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Arene-anion based arginine-binding motif on a galactose scaffold : Structure-activity relationships of interactions with arginine-rich galectins

Two series of C3-benzamido and O2-anion-substituted galactopyranosides were synthesized and studied as binders to arginine-rich proteins galectin-1, -3, -7, -8N (N-terminal domain), and -9N (N-terminal domain). The first series had a 4-methylbenzamide at C3 and the anionic O2-substituent was varied. The second series varied the 4-substituent of the C3-benzamide, whereas the anionic O2 substituent

Ett liv med film

Nekrolog över den svenska filmhistorikern och regissören Gösta Werner

Skeletal muscle laminin and MDC1A: pathogenesis and treatment strategies.

Laminin-211 is a cell-adhesion molecule that is strongly expressed in the basement membrane of skeletal muscle. By binding to the cell surface receptors dystroglycan and integrin α7β1, laminin-211 is believed to protect the muscle fiber from damage under the constant stress of contractions, and to influence signal transmission events. The importance of laminin-211 in skeletal muscle is evident fro

Effects on cochlear frequency selectivity after hypobaric pressure exposure.

The effects of hypobaric pressure chamber exposure was measured in noise in ten patients with monaural fluctuating low-frequency hearing loss (FLFHL) such as Meniere's disease using psychophysical tuning curves (PTC), transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE), binaural pitch matches and speech recognition scores (SRS) in noise. In the literature, reversible hearing losses have been observed

Biologisk påväxt på putsade fasader

Vid Byggnadsmaterial LTH studerar vi biologisk påväxt på putsade fasader. Förutom mögel och bakterier som inte gör fotosyntes, så är samtliga andra organismer som växer på fasader fotosyntetiskt aktiva: alger, lavar och mossor. Vårt huvudintresse ligger i att beskriva samspelet mellan klimatet (främst temperatur och fukt) på fasaden, typ av fasad (isolering, putstjocklek, ytskikt, färgtyp etc.) oc

Dynamic covariation between gene expression and proteome characteristics.

Cells react to changing intra- and extracellular signals by dynamically modulating complex biochemical networks. Cellular responses to extracellular signals lead to changes in gene and protein expression. Since the majority of genes encode proteins, we investigated possible correlations between protein parameters and gene expression patterns to identify proteome-wide characteristics indicative of

Sensor-augmented pump therapy lowers HbA(1c) in suboptimally controlled Type 1 diabetes; a randomized controlled trial.

Aims To investigate the efficacy of sensor-augmented pump therapy vs. multiple daily injection therapy in patients with suboptimally controlled Type 1 diabetes. Methods In this investigator-initiated multi-centre trial (the Eurythmics Trial) in eight outpatient centres in Europe, we randomized 83 patients with Type 1 diabetes (40 women) currently treated with multiple daily injections, age 18-65 y

Ny trycksättningsmetod i trapphus för utrymning.

Mycket höga trapphus för utrymning kan trycksättas utan sektionering för att förhindra att brandgaser kommer in i trapphuset. Denna nya metod bygger på trapphusets ej försumbara strömningstekniska tryckfall och att trapphuset genomströmmas av ett flöde utöver det normala läckflödet som krävs för trycksättningen.

A 1 GHz CMOS current-folded direct digital RF quadrature modulator

This paper describes a CMOS current-folded direct digital RF quadrature modulator, which uses two 10-bit linear interpolation current steering digital-to-analog converters (DACs) and two current-folded double-balanced mixers. The attenuation of the DAC image components is significantly increased with linear interpolation, and the reconstruction filter is therefore eliminated. The DAC baseband diff