yielded 533085 hits

The search for sexually antagonistic genes : Practical insights from studies of local adaptation and statistical genomics

Sexually antagonistic (SA) genetic variation—in which alleles favored in one sex are disfavored in the other—is predicted to be common and has been documented in several animal and plant populations, yet we currently know little about its pervasiveness among species or its population genetic basis. Recent applications of genomics in studies of SA genetic variation have highlighted considerable met

Resident and staff perceptions of an activity- and recovery-based intervention in supported housing for people with severe mental illness – a longitudinal pilot study

Background: People with severe mental illness who reside in supported housing (SH) and need a high level of assistance are at risk of an everyday life with little meaning and low community participation. Interventions to counteract that seem warranted, which was the rationale for this study. The aim was to investigate how residents and staff perceived an intervention designed to enhance meaningful

PRC2-mediated repression is essential to maintain identity and function of differentiated dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons

How neurons can maintain cellular identity over an entire life span remains largely unknown. Here, we show that maintenance of identity in differentiated dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons is critically reliant on the Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2). Deletion of the obligate PRC2 component, Eed, in these neurons resulted in global loss of H3K27me3, followed by a gradual activation of genes

Using Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations to Predict Redshifts of Active Galactic Nuclei

Redshift measurement of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) remains a time-consuming and challenging task, as it requires follow up spectroscopic observations and detailed analysis. Hence, there exists an urgent requirement for alternative redshift estimation techniques. The use of machine learning (ML) for this purpose has been growing over the last few years, primarily due to the availability of large

Designing high efficient solar powered lighting systems

Some major challenges in the development of L2L products is the lack of efficient converter electronics, modelling tools for dimensioning and furthermore, characterization facilities to support the successful development of the products. We report the development of 2 Three-Port-Converters respectively for 1-10Wp and 10-50 Wp with a peak efficiency of 97% at 1.8 W of PV power for the 10 Wp version

Simultaneous measurements of velocity and concentration of gas flow using femtosecond laser-induced chemiluminescence

The mixing process in a gas flow plays a crucial role in chemical reactions, and simultaneous measurements of both velocity and mixture fraction are desired to fathom the process. Here, we report a scheme for simultaneously measuring both velocity and concentration by femtosecond laser-induced chemiluminescence. The femtosecond laser would induce chemical reactions that generate CN radicals in the

The Art of Resistance in Islam : The Performance of Politics among Shi'i Women in the Middle East and Beyond

Based on first-hand ethnographic insights into Shi‘i religious groups in the Middle East and Europe, this book examines women’s resistance to state as well as communal and gender power structures. It offers a new transnational approach to understanding gender agency within contemporary Islamic movements expressed through language, ritual practices, dramatic performances, posters, and banners. By l

Gendered mortality of children and adolescents in nineteenth-century Denmark : Exploring patterns of sex ratios and mortality rates

The relationship between gender and mortality in nineteenth-century Europe has been highly debated. In particular, historians disagree about the manner and degree to which gender discrimination affected the mortality risk of the female population. This article contributes by examining the evidence of gendered mortality differences among children and adolescents in nineteenth-century Denmark. It ma

Spinal Post-operative Complications

Complications to spinal surgery are not uncommon. The type of complications may, in part, vary depending on the surgical procedure. Some complications may occur during the intraoperative procedure, while others are considered to be delayed and occur during the post-surgical recovery phase. The present chapter will focus on the more common acute and delayed post-operative complications related to s

Preferences for Colours on Buildings

The Swedish psychologist, Lars Sivik, was probably the first to carry out a scientific study of the perception of building exteriors in different colours. He applied more than 60 colours to two types of buildings - ‘high-rise house’ and ‘low-rise house’ - by means of a photographic simulation technique. Science is much better equipped to tackle the complicated questions of colour preference in the

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Abstract på danskaDenne artikel undersøger relationen mellem kold krig og velfærd ved at afdække hvordan Civilforsvaret i stigende grad blev bygget ind i velfærdsstatens arkitektur fra midten af 1950’erne. Artiklens hoveddel er tre case-studier: et socialt boligbyggeri, en skole og et hospital, der alle havde vitale funktioner i det beredskab, der var etableret af Civilforsvaret for at imødegå denThis article explores the relationship between welfare and warfare during theCold War by focusing on the increasing incorporation of civil defence into welfare state architecture from the mid-1950s. Three case studies: a social housing area, a school and a hospital, demonstrate how ordinary welfare architecture had vital functions for civil defence in preparations for the nuclear war. The article

Evaluation of Simple Algorithms for Proportional Control of Prosthetic Hands Using Intramuscular Electromyography

Although seemingly effortless, the control of the human hand is backed by an elaborate neuro-muscular mechanism. The end result is typically a smooth action with the precise positioning of the joints of the hand and an exerted force that can be modulated to enable precise interaction with the surroundings. Unfortunately, even the most sophisticated technology cannot replace such a comprehensive ro