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Differences in transport rate of oxytocin and vasopressin analogues across proximal and distal isolated segments of the small intestine of the rat.

The transmural intestinal passage of some oxytocin and vasopressin analogues (oxytocin, OT; [Mpa1, D-Arg8]vasopressin, dDAVP; [Mpa1, Tyr (OMe)2, carba6]oxytocin, carbetocin; [Mpa1, D-Tyr (OEt)2, Thr4, Orn8]vasotocin, antocin II; [Mpa1, D-Tyr (OEt)2, Thr4, desPro7Orn8Gly9NH2]tocinoic acid-NH(CH2)3NH2, desPOG-antocin II-NH(CH2)3NH2) was studied using isolated proximal and distal segments in the rat.

Development of an immunoassay for glypressin, an N-terminal extended vasopressin analogue.

The development and evaluation of a radioimmunoassay for Nα-triglycyl-lysine8-vasopressin is described. The site of hapten conjugation of the immunogen has been controlled and the use of various radiolabelled tracers has been evaluated with special reference to the site of iodination. The most extensively studied antiserum showed specificity for the N-terminal triglycyl-extension as well as for se

Embodied Visual Active Learning for Semantic Segmentation

We study the task of embodied visual active learning, where an agent is set to explore a 3d environment with the goal to acquire visual scene understanding by actively selecting views for which to request annotation. While accurate on some benchmarks, today's deep visual recognition pipelines tend to not generalize well in certain real-world scenarios, or for unusual viewpoints. Robotic perception

Differentiable Dynamics for Articulated 3d Human Motion Reconstruction

We introduce DiffPhy, a differentiable physics-based model for articulated 3d human motion reconstruction from video. Applications of physics-based reasoning in human motion analysis have so far been limited, both by the complexity of constructing adequate physical models of articulated human motion, and by the formidable challenges of performing stable and efficient inference with physics in the

Structure of SpoT reveals evolutionary tuning of catalysis via conformational constraint

Stringent factors orchestrate bacterial cell reprogramming through increasing the level of the alarmones (p)ppGpp. In Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria, SpoT hydrolyzes (p)ppGpp to counteract the synthetase activity of RelA. However, structural information about how SpoT controls the levels of (p)ppGpp is missing. Here we present the crystal structure of the hydrolase-only SpoT from Acinetobacter baum

Frequent carbon input primes decomposition of decadal soil organic matter

Soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition in response to global change represents a critical uncertainty in coupled carbon (C) cycle-climate models. Much of this uncertainty arises from our limited mechanistic knowledge of the effects of organic C input frequency on SOM decomposition. Based on a three-source-partitioning isotopic approach (14C glucose addition to soil continuously labeled by C4 plan

Nordlaguna – A unique lake basin at the foot of the Beerenberg volcano, Jan Mayen, containing partially enigmatic sediments

Sediments from the only permanent lake on the island of Jan Mayen (71°N, 08°30′W), Lake Nordlaguna (NL), were investigated. The lake, with an area of ∼1 km2, is situated at the foot of the world's northernmost active subaerial volcano and is separated from the sea by a 150–240 m wide beach barrier, which reaches 4–5 m above sea level. Most of the lake is deeper than 25 m, with the deepest part bei

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacologic properties of antiuterotonic oxytocin analogs in the rat

The pharmacologic and pharmacokinetic properties were evaluated in a series of antiuterotonic oxytocin analogs, modified at positions 1, 2, 4, 8 and, in one case, position 9 of the oxytocin (OT) molecule. [Mpa1,D-Tyr2(Et),Val4,Orn8,desGly9]-OT, [Mpa1,Tyr2(Et),Val4,Orn8]-OT and [Mpa1,D-Tyr2,Val4,Orn8]-OT displayed similar plasma clearance rates (Clps) using the constant infusion method in rats. Two

A prospective prostate cancer screening programme for men with pathogenic variants in mismatch repair genes (IMPACT): : initial results from an international prospective study

BACKGROUND: Lynch syndrome is a rare familial cancer syndrome caused by pathogenic variants in the mismatch repair genes MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, or PMS2, that cause predisposition to various cancers, predominantly colorectal and endometrial cancer. Data are emerging that pathogenic variants in mismatch repair genes increase the risk of early-onset aggressive prostate cancer. The IMPACT study is prospect

Systemic and intraocular uptake of spantide, a tachykinin antagonist, following topical application to the rabbit eye.

Previous observations have indicated that topical application to the rabbit eye of tachykinin antagonists, including spantide, effectively prevents the miosis and the disruption of the blood-aqueous barrier consequent to ocular injury. The present study shows that spantide is taken up into the rabbit eye following topical application. This was established by determination of spantide in the aqueou

Silk scaffolding drives self-assembly of functional and mature human brain organoids

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) are intrinsically able to self-organize into cerebral organoids that mimic features of developing human brain tissue. These three-dimensional structures provide a unique opportunity to generate cytoarchitecture and cell-cell interactions reminiscent of human brain complexity in a dish. However, current in vitro brain organoid methodologies often result in intra

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Active Human Pose Estimation

Most 3d human pose estimation methods assume that input – be it images of a scene collected from one or several viewpoints, or from a video – is given. Consequently, they focus on estimates leveraging prior knowledge and measurement by fusing information spatially and/or temporally, whenever available. In this paper we address the problem of an active observer with freedom to move and explore the

Support for sustainable welfare? : A study of public attitudes related to an eco-social agenda among Swedish residents

Denna avhandling undersöker den svenska befolkningens attityder i förhållande till en ekosocial agenda utifrån ett hållbart välfärdsperspektiv. Forskare har länge angripit frågor om miljö och välfärd som två separata fält. De aktuella miljö- och klimatförändringarna visar dock att dessa två fält måste förstås i samklang med varandra om vi ska kunna ställa om till ett klimatneutralt samhälle där håThis thesis explores Swedish residents’ attitudes related to an eco-social agenda from a sustainable welfare perspective. It investigates public support for general policy goals related to an eco-social agenda as well as for specific eco-social policies. The thesis also analyses the significance of the individuals’ socioeconomic characteristics, their values, and the context they are situated in r

Vasectomy and prostate cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

Purpose Vasectomy is a commonly used form of male sterilization, and some studies have suggested that it may be associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer, including more aggressive forms of the disease. We investigated the prospective association of vasectomy with prostate cancer in a large European cohort, with a focus on high-grade and advanced-stage tumors, and death due to prostate

Evaluating the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial High Grade prostate cancer risk calculator in 10 international biopsy cohorts : Results from the prostate biopsy collaborative group

Objectives: To assess the applicability of the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial High Grade (Gleason grade ≥ 7) Risk Calculator (PCPTHG) in ten international cohorts, representing a range of populations. Methods: A total of 25,512 biopsies from 10 cohorts (6 European, 1 UK and 3 US) were included; 4 implemented 6-core biopsies, and the remaining had 10 or higher schemes; 8 were screening cohorts, a

Suitability of quality control materials for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) measurement : Inter-method variability of common tumor marker control materials

Background: Quality control materials with minimal inter-assay differences and clinically relevant proportions of different molecular forms of the analyte are needed to optimize intra- and inter-laboratory accuracy and precision. Methods: We assessed if clinically relevant total prostate- specific antigen (tPSA) levels were present in seven commercially available Multi Constituent Tumor Marker Con