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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits

Optimal Two-Dimensional Lattices for Precoding of Linear Channels

Consider the communication system model y = HFx+n, where H and F are the channel and precoder matrices, x is a vector of data symbols drawn from some lattice-type constellation, such as M-QAM, n is an additive white Gaussian noise vector and y is the received vector. It is assumed that both the transmitter and the receiver have perfect knowledge of the channel matrix H and that the transmitted sig

Prostate-specific antigen at or before age 50 as a predictor of advanced prostate cancer diagnosed up to 25 years later: A case-control study

Background: Based on a large, representative unscreened cohort from Malmo, Sweden, we have recently reported that a single prostate-specific antigen (PSA) measurement at or before age 50 is a strong predictor of prostate cancer occurring up to 25 years subsequently. We aimed to determine whether this association holds for advanced cancers, defined as clinical stage T3 or higher, or skeletal metast

Pearls and pitfalls in neural CGRP immunohistochemistry

This review outlines the pearls and pitfalls of calcitonin-gene related protein (CGRP) immunohistochemistry of the brain. Pearls: In 1985, CGRP was first described in cerebral arteries using immunohistochemistry. Since then, cerebral CGRP (and, using novel antibodies, its receptor components) has been widely scrutinized. Here, we describe the distribution of cerebral CGRP and pay special attention

Aquifer investigations in the Leon-Chinandega plains, Nicaragua, using electromagnetic and electrical methods

The Leon-Chinandega plains are located in the north-western part of Nicaragua and represent the most important groundwater reservoir of the country. The aquifer is comprised of three hydrogeological units. The top unit is an unconfined alluvial and below a more consolidated volcanic aquifer is found. These aquifers rest on an ignimbrite unit that acts as the basement of the aquifer. The plains are

A traditional agroforestry system under threat: an analysis of the gum arabic market and cultivation in the Sudan

The main aim of this study is to review the environmental and socioeconomic sustainability of the gum arabic farming system in central Sudan. A further aim is to analyse some of the main factors influencing production in recent decades in order to understand the future trade potential and consequently the smallholder livelihood. The study shows that end-user imports of gum arabic have increased du

Long-term mobile phone use and brain tumor risk

Handheld mobile phones were introduced in Sweden during the late 1980s. The purpose of this population-based, case-control study was to test the hypothesis that long-term mobile phone use increases the risk of brain tumors. The authors identified all cases aged 20-69 years who were diagnosed with glioma or meningioma during 2000-2002 in certain parts of Sweden. Randomly selected controls were stra

Extinction risk under coloured environmental noise

Positively autocorrelated red environmental noise is characterized by a strong dependence of expected sample variance on sample length. This dependence has to be taken into account when assessing extinction risk under red and white uncorrelated environmental noise. To facilitate a comparison between red and white noise, their expected variances can be scaled to be equal, but only at a chosen time

Stent Thrombosis in Sweden A Report From the Swedish Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty Registry

Background-The objective was to evaluate the role of risk factors and stent type for stent thrombosis (ST) using a large real world registry. Methods and Results-We evaluated all consecutive coronary stent implantations in Sweden from May 1, 2005, to June 30, 2007. All cases of ST, documented in the Swedish coronary angiography and angioplasty registry until September 21, 2008, were analyzed. ST w

Gene expression analysis suggests that EBF-1 and PPAR gamma 2 induce adipogenesis of NIH-3T3 cells with similar efficiency and kinetics

Differentiation of multipotent mesenchymal stem cells into lipid-accumulating adipocytes is a physiological process induced by transcription factors in combination with hormonal stimulation. We have used Affymetrix microarrays to compare the adipogenic differentiation pathways of NIH-3T3 fibroblasts induced to undergo in vitro differentiation by ectopic expression of early B cell factor (EBF)-1 or

Influence of cell-to-cell variability on spatial pattern formation

Many spatial patterns in biology arise through differentiation of selected cells within a tissue, which is regulated by a genetic network. This is specified by its structure, parameterisation and the noise on its components and reactions. The latter, in particular, is not well examined because it is rather difficult to trace. The authors use suitable local mathematical measures based on the Vorono

Reaction mechanism of ammonia oxidation over RuO2(110): A combined theory/experiment approach

Combining state-of-the-art density functional theory (DFT) calculations with high resolution core level shift spectroscopy experiments we explored the reaction mechanism of the ammonia oxidation reaction over RuO2(1 1 0). The high catalytic activity of RuO2(1 1 0) is traced to the low activation energies for the successive hydrogen abstractions of ammonia by on-top O (less than 73 kJ/mol) and the

Estimation of energy demand of fermentation-based hydrogen production

The paper is concerned with estimation of heat and power consumption in a conceptual plant to produce hydrogen from sucrose-containing or starchy biomass by fermentation. A hydrogen plant connected with a sugar factory is regarded as the basic option; the sugar factory serves as a source of sucrose-containing thick juice for the hydrogen plant, where this feedstock is processed to hydrogen. As ano

Perfusion magnetic resonance imaging of the lung: characterization of pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A feasibility study

Perfusion magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is a promising new method for detection of perfusion defects in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. In the present study we evaluated the first-pass characteristics of perfusion MR imaging in patients with pneumonia or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), frequent differential diagnoses to pulmonary embolism. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR images o

Cardiovascular and respiratory responses to apneas with and without face immersion in exercising humans.

The effect of the diving response on alveolar gas exchange was investigated in 15 subjects. During steady-state exercise (80 W) on a cycle ergometer, the subjects performed 40-s apneas in air and 40-s apneas with face immersion in cold (10°C) water. Heart rate decreased and blood pressure increased during apneas, and the responses were augmented by face immersion. Oxygen uptake from the lungs decr

Diesel fuel jet lift-off stabilization in the presence of laser-induced plasma ignition

The mechanisms affecting lift-off stabilization at diesel conditions were investigated by laser-igniting a diesel fuel jet upstream of its natural lift-off position. Single-nozzle fuel sprays penetrating into all optically accessible constant-volume chamber were ignited using laser-induced plasma formation both prior to natural autoignition or after a quasi-steady lift-off length was established.

No association of the IRS1 and PAX4 genes with type I diabetes

To reassess earlier suggested type I diabetes (T1D) associations of the insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) and the paired domain 4 gene (PAX4) genes, the Type I Diabetes Genetics Consortium (T1DGC) evaluated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) covering the two genomic regions. Sixteen SNPs were evaluated for IRS1 and 10 for PAX4. Both genes are biological candidate genes for T1D. Genotyping wa

Orientation of Snow Buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis) close to the Magnetic North Pole

Orientation experiments were performed with first-year snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis) during their autumn migration in a natural near-vertical geomagnetic field approximately 400 km away from the magnetic north pole. Migratory orientation of snow buntings was recorded using two different techniques: orientation cage tests and freeflight release experiments. Experiments were performed under