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Dislocation-Free and Atomically Flat GaN Hexagonal Microprisms for Device Applications

III-nitrides are considered the material of choice for light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and lasers in the visible to ultraviolet spectral range. The development is hampered by lattice and thermal mismatch between the nitride layers and the growth substrate leading to high dislocation densities. In order to overcome the issue, efforts have gone into selected area growth of nanowires (NWs), using their

On performance impact in DS-CDMA systems due to sampling instant error

In this paper we analyze how sampling instant error affects the receiver performance in raised-cosine filtered DS-CDMA systems. An expression is presented for the Signal to Inter Chip Interference (S/ICI) ratio as a function of the sampling error characteristics and Raised-cosine roll-off factor. Finally, we use the analysis in the paper to derive sufficient sampling resolution for the high perfor

Sex-specific differences and survival in patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension 2008-2016

Background: Women with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) have been found to have a worse haemodynamic status at diagnosis, but better survival than men. Over the past decade, demographics have changed and new treatments have become available. The objective of this study was to investigate sex differences in an incident IPAH population diagnosed between 2008 and 2016.Methods: Differ

Strategy for Disease Diagnosis, Progression Prediction, Risk Group Stratification and Treatment—Case of COVID-19

A novel strategy is presented for reliable diagnosis and progression prediction of diseases with special attention to COVID-19 pandemic. A plan is presented for how the model can be implemented worldwide in healthcare and how novel treatments and targets can be detected. The idea is based on poikilosis, pervasive heterogeneity, and variation at all levels, systems, and mechanisms. Poikilosis in di

Acute reduction of cerebrospinal fluid volume prior to spinal anesthesia : implications for sensory block extent

BACKGROUND: Multiple patient and clinical characteristics contribute to the variable outcome of spinal anesthesia (SPA). Acute reduction of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) volume may alter the effect of SPA. The objective of the present study was to test if aspiration of 10 mL CSF immediately prior to SPA is associated with higher extent of sensory block. METHODS: Interventional cohort study. One hundre

Berättelser om en röd stuga : Föreställningar om en idyll ur ett svenskdidaktiskt perspektiv

This licentiate-thesis, Stories About a red Cottage, is an attempt to combine cultural theory with a didactic method applied to Swedish as a field of study. With the two notions intertextuality and the foreign as a starting point, I discuss the importance of how an idyllic view of Sweden affects students studying Swedish as a foreign language as part of their studies in Scandinavistics. The studenThis licentiate-thesis, Stories About a red Cottage, is an attempt to combine cultural theory with a didactic method applied to Swedish as a field of study. With the two notions intertextuality and the foreign as a starting point, I discuss the importance of how an idyllic view of Sweden affects students studying Swedish as a foreign language as part of their studies in Scandinavistics. The studen

Staden växer fram : RJ:s årsbox 2020. Staden

Städer var nykomlingar i det medeltida Skandinavien. Efterhand blev dock stadslivet något att eftersträva, en rikare tillvaro med en mångsidig miljö. Städer växte fram ur existerande behov och utifrån nya maktrelationer. Under lång tid hade människor inte behövt staden och det sammanträngda liv som den erbjöd. Landskapet bestod i stället av enstaka gårdar, hushåll med gemensam bebyggelse, jordagod

Design fiction as norm-critical practice

The transdisciplinary fields of design and feminist technoscience share a common interest in focusing on the world in a state of always becoming, always changing. Within feminist technoscience, norm-critical perspectives are implemented to shed light on unequal sociotechnical infrastructures. Within design research, generative methods of critical design and design fiction encourage processes of fi

New Light on the Mechanism of Phototransduction in Phototropin

Phototropins are photoreceptor proteins that regulate blue light-dependent biological processes for efficient photosynthesis in plants and algae. The proteins consist of a photosensory domain that responds to the ambient light and an output module that triggers cellular responses. The photosensory domain of phototropin from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii contains two conserved LOV (light-oxygen-voltage

The ‘safety in density’ effect for cyclists and motor vehicles in Scandinavia: An observational study

Safety in density (SID) potentially explains the safety in numbers (SIN) phenomenon by positing that ‘the SIN effect can be reproduced simply through encouraging behaviour that leads to the formation of higher-density cyclist groups’. The study further explores this hypothesis using event-based exposure, queues and groups of road users. Using three different definitions of encounters between road u

Understanding overconsumption: symbolic and spatial transgressions in public places

Consumer research has a long tradition of examining the limits of consumer society (e.g. Schor & Holt, 2000). Overconsumption refers to a harmful and excessive type of consumption practice, which is typical of contemporary consumerism (Kjellberg, 2008). In the past, overconsumption was used synonymously with more theoretical concept such as hyper-consumption (Kilbourne et al., 1997) and afflue

Bilateral comparison of traditional and alternate electrodermal measurement sites

Advances in mobile and wireless technology have expanded the scope of electrodermal research. Since traditional electrodermal measurement sites are not always suitable for laboratory research and are rarely appropriate for ambulatory measurements, there is a need to explore and contrast alternate measurement locations. We evaluated bilateral electrodermal activity (EDA) from five measurement sites

Modelling soil responses to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization along a soil phosphorus stock gradient

In this study, we investigate the responses of soil organic carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) additions along a soil P stock gradient of five beech forest stands in Germany, using a modelling approach. Two different soil models with coupled C, N, and P cycles are used to simulate fertilization experiments conducted at the study sites. The first model, the stand-alone soil module of QUI