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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Are democratic sanctions really counterproductive?

Previous research has shown that sanctions have a negative impact on the level of democracy in targeted authoritarian countries. This runs counter to substantive comparative literature on democratization which finds that economic stress is connected with regime collapse and democratic liberalization. To solve this puzzle, we focus on the effects of “democratic sanctions” (those that explicitly aim

Injection with a single dipole kicker into the MAX IV storage rings

Injection into the two MAX IV storage rings will not make use of a 4-kicker local injection bump. Instead, pulsed multipole injection will be used for initial filling as well as top-up injection. Since commissioning a pulsed multipole magnet for injection into a storage ring is non-trivial, it has been decided to install a single dipole kicker magnet into the storage rings to provide a simple meth

Prostate cancer incidence and survival in immigrants to Sweden

The large international variation in the incidence of prostate cancer (PC) is well known but the underlying reasons are not understood. We want to compare PC incidence and survival among immigrants to Sweden in order to explain the international differences. Cancer data were obtained from the Swedish Cancer Registry. Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) were calculated for PC in first-degree immig

The association between socioeconomic position, use of revascularization procedures and five-year survival after recovery from acute myocardial infarction

Background: Patients living under better socioeconomic circumstances often receive more active treatments after an acute myocardial infarction ( AMI) compared to less affluent patients. However, most previous studies were performed in countries with less comprehensive coverage for medical services. In this Swedish nation- wide longitudinal study we wanted to evaluate long- term survival after AMI

Early land plant spores from the Paleozoic of Sweden – taxonomy, stratigraphy and paleoenvironments

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna studie omfattar tidsperioderna ordovicium, silur och äldsta devon. Silurperioden sträcker sig från 444 till 416 miljoner år sedan och karakteriseras av globala miljö- och klimatförändringar. Vid denna tid hade djur och växter börjat kolonisera land, land som tidigare varit ödsligt och kargt. Min studie visar att det i Skåne då redan fanns en flora bestående av priThe Silurian through earliest Devonian, between ca 444 and 412 million years ago, was characterized by significant changes in global climate and environment. At that time, plants and animals had begun to expand the colonization of previous relatively desolate terrestrial landscape. Macrofossils of land plants are very rare from this period because these early land plants lacked large and robust ti

Sizing up your enemy: individual predation vulnerability predicts migratory probability

Partial migration, in which a fraction of a population migrate and the rest remain resident, occurs in an extensive range of species and can have powerful ecological consequences. The question of what drives differences in individual migratory tendency is a contentious one. It has been shown that the timing of partial migration is based upon a trade-off between seasonal fluctuations in predation r

Cluster-Driven Dynamical Arrest in Concentrated Lysozyme Solutions

We present a detailed experimental and numerical study of the structural and dynamical properties of salt-free lysozyme solutions. In particular, by combining small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data with neutron spin echo (NSE) and rheology experiments, we are able to identify that an arrest transition takes place at intermediate densities, driven by the slowing down of the cluster motion. Using

An unexpected advantage of whiteness in horses: the most horsefly-proof horse has a depolarizing white coat

White horses frequently suffer from malign skin cancer and visual deficiencies owing to their high sensitivity to the ultraviolet solar radiation. Furthermore, in the wild, white horses suffer a larger predation risk than dark individuals because they can more easily be detected. In spite of their greater vulnerability, white horses have been highly appreciated for centuries owing to their natural

Essential multiple functions of farms in rural communities and landscapes

As farms are consolidated into larger operations and small farms close down for economic reasons, rural areas lose ecological, social and economic functions related to farming. Biodiversity and scenic, open-vista landscapes are lost as fields are left unmanaged. Social and economic benefits such as local job opportunities and meeting places disappear. Four Swedish rural communities were examined t

Reagentless Amperometric Biosensor For Nadh Detection

A sensitive and selective amperometric biosensor, based on NADH-oxidase (NADOx) working in tandem with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), which is electrically connected to graphite electrode via Os-redox polymer (RP), was developed. Two designs were considered for the biosensor optimization: (i) the first one, [G/HRP-NADOx], exploited the direct electron transfer between HRP and the graphite electrode

The taxonomy of the Caloplaca citrina group (Teloschistaceae) in the Black Sea region; with contributions to the cryptic species concept in lichenology

A new taxonomy of the Caloplaca citrina group in the Black Sea region is presented. It is based on the nrDNA ITS molecular data, chemistry (anthraquinone contents) and 20 morphological characters. Six species previously known in the region are accepted: Caloplaca arcis, C. calcitrapa, C. dichroa, C. flavocitrina, C. geleverjae, C. limonia. Five new species are described: Caloplaca arcisproxima, C.

Ki67 proliferation in core biopsies versus surgical samples - a model for neo-adjuvant breast cancer studies

Background: An increasing number of neo-adjuvant breast cancer studies are being conducted and a novel model for tumor biological studies, the "window-of-opportunity" model, has revealed several advantages. Change in tumor cell proliferation, estimated by Ki67-expression in pre-therapeutic core biopsies versus post-therapeutic surgical samples is often the primary end-point. The aim of the present

Protein kinases in hormonal regulation of adipocyte metabolism.

Abstract Along with liver and muscle tissue, adipose tissue helps maintain normal levels of glucose and lipids in the blood and has a very important role when it comes to storing lipids that can provide whole-body energy. After a meal is ingested, adipocytes take up glucose from the circulation and use it as a substrate for synthesis of new fatty acids (FAs) in a process known as de novo fatty

Analysis of the influence of PTPN22 gene polymorphisms in systemic sclerosis

Objective Two functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the PTPN22 gene (rs24746601 and rs33996649) have been associated with autoimmunity. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the R263Q SNP for the first time and to re-evaluate the role of the R620W SNP in the genetic predisposition to systemic sclerosis (SSc) susceptibility and clinical phenotypes. Methods 3422 SSc pati

The Kind of Group You Want to Belong to : Effects of Group Structure on Group Accuracy

Abstract in UndeterminedThere has been much interest in group judgment and the so-called 'wisdom of crowds'. In many real world contexts, members of groups not only share a dependence on external sources of information, but they also communicate with one another, thus introducing correlations among their responses that can diminish collective accuracy. This has long been known, but it has-to date-

On the Removal of Infinities from Divergent Series

The consequences of adopting other definitions of the concepts of sum and convergence of a series are discussed in the light of historical and epistemological contexts. We show that some divergent series appearing in the context of renormalization methods cannot be assigned finite values while preserving a minimum of consistency with standard summation, without at the same time obtaining contradic