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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Assembly and Breakup of Rodinia (Some results of IGCP project 440)

The principal results of project 440 "Assembly and Breakup of Rodinia" of the International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) are reviewed in this work. A map of that supercontinent compiled using geological and paleomagnetic data describes global paleogeography 900 Ma ago. The assembly of Rodinia, which comprised most of Precambrian continental blocks, lasted ca. 400 m.y. (from 1300 to 900

Collective hydrogen-bond dynamics dictates the electronic structure of aqueous I-3(-)

The molecular and electronic structures of aqueous I-3 and I ions have been investigated through ab initio molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and photoelectron (PE) spectroscopy of the iodine 4d core levels. Against the background of the theoretical simulations, data from our I4d PE measurements are shown to contain evidence of coupled solute-solvent dynamics. The MD simulations reveal large ampl

Musculoskeletal disorders in demanding computer work - with air traffic control as a model

In computer work, musculoskeletal disorders are frequently reported, but the knowledge about causal relationships is limited. In air traffic control, female and male operators perform exactly the same computer work. Introduction of a new computer system implied a momentary change from a “varied” system containing different in-put devices, to a system characterized by intensive mouse-work. The effe

'This one's for VIP users' : Participation and Commercial Strategies in Children's Virtual Worlds

Through the integrated framework of participation theory and political economy, this article analyzes participatory opportunities in the virtual world Habbo Hotel, and how participation is constrained and framed by the producer’s commercial strategies, which are based on advertising and sales of virtual goods. The study also looks into the ways in which the producer Sulake Corporation discursively

Association of Insulin Resistance, Arterial Stiffness and Telomere Length in Adults Free of Cardiovascular Diseases.

Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress might be considered the key mechanisms of aging. Insulin resistance (IR) is a phenomenon related to inflammatory and oxidative stress. We tested the hypothesis that IR may be associated with cellular senescence, as measured by leukocyte telomere length (LTL), and arterial stiffness (core feature of arterial aging), as measured by carotid-femoral pulse wave

Modeling the dissolved organic carbon output from a boreal mire using the convection-dispersion equation: Importance of representing sorption

In this paper we present a model of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and fluxes in mire water based on the convection-dispersion equation. The dynamics of sorbed, potentially soluble organic carbon (SPSOC) in the peat matrix are simulated in parallel with DOC. First, the model is applied solely to stagnant water conditions in order to interpret the results of laboratory peat incub

Partitioning and Mapping Dynamic Dataflow Programs

Partitioning and mapping are important design decisions in exploiting the parallelism of programs that are to be run on systems with multiple processing elements. In this paper we introduce a fast, incremental approach for mapping dynamic dataflow programs to multiprocessor systems. We use causation traces and architecture descriptions as input for the mapping process that devises several heuristi

Eye evolution and its functional basis

Eye evolution is driven by the evolution of visually guided behavior. Accumulation of gradually more demanding behaviors have continuously increased the performance requirements on the photoreceptor organs. Starting with nondirectional photoreception, I argue for an evolutionary sequence continuing with directional photoreception, low-resolution vision, and finally, high-resolution vision. Calcula

Lipid emboli distribution in cardiac surgery is dependent on the state of emulsification

Objective. Lipid embolizations from retransfused shed blood during cardiac surgery have been shown to enter the circulation and end up in different organs. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate differences in the kinetics and deposition between emulsified and non-emulsified lipid emboli in a porcine model. Design. Twelve animals were anesthetized and put on cardiopulmonary bypass. A sh

Separation of concerns on the orchestration of operations in flexible manufacturing

The growing complexity of industrial robot work-cells calls for the use of advanced orchestration techniques to promote flexibility and reusability. This paper presents a solution based on service-oriented platforms that endorses the separation of concerns, coordination and execution. The execution is kept inside each individual device and their functionality is exposed via automatic generation of

Single scattering detection in turbid media using single-phase structured illumination filtering

This work shows a unique possibility of visualizing the exponential intensity decay due to light extinction, when laser radiation propagates through a homogeneous scattering medium. This observation implies that the extracted intensity mostly originates from single scattering events. The filtering of this single light scattering intensity is performed by means of a single-phase structured illumina

Image Processing Architectures for Binary Morphology and Labeling

Conventional surveillance systems are omnipresent and most are still based on analog techniques. Migrating to the digital domain grants access to the world of digital image processing enabling automation of such systems, which means extracting information from the image stream without human interaction. The resolution, frame rates, and functionality in these systems are continuously increasing alo

Evaluation of image quality and diagnostic accuracy in breast tomosynthesis. Comparison with digital mammography and estimates of radiation risk

Recent advances in the digital detector technology have paved the way for modalities such as two-dimensional digital mammography (DM) and three-dimensional breast tomosynthesis (BT). In this work, experimental studies were conducted to investigate the influence of reducing the average glandular dose (AGD) on detection of simulated lesions in DM and to compare the diagnostic accuracy of BT and DM.

Lag och evangelium - Ett förlegat begreppspar eller en källa för dagsaktuell kulturanalys?

Uppsatsen är en "debatterande fördjupningsrecension", vilket innebär att den är en del i ett temanummer, där fyra olika recensenter utifrån sina teologiska specialområden granskar olika aspekter av en doktorsavhandling i teologi. Temanumret avslutas med att författaren till avhandling ger sina kommentarer till de olika recensenternas synpunkter. Den granskade doktorsavhandlingen heter "Lag och eva

Hidden-sector photon and axion searches using photonic band gap structures

Many proposed extensions of the standard model of particle physics predict the existence of weakly interacting sub-eV particles (WISPs) such as hidden-sector photons and axions, which are also of interest as dark matter candidates. In this paper we propose a novel experimental approach in which microwave photonic lattice structures form part of a 'light shining through the wall'-type experiment to

Comparisons of weight change, eating habits and physical activity between women in Northern Sweden and Rural New York State-results from a longitudinal study

Background: Previous research has focused exclusively on weight loss or weight maintenance following weight loss, i.e. secondary weight maintenance (SWM). The long-term results of SWM have been modest, suggesting that preventing initial weight gain among normal weight or overweight individuals, i.e. primary weight maintenance (PWM), may be more successful. The aim of this study was to compare the