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Your search for "*" yielded 531112 hits

Entrepreneurship Students, Persistence and Decision Styles

Purpose – Our research aims to discover what happens to entrepreneurship students after their graduation and whether there is a link between their decision styles and their persistence in pursuing an entrepreneurial career Methodology – An exploratory, mixed-method approach was employed, combining a quantitative, self-completion questionnaire with qualitative, in-depth interviews in order to colle

A simple model for wave generation under varying wind condition

The Hanson Larson evolution model assumes that wave height grows or decays from an initial condition towards an equilibrium wave height through a simple exponential growth. The model uses wind input data, fetch length and depth measurements. Using this input parameters, it both determines the wave height and period values, thus predicts wave climate. The model is developed using deep water conditi

European Muslim Women in Dubai: Religious Conversion, Migration and Belonging in a Global City

This thesis explores the complex and diverse ways in which European Muslim converts create and negotiate a sense of belonging as migrants in Dubai. Drawing on ethnographic work conducted in the fall of 2015, it provides an intimate account of the lives of European Muslim women in Dubai. By addressing the intersection between migration and religious conversion, this thesis seeks to add to existing

Dam site selection using an integrated method of AHP and GIS for decision making support in Bortala, Northwest China

Constructing dam is a possible solution for remitting the scarcity of irrigation water resource in Bortala, Northwest China. Considering the complexity of dam site selection, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was chosen in combination of Geographic Information System (GIS) as the method of Multi-Criteria Decision Making on selecting dam site. Precipitation, slope, geological layer, soil type, land

Financing social enterprises: A study of private investors’ criteria to fund social ventures in Sweden

Existing literature on investor motivations when financing social ventures is limited, despite a growing rise in the establishment of social enterprises and a growing interest in social entrepreneurship in Europe. The research presented in this paper, alongside the analysis that complements it, aim to provide new insights into the field of social venture financing, or what many business angels now

User centered analysis of customer behaviours in the fast moving consumer goods sector

Människors köpmönster ändras i takt med att digitala lösningar blir en allt mer integrerad del i deras vardag. Det blir allt lättare att hitta produktinformation och inköp kan utföras var som helst. Denna förändring är lätt att se inom de flesta delar av detaljhandeln, men inom livsmedelsbranschen är förändringen inte lika tydlig. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att genomföra en analys av köpmAs digital solutions become a more integrated part of peoples’ everyday life, their purchasing patterns are changing. Today it is easier to research products and purchases can be performed anytime, anywhere. The change is apparent in most retail sectors but not as much in the fast moving consumer goods sector. By using a user-centred approach this master thesis aim to analyse the user behaviour wi

Konsekvenser av sjuksköterskans yrkesrelaterade stress. En litteraturstudie.

Yrkesrelaterad stress uppkommer när ansträngning av psykologiska eller fysiska egenskaper går utöver individens förmåga. I föreliggande studie beskrivs konsekvenser av yrkesrelaterad stress hos sjuksköterskor som arbetar på avdelning. Yrkesrelaterad stress hos sjuksköterskor är ett vanligt förekommande fenomen på sjukhusavdelningar. Syftet med studien var att identifiera konsekvenser av sjuksköter

Innan kulturen slocknar - En kvalitativ textanalys av Roger Scrutons uppfattning om den västerländska kulturen i en postmodern värld, sett utifrån ett historiebruksperspektiv

Den engelska professorn och filosofen Roger Scruton har under ett långt akademiskt liv kritiserat samtiden på många olika sätt. Han är kritisk till det postmoderna samhället och filosofer som Focault, Derrida och Habermas. Han menar att den västerländska kulturen idag står under hot. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att redogöra för och kritisk diskutera Scrutons analys och kritik av det västerlThe English professor and philosopher Roger Scruton has in a long academic life criticized contemporaries in many different ways. He is critical of the post-modern society and philosophers as Focault, Derrida and Habermas. He believes that Western culture today is under threat. The purpose of this bachelor's degree project is to describe and discuss critical Scrutons analysis and criticism of

Managing Change in the Public Relations Industry: The Impact and Potential of Big Data.

Big Data is a disruptive technology that is reshaping the way we do business. By gaining more personalised insights into public interests; businesses are able to remodel their practices to become more efficient and offer a more personalised service generating additional value for the customer. It was found that there was a lack of literature looking into the potential of Big Data for PR agencies,

Income Inequality and Rising Household Debt - Evidence from Sweden

The purpose of this thesis is to examines the relationship between income inequality and level of indebtedness among the Swedish population. Using a relative consumption theory framework, the effect of income inequality on debt ratio and propensity to acquire debt above one’s ability is analyzed. Further, the sample is divided into two subgroupings to check if the effect is more profound in urban

Exploration and exploitation activities in start-ups: The role of network participation

Key words: Innovation, start-ups, exploration, exploitation, formal networks Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the effects of formal network participation on exploration and exploitation activities in start-ups. Methodology: Following a cross-sectional design, an explorative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews. 18 interviews were performed with representatives fr

Identifying an Appropriate Risk Model for Quantifying Foreign Exchange Portfolio Exposure

In this master thesis we investigate the predictive performance of several well-known Value at Risk (VaR) estimation methods, given a specific company setting. The thesis is conducted at a Swedish financial institution that wants to be able to measure foreign exchange (FX) risk induced by cross-currency transactions carried out by the company. The goal of the thesis is to provide empirical evidenc

Shedding Light Upon Logistics Manager Everyday Work Practices - A Practice Theory Perspective

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to contribute to logistics research arena in management practices using qualitative methods. Because previous research paradigm has been dominated by quantitative methods, where managerial work practices have been neglected or understated. Hence, by using the qualitative method the study can enrich the importance of manager work practice in logistics and br

Sömnlöshet bland socialsekreterare - en kvantitativ studie om sömnlöshetens frekvens inom och påverkan på socialtjänsten

Author: André Kimby Title: Insomnia in the social services Supervisor: Dolf Tops Assessor: Anett Schenk Insomnia is a major problem in today’s western society that has a variety of negative consequences for the people suffering from it. At the same time the social services in Sweden suffer from considerable organizational difficulties that have negative impacts for the users of the social service

The influence of labour market institutions on busi-ness survival in European countries: what affects the survival of new businesses?

Abstract: New ventures’ survival chances are becoming increasingly lower threatening economic growth and the innovation capability of each country. Research on business survival has focussed on many internal and structural drivers, however, there is a large gap regarding external influences, especially the influence of labour market institutions. This thesis fills the gap by extract-ing and analys

Utvärdering av termisk VVC

Studiens målsättning har varit att ur ett energibesparingsperspektiv samt ekonomiskt perspektiv utvärdera termostatiska cirkulationsventiler (termiska ventiler) som används i varmvattencirkulation (VVC). De frågeställningar som belystes i studien var hur värmeförluster från VVC med termiska respektive fasta ventiler varierar, om det är ekonomiskt lönsamt att installera termiska ventiler jämfört meThe study's objective was, from an energy-saving and economical perspective, evaluate thermostatic circulation valves (thermal valves) used in hot water circulation (HWC). The issues that have been highlighted in the study were how the heat losses from HWC with thermal valves varies from HWC with fixed valves, whether it is economically viable to install thermal valves compared to fixed valves

The Estonian Swedish diphthongs /ai au oi ui/: Acoustic characteristics and cross-dialectal variation

This study investigates the acoustic characteristics and cross-dialectal variation of the diphthongs /ai au oi ui/ in the Nuckö, Ormsö, and Rickul varieties of Estonian Swedish, which have previously only been described impressionistically (Lagman, 1979; Danell, 1905-34). Eight acoustic measures, reflecting the F1 and F2 frequency values at the first (InF1 and InF2) and second (FinF1 and FinF2) vo