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Your search for "*" yielded 534376 hits
Second-hand clothing markets and a just circular economy? Exploring the role of business forms and profit
Second-hand consumption of clothing can support the transition to circular economies by prolonging the lifespan of products through reuse. Historically, not-for-profit businesses have been dominant actors in second-hand markets across Western Europe and North America. However, with the growing interest in second-hand consumption, for-profit firms have increasingly entered this market over the last
Systemic sclerosis
Systemic sclerosis, also known as scleroderma, is a rare and complex autoimmune connective-tissue disease. Once considered an untreatable and unpredictable condition, research advancements have improved our understanding of its disease pathogenesis and clinical phenotypes and expanded our treatment armamentarium. Early and accurate diagnosis is essential, while ongoing efforts to risk stratify pat
A review of data-driven approaches to predict train delays
Accurate train delay prediction is vital for effective railway traffic planning and management as well as for providing satisfactory passenger service quality. Despite significant advances in data-driven train delay predictions, it lacks of a systematic review of studies and unified modelling development framework. The paper reviews existing studies with an explicit focus on synthesizing a structu
”Det handlar om överlevnad, kärlek och omsorg” – När ARFID tar över livet. En tematisk analys om föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med barn med ARFID
Syftet med studien var att undersöka föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett barn med undvikande/restriktiv ätstörning (ARFID). Utgångspunkten var föräldrarnas vardag samt vad som var viktigt för dem i relation till barnens ätstörning. Data samlades in genom att genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex föräldrar. Deras barn hade en pågående behandlingskontakt på en barn- och ungdomsmediciThe aim of this study was to explore the experiences of parents living with a child with an avoidant/restrictive eating disorder (ARFID). Experiences of the parents’ everyday life, and what was important to them in relation to their child's eating disorder, were explored. The study's epistemological position was critical realistic, and data was collected by conducting semi-structured inter
Architecture’s Red Tape: Swedish Governmental Building Construction in the late 1960s
Employer branding: En fenomenografisk studie om Malmö stads arbete med att attrahera och behålla personal
Arbete med employer branding har blivit allt viktigare som ett resultat av globaliseringen. Arbetsgivare behöver profilera sitt erbjudande på ett effektivt sätt, då både potentiella och befintliga medarbetare har fler möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och analysera hur Malmö stad arbetar med employer branding för att attrahera och behålla personal, där uppfat
"Existential Sustainability: Theoretical and Conceptual Development"
Caring for Blue-Green Solutions (BGS) in Everyday Life : An Investigation of Recreational Use, Neighborhood Preferences and Willingness to Pay in Augustenborg, Malmö
In this article, we explore the production of socio-cultural values around blue-green solutions (BGS) through the perspective of care. We explore how values and preferences are formed through the complexity of everyday life engagements in a BGS environment. The data come from a questionnaire answered by 328 households in the neighborhood of Augustenborg in Malmö, Sweden. The questionnaire collects
Proteins, Blue Copper: Electronic Spectra
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Evolution of eggshell structure in relation to nesting ecology in non-avian reptiles
Amniotic eggs are multifunctional structures that enabled early tetrapods to colonize the land millions of years ago, and are now the reproductive mode of over 70% of all terrestrial amniotes. Eggshell morphology is at the core of animal survival, mediating the interactions between embryos and their environment, and has evolved into a massive diversity of forms and functions in modern reptiles. Th
First record of bluish Podarcis muralis (LAURENTI, 1768)
Väsentlighetsprincipens effekter vid tillämpningen av K2 och vid beskattningen
Recension av Dieter Mitternacht & Anders Runesson (red.), Jesus, the New Testament, Christian Origins: Perspectives, Methods, Meanings (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2021)
Predictors of influenza in the adult population during seasonal and A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic influenza periods
SUMMARY We aimed to assess whether the characteristics of influenza-like illness (ILI) cases in the general population were similar during the seasonal and pandemic A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza periods. We conducted a study using a general population database, which included demographic (sex, age) and clinical (underlying medical conditions, influenza vaccination status) information on more than 80 000
Design of an Industrial Bin Picking Station
Bin Picking: Hur en robot plockar föremål ur en låda med hjälp av 3D vision. Att plocka upp föremål med händerna gör vi människor dagligen utan problem. För robotar är denna uppgift dock betydligt svårare. Bin picking är ett område inom robotik som specialiserar på plockandet av objekt som ligger löst i en låda. I dagslägen så är efterfrågan på så kallade bin picking lösningar stor inom industrinWith the ever-increasing demand for automation, new ways to optimize production lines are needed. The aim of this thesis is to complete an industrial automation task by employing a concept in robotics known as bin picking. The concept involves organizing objects by picking them out of a cluttered bin using an industrial robot. An industrial station is designed in which loose, foam cylinders are or
Preliminary work on a new method for moisture conditioning of wood for decay tests
Gender and the long-run development process. A survey of the literature
Why do certain countries display high gender equalities while others display low gender equalities? To what extent does gender equality foster economic growth and development? The past decade has witnessed a boom and increasing literature about the role played by women and gender in long-run economic development. The increasing awareness of economics and economic history have contributed to improv