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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Role of Temperature, Pressure, and Surface Oxygen Migration in the Initial Atomic Layer Deposition of HfO2on Anatase TiO2(101)

The atomic layer deposition of HfO2on a TiO2(101) surface from tetrakis(dimethylamido)hafnium and water is investigated using a combination of in situ vacuum X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and time-resolved ambient pressure XPS. Precursor pressures and surface temperature are tuned as to map the space state of the deposition. In the initial stages of ALD, a reaction mechanism based on diss

What’s the story? A cross-societal ecolinguistic analysis of digital newspaper articles reporting on the US military presence in Okinawa, Japan

Social and environmental issues associated with US military presence in Okinawa have adversely affected island residents for years and requires urgent attention. However, with actors with different beliefs and values involved, the search for sustainable solutions is elusive. An ecolinguistic analysis is conducted on digital newspaper articles published in four ‘societies’ – the US, US military, Ja

Obesity contributes to the stealth peritoneal dissemination of ovarian cancer : a multi-institutional retrospective cohort study

Objective: The clinical significance of a higher BMI on the prognosis of ovarian cancer remains controversial; therefore, a more detailed analysis is demanded. This study investigated the impact of BMI on peritoneum-specific recurrence to clarify the involvement of adipose tissue in the proliferation of cancer cells at sites of peritoneal dissemination. Methods: Among 4,730 patients with malignant

Characterization of ulvan polysaccharide degrading enzymes from Wenyingzhuangia fucanilytica

The aim of this thesis was to fully characterize the enzyme WFp-105, including bioinformatic analysis, structural modeling, full activity and stability characterization and product determination. As well as for the enzyme WFp-37; optimize protein production in regard to expression strains and cultivation temperature, analyzing the genomic context as well as performing an initial activity detection

Act as if our house is on fire - A study on rights-based climate litigation and its prospects for intergenerational climate justice

Enligt nyligen publicerade vetenskapliga rapporter blir planeten varmare i en takt aldrig tidigare skådad. Om inte utsläppen av växthusgaser minskas kraftigt så kommer temperaturmålet på 1,5 °C som fastställdes i Parisavtalet att överskridas. Även om alla påverkas av klimatförändringar på ett eller annat sätt så är barn särskilt sårbara för effekterna. Unga generationer idag kommer också att få taAccording to recently published scientific reports, the planet is getting warmer at an unprecedented rate. The temperature goal of 1,5°C set in the Paris Agreement will be exceeded unless deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are made. While everyone feels the effects of climate change, children are particularly vulnerable to them and will also be left with the impacts for a longer time. Con

International Organizations and the Global Education Governance - A case of the OECD’s PISA through critical discourse analysis

In the last thirty years, the field of education and educational policymaking has become increasingly internationalized. Consequently, more actors, especially actors beyond the national level have become interested and involved in educational policymaking. International Organizations (IOs) in particular have become prominent in the educational sphere and their role in affecting and defining educat

“We are dealing here with a hydroelectric dam, we are not building a nuclear plant” : A case study of securitization processes in water cooperation contexts

In 2011, Ethiopia began the construction of the “Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam” (GERD) in the Blue Nile and in 2020 the first filling took place which escalated tensions in the shared waters and provoked concerns from Egypt and Sudan. The aim of the thesis is to broaden the understanding of water sharing issues by conducting a case study of the GERD developments between 2011 and the beginning of

Möten på myren

Mellan Sattajärvi och Tärendö i Tornedalen breder myren Kaljuvuoma ut sig i skogslandskapet. Det är en plats som brukats i hundratals år, på vilken det fortfarande utförs renskötsel och myrslåtter - två traditionellt viktiga delar av den tornedalska kulturen. Det är också en plats med potential att stärkas med hjälp av arkitektur. Mitt projekt är en utforskning av arkitektur som taktik och stratBetween Sattajärvi and Tärendö in Tornedalen, Sweden the mire Kaljuvuoma extends out in the forest landscape. It has been an important site for a long time, where both haymaking and raindeer handling have been two traditional uses. It is also a place that has potential to be strengthened with architecture. My project is an exploration of architecture as a tactic and strategy in rural development

The effect of same-sex teacher assignment on student outcomes: Evidence from Australia and New Zealand

This essay investigates the effects of a same-sex teacher assignment on female and male 8th grade students in Australia and New Zealand using data from the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). I employ the first difference (FD) method introduced by Dee (2007) to analyze the impacts on students' math and science academic achievements, as well as their attitudes toward these subjects