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Ekonomisk utveckling efter inkubation : analys av företag i det nationella inkubatorprogrammet

Denna rapport kartlägger och undersöker företag som deltagit i det nationella inkubatorprogrammet (NIP) 2005–14. Uppgifter om de företag som funnits i inkubatorerna kommer från Vinnova. Dessa har sedan länkats till registerdata av Statistiska Centralbyrån vilket gjort det möjligt att analysera hur det gått för inkubatorföretagen efter inkubation. Rapporten undersöker inkubatorföretagens ekonomiska

Experimental and kinetic modeling study of para-xylene chemistry in laminar premixed flames

The chemistry of para-xylene oxidation in laminar premixed flames has been analyzed using new experimental data on flame propagation at atmospheric pressure and flame structure of low-pressure stoichiometric flame. Atmospheric pressure laminar burning velocities of para-xylene + air flames were determined using the heat flux method at initial temperatures of 328 and 353 K over the equivalence rati

Clinical outcomes in the routine evaluation of psychotherapy given by trainees: Effects on clients’ inter-personal problems and psychological symptoms

A significant proportion of the psychotherapy in Sweden is delivered by psychology trainees at special educational clinical departments within the universities. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the treatments at three clinics measured by outcomes of psychiatric symptoms and functioning (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation – Outcome Measures) and interpersonal probl

En tid utan sammanhang

Ett antal rapporter under senare år har uppmärksammat oss på hur farlig ensamhet är för hälsan. Enligt vissa studier är den till och med farligare än rökning. Särskilt utsatta är äldre. Larmrapporterna har lett till flera debattinlägg, där man menar att politikerna måste ta ett större ansvar. Vissa pekar på Storbritannien, där man har inrättat en särskild ensamhetsminister. Men är ensamheten verkl

Postpregnancy BMI in the Progression From Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy to Type 2 Diabetes

OBJECTIVE: To study the extent to which BMI after pregnancy adds to the elevated risk of postpregnancy type 2 diabetes in women with a history of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) (preeclampsia or gestational hypertension).RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We used data from the Nurses' Health Study II, a prospective cohort study. In women aged 45-54 years without prior gestational diabetes mell

α1-microglobulin protects against bleeding-induced oxidative damage in knee arthropathies

Knee injury increases the risk of developing knee osteoarthritis (OA). Recent evidence suggests involvement of oxidative stress induced by inflammation and bleeding in the joint. This study investigates the role in this process of α1-microglobulin (A1M), a plasma and tissue antioxidant protein with reducing function, and heme- and radical-binding properties. We studied matched knee synovial fluid

Direct Conductor Cooling in Concentrated Windings

This paper presents and assesses the cooling integration of electrical machines with concentrated windings. A conventional coil in a concentrated winding with forced cooling applied on the exterior coil surfaces is replaced by an alternative solution where the coil is opened up in a laminar structure with the intention of the coolant fluid penetrating the coil and removing the interior heat. This

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome : clinical presentation, aetiology and management

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a variant of cardiovascular autonomic disorder characterized by an excessive heart rate increase on standing and orthostatic intolerance. POTS affects younger individuals 15–45 years old with a distinct female predominance (≈80%). The prevalence ranges between 0.2% and 1.0% in developed countries. The onset of POTS is typically precipitated by im

Spatially and functionally distinct subclasses of breast cancer-associated fibroblasts revealed by single cell RNA sequencing

Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are a major constituent of the tumor microenvironment, although their origin and roles in shaping disease initiation, progression and treatment response remain unclear due to significant heterogeneity. Here, following a negative selection strategy combined with single-cell RNA sequencing of 768 transcriptomes of mesenchymal cells from a genetically engineered m

Increased plasma neurofilament light chain concentration correlates with severity of post-mortem neurofibrillary tangle pathology and neurodegeneration

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is pathologically characterized by the accumulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and widespread neuronal loss in the brain. In recent years, blood biomarkers have emerged as a realistic prospect to highlight accumulating pathology for secondary prevention trials. Neurofilament light chain (NfL), a marker of axonal degeneration, is robustly elevated in

A forgotten plague : Dysentery in Sweden, 1750-1900

Dysentery, or rödsot, as the disease was previously known in Sweden, continues to be a major scourge in developing countries. However, the disease has almost disappeared in the West. Very different circumstances prevailed before infectious diseases declined as some of the major causes of death during the 19th century. In that era, 10,000 people could die of dysentery in a single year in Sweden. Th

Meta-analysis of up to 622,409 individuals identifies 40 novel smoking behaviour associated genetic loci

Smoking is a major heritable and modifiable risk factor for many diseases, including cancer, common respiratory disorders and cardiovascular diseases. Fourteen genetic loci have previously been associated with smoking behaviour-related traits. We tested up to 235,116 single nucleotide variants (SNVs) on the exome-array for association with smoking initiation, cigarettes per day, pack-years, and sm

Experimental analysis of cutting edge effects on vibrations in end milling

The ability to minimize vibrations in milling by the selection of cutting edge geometry and appropriate cutting conditions is an important asset in the optimization of the cutting process. This paper presents a measurement method and a signal processing technique to characterize and quantify the magnitude of the vibrations in an end milling application. Developed methods are then used to investiga

Zinc blende and wurtzite crystal structure formation in gold catalyzed InGaAs nanowires

III-V semiconductor nanowires made of materials which have the zinc blende crystal structure in bulk are well known to exhibit either the zinc blende or the wurtzite crystal structure. Understanding and controlling which crystal structure that forms is of highest importance for nanowire applications in a variety of areas. In addition to this, composition control in ternary nanowires is another key

The effect of 2D and 3D cell cultures on treatment response, EMT profile and stem cell features in head and neck cancer 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis

Background: Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) tumors are often resistant to therapies. Therefore searching for predictive markers and new targets for treatment in clinically relevant in vitro tumor models is essential. Five HNSCC-derived cell lines were used to assess the effect of 3D culturing compared to 2D monolayers in terms of cell proliferation, response to anti-cancer therapy as