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Catalytic Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide on a Curved Pd Crystal : Spatial Variation of Active and Poisoning Phases in Stationary Conditions

Understanding nanoparticle catalysis requires novel approaches in which adjoining crystal orientations can be studied under the same reactive conditions. Here we use a curved palladium crystal and near-ambient pressure X-ray photoemission spectroscopy to characterize chemical species during the catalytic oxidation of CO in a whole set of surfaces vicinal to the (111) direction simultaneously. By s

Design for deconstruction in the design process : State of the art

Stricter building regulations have resulted in the construction of buildings with a low energy use during the operation phase. It has now become increasingly important to also look at the embodied energy, because it might, over the lifespan of the building, equal the energy used for operating the building. One way to decrease the embodied energy is to reuse building materials and components or to

Cardiovascular disease-related hospitalization and mortality among persons with von Willebrand disease : A nationwide register study in Sweden

Introduction: It has been hypothesized that persons with von Willebrand disease (VWD) may be protected against arterial thrombosis despite having atherosclerosis. Aim: To calculate a nationwide estimate of the absolute and comparative burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) hospitalization and mortality among persons with VWD using birthdate and sex-matched comparisons from the general population i

Interaction between Fuel Jets and Prevailing Combustion During Closely-Coupled Injections in an Optical LD Diesel Engine

Two imaging techniques are used to investigate the interaction between developed combustion from earlier injections and partially oxidized fuel (POF) ofa subsequent injection. The latter is visualized by using planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) of formaldehyde and poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. High speed imaging captures the natural luminescence (NL) of the prevailing combustion. Three

Contrast-transfer-function phase retrieval based on compressed sensing

We report on a new contrast-transfer-function (CTF) phase-retrieval method based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMMs), which allows us to exploit any compressed sensing regularization scheme reflecting the sparsity of the investigated object. The proposed iterative algorithm retrieves accurate phase maps from highly noisy single-distance projection microscopy data and is char

Java wildcards meet definition-site variance

Variance is concerned with the interplay of parametric polymorphism (i.e., templates, generics) and subtyping. The study of variance gives answers to the question of when an instantiation of a generic class can be a subtype of another. In this work, we combine the mechanisms of use-site variance (as in Java) and definition-site variance (as in Scala and C#) in a single type system, based on Java.

Analysis of imperative XML programs

The widespread adoption of XML has led to programming languages that support XML as a first class construct. In this paper, we present a method for analyzing and optimizing imperative XML processing programs. In particular, we present a program analysis, based on a flow-sensitive type system, for detecting both redundant computations and redundant traversals in XML processing programs. The analysi

Effect of delayed cord clamping of term babies on neurodevelopment at 12 months : A randomized controlled trial

Background: Delayed cord clamping (DCC) is associated with an improved iron status at 8 months, a reduction of anemia at 12 months, and an improved development at 4 years. Assessment of the development after DCC has not been performed earlier in a setting with a high prevalence of iron deficiency. Objective: The aim of this paper was to investigate the effects of DCC compared to early cord clampin

Deep Learning of Graph Matching

The problem of graph matching under node and pairwise constraints is fundamental in areas as diverse as combinatorial optimization, machine learning or computer vision, where representing both the relations between nodes and their neighborhood structure is essential. We present an end-to-end model that makes it possible to learn all parameters of the graph matching process, including the unary and

Assessing self-association of intrinsically disordered proteins by coarse-grained simulations and SAXS

This research investigates the behavior of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) in solution, especially the self-associating saliva protein Statherin, by a combined computational and experimental approach. For the computational part, a bead necklace model previously parameterised for Histatin 5 was used. This model was shown to be applicable to a range of monomeric intrinsically disordered pro

The MYC/Max/MxD network is a target of mutated FLT3 signaling in hematopoietic stem cells in FLT3-ITD-induced myeloproliferative disease

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has poor prognosis due to various mutations, e.g., in the FLT3 gene. Therefore, it is important to identify pathways regulated by the activated Flt3 receptor for the discovery of new therapeutic targets. The Myc network of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes is involved in mechanisms regulating proliferation and survival of cells, including that of the hematopoietic

Use of 10 Be isotope to predict landscape development in the source area of the Yellow River (SAYR), northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

The magnitude of soil and sediment erosion and accumulation processes can profoundly affect landscape development and hamper efficient management of natural resources. Consequently, estimating the rates and causes of these processes is essential, particularly in remote regions, for prediction of changes in landform and river evolution and protection of local ecosystem. We here present the results