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Talking Axes, Social Daggers
Tingen med vilka vi omger oss har symboliska såväl som praktiska innebörder - även bristen på krusiduller på saker är ju i sig en markering. utmaningen för arkeologen är att kunna utläsa hur människor använder sin materiella kultur i sociala manipulationer såväl som för att utföra praktiska göromål. Ett viktigt sätt att kunna utöva makt över tingen är vid tillverkning, där det finns möjlighet att
Medeltidens spegel
Frost resistance of high-performance concrete after six years of water storage
Först när vi får ansikten: Ett flerkulturellt samtal om feminism, etik och teologi.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Jag genomför i min avhandling en etisk analys av texter av tre samtida feministiska teologer: Chung Hyun Kyung, Sydkorea, Katie G. Cannon, USA och Mary C. Grey, Storbritannien. Genom valet av dessa tre teologer, verksamma i olika kulturella kontexter, iscensätter jag vad som kan kallas ett flerkulturellt samtal, där jag själv ingår som en part. I samtalet framträder bl In this thesis in ethics I study and analyze feminist theological texts from 1988–1997 by Katie G. Cannon, Chung Hyun Kyung and Mary C. Grey. A culturally diverse conversation is constructed, in which womanist issues, Asian women’s concerns, and feminist critique of the Western European philosophical and theological traditions are brought into dialogue with a Swedish context. The theories used are
Effects of a topical enamel matrix derivative on skin wound healing
Enamel matrix derivative, obtained from developing porcine teeth, is composed mainly of amelogenin proteins and used topically in periodontal surgery for advanced periodontitis to regenerate lost connective tissues. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effects of enamel matrix derivative on skin wound healing. Secondly, in vitro effects of enamel matrix derivative on dermal f
Empirical Studies on the Demand for Monetary Services in the UK
Many economic models contain the single variable 'money'. Money does not exist in the form of a single physical unit and it is common to construct monetary aggregates using the method of simple summations. Monetary aggregation theory lends little or no support to the method of simply summing various monetary asset components up to arbitrary levels of aggregation. In monetary aggregation theory, mo
Lichen litter decomposition in Nothofagus forest of northern Patagonia: biomass and chemical changes over time
In northern Patagonia, macrolichens form species-rich and abundant epiphytic communities in southern beech forests. Five of the most abundant lichen species in the litter were selected in order to study mass loss rate and changes in mineral composition over time. The litter bag method was applied to the foliose lichens Pseudocyphellaria faveolata, Pseudocyphellaria flavicans, Nephroma antarcticum,
Effect of melatonin on age associated changes in guinea pig bladder function
Purpose: The incidence of urinary incontinence increases with age but the cause and effect relationship between aging and altered bladder function is poorly understood. It was suggested that melatonin can ameliorate negative effects induced by aging by its free radical scavenging activity and its ability to decrease oxidative stress. We investigated the changes in bladder function evoked by aging
Lysning av misstag, sa Lysander - om judisk "ras" som äktenskapshinder
A popular, shortened version of my book Judisk "ras" som äktenskapshinder i Sverige. Effekten av Nürnberglagarna i Svenska kyrkans statliga funktion som lysningsförrättare 1935-1945 (2006)
Short range forces in surfactant systems. Specific ion-effects and ion competition
Electrostatic effects often dominate the behavior of charged surfactant systems. While descriptions on the level of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation are successful in describing many important features of such systems, they cannot predict those specific ion effects arising when changing counterions of the same valency and they often fail in predicting effects due to changing from a monovalent to a d
Secondary emissions from alkali attack on adhesives and PVC floorings
The report describes three investigations of emissions from alkali attack on adhesives and floorings. The investigations show that low alkali levelling compounds, based on calcium aluminate cement, can act as a protection against secondary emissions of 1-butanol and 2-ethylhexanol, provided that the humidity does not exceed a critical level, which with some safety margin is recommended to be 90% R
Who wants to be normal?
Pedagogik för rehabilitering
Multiple Affiliations: Autobiographical Narratives of Displacement by (Im)migrant U.S, Women
Multiple Affiliations explores the autobiographical negotiations of memory and multilocality articulated by five (im)migrant women writers writing from, and being read (primarily) within the US. Texts as diverse as Korean-American Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictée (1982), Polish (Jewish)-American Eva Hoffman's Lost in Translation: Life in a New Language (1989), Chinese-American Maxine Hong Kingston's
Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy of an excitonically coupled dimer
The two-dimensional three-pulse photon echo signals from a dimer system are investigated in detail. A perturbative approach is used to calculate the response of the system via a numerical propagation of the density matrix in exciton state representation. Exciton vibrational coupling is modeled by Redfield relaxation theory. The main goal of this paper is to dissect the two-dimensional spectrum of
Review of: Kira Muratova by Jane A,Taubman . (KINOfiles Filmmakers' Companions) London and New York: Tauris 2005
Review of monograph by Jane A. Taubman on the films of contemporary Russian/Ukrainian filmmaker Kira Muratova
Lärkfalken – långdistansflyttare med okänd flyttväg
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The aim of this thesis is to investigate the functions of the word "tot" 'whole; each; all' in old and modern Romanian, by studying the syntax, morphology and semantics of this word as part of or in combination with a noun phrase (NP). An attempt is made to find out the status of "tot" in a classification of numerals, articles and adjectives. The present work consists of four separate studies (i.
Fulminating clostridial septicemia in children treated for lymphoproliferative disorders
Overwhelming Clostridium septicum infection in 2 children, 1 and 4 yr old, with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and B-cell non-Hodgkin malignant lymphoma, respectively, as well as fatal C. perfringens infection in a 3-yr-old child with histiocytosis-X are reported. A neutropenic patient with fever, abdominal symptoms and hypotension--but otherwise being well--must be suspected of having clostridial d