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Thorstein Veblen - den arbetsfria klassen och iögonfallande konsumtion
Financial journeys : Reasoning about debt and money among young adults in Sweden
Unga vuxna nämns ofta som bland de mest ekonomiskt utsatta grupperna och Sverige karakteriseras ofta som ett av de länder i EU som har de mest skuldsatta hushållen. Även om hushållens skuldsättning främst är kopplad till bostadslån, har även andra former av kreditanvändning blivit allt vanligare. Mot bakgrund av en ökande tillgången till lättillgängliga konsumentkrediter, en tuff bostadsmarknad meYoung adults are often mentioned as among the most financially vulnerable groups, and Sweden is often characterized as being one of the countries in the EU with the most indebted households. While this houshold indebtedness mainly is linked to home loans, also other forms of credit usage have become increasingly common. Given the increasing access to readily availabe consumer credits, a difficult
Luddvicker - en första floraväktarrapport
Ny EU-lagstiftning
Congestion Management in Distribution Systems with Large Presence of Renewable Energy Sources
Congestion is a major limiting factor preventing expansion of renewable energy production in distribution networks. However, with large shares of connected power electronic-interfaced generators in combination with new types of controllable loads, such as electric vehicles (EVs), there is a potential to greatly increase network operation flexibility. Utilising these available flexible resources ef
Dags att skärma av? Om översättning av particip, bisatser och utbyggda nominalfraser i fransk populärvetenskaplig text
Den här uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i en översättning av tre franska populärvetenskapliga artiklar om skärmar och skärmberoende. Uppsatsen inleds med en källtextanalys och de överväganden som gjordes inför översättandet. Därefter följer en översättningsanalys som behandlar översättningen av tre grammatiska fenomen som gör en fransk text informationstät: particip, bisatser och utbyggda nominalfr
Seasonal distribution of sperm whales in the High Arctic revealed by multi-year passive acoustic monitoring
The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) is a cosmopolitan species with a broad distribution that ranges from the tropics to the poles. Males are known to migrate between nutrient-rich high latitude waters and low latitude breeding grounds. In the North Atlantic, large males are found up to the southern limits of the ice edge. However, their seasonal distribution patterns remain poorly known in th
Röster inifrån en bortglömd konflikt
Which aspects of visual motivation aid the implicit learning of signs at first exposure?
We investigated whether sign-naïve learners can infer and learn the meaning of signs after minimal exposure to continuous, naturalistic input in the form of a weather forecast in Swedish Sign Language. Participants were L1-English adults. Two experimental groups watched the forecast once (N=40) or twice (N=42); a control group did not (N=42). Participants were then asked to assign meaning to 22 ta
Mammographic density and interval cancers in mammographic screening : Moving towards more personalized screening
Purpose: The European Society on Breast Imaging has recommended supplemental magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) every two to four years for women with mammographically dense breasts. This may not be feasible in many screening programs. Also, the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer suggests not implementing screening with MRI. By analyzing interval cancers and time from screening to diagn
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Gennem tre nedslag fokuserer denne artikel på de dele af de retlige felter, der ikke normalt undersøges, når juridiske eliter er i søgelyset. Første nedslag diskuterer, hvordan de store advokatfirmaer har forrykket retlige hierarkier og via deres rådgivning af virksomheder og store organisationer får en anden betydning for rettens udvikling end tidligere. Andet nedslag behandler, hvordan globalise
Combining direct ground cooling with ground-source heat pumps and district heating : Energy and economic analysis
Direct ground cooling (DGC) is a method used in cold climates to provide cooling to buildings without the use of any mechanical refrigeration. When DGC is utilized for providing cooling, ground-source heat pumps (GSHPs) and district heating (DH) are the two commonly used technologies for providing heating to the buildings. This article investigates the coupling of DGC with GSHPs and DH in terms of
Coupled biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy at Lanna, Sweden : A key section for the Floian–lower Darriwilian interval (Lower–Middle Ordovician)
The Lanna area in the province of Närke, south-central Sweden, hosts a succession of cool-water carbonate strata that are largely devoid of tectonic and diagenetic alteration, and span the Floian through lower Darriwilian Global stages (Ottenbyan–Kundan Regional stages). In this study we assess the integrated biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic framework for the Ordovician sequence at Lanna, u
Technology-driven FDI by Emerging Multinationals in Europe
On force, territory, and independence: how (not) to narrow down a rule
Visst kan man vara kristen och muslim samtidigt, eller?
AI-Prepared Autonomous Freshwater Monitoring and Sea Ground Detection by an Autonomous Surface Vehicle
Climate change poses special and new challenges to inland waters, requiring intensive monitoring. An application based on an autonomous operation swimming vehicle (ASV) is being developed that will provide simulations, spatially and depth-resolved water parameter monitoring, bathymetry detection, and respiration measurement. A clustered load system is integrated with a high-resolution sonar system