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Three cases of acute-onset bilateral photophobia

Purpose: To report the findings in 3 cases of bilateral negative electroretinograms (ERGs) with acute onset of photophobia. Study design: Retrospective case series. Methods: The medical charts of the 3 patients were reviewed. Results: A 43-year-old woman, a 68-year-old woman, and a 41-year-old woman were referred to Nagoya University Hospital. Their main symptom was bilateral acute photophobia. No

Role of Water User Associations on the Restoration of the Ecosystem in Tanzania

The Mkoji sub-catchment is the most populated sub-catchment in the uppermost part of the Rufiji basin in Tanzania, with critical users downstream, and it is vulnerable to water shortages. Despite the efforts made by governmental and non-governmental organizations in forming and supporting water user associations, little is known about their role on water resource management in the country. This st

Why complicate an important task? An orderly display of the limb leads in the 12-lead electrocardiogram and its implications for recognition of acute coronary syndrome

Background: In the standard ECG display, limb leads are presented in a non-anatomical sequence: I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF. The Cabrera system is a display format which instead presents the limb leads in a cranial/left-to-caudal/right sequence, i.e. in an anatomically sequential order. Lead aVR is replaced in the Cabrera display by its inverted version, -aVR, which is presented in its logical place

Implementation of Quiet Areas in Sweden

The notion of quiet areas has received increasing attention within the EU in recent years. The EU Environmental Noise Directive (END) of 2002 stipulates that member states should map existing quiet areas and formulate strategies to keep these quiet. Quiet areas could play an important role in balancing densified urban development by ensuring access to relative quietness and associated health benef

Röda skor på kistan : Samspelet mellan mikroriter, trostolkning och livstydning

This article is the author's trial lecture for appointment as Reader in practical theology, held on 3 November 2016. The article is based on the author's own research and practical work with funerals for more than thirty years, but also on secondary research. The article shows the interplay between micro rituals, interpretations of faith, and interpretations of life. The article briefly discusses

Simultaneous assimilation of remotely sensed soil moisture and FAPAR for improving terrestrial carbon fluxes at multiple sites using CCDAS

The carbon cycle of the terrestrial biosphere plays a vital role in controlling the global carbon balance and, consequently, climate change. Reliably modeled CO2 fluxes between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere are necessary in projections of policy strategies aiming at constraining carbon emissions and of future climate change. In this study, SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) L3

Early extubation in adults undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease

OBJECTIVES: Early extubation in adults undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease has not been described. The authors report their experience with extubation in the operating room (OR), including factors associated with the decision to defer extubation to a later time.DESIGN: A retrospective chart review.SETTING: A tertiary-care teaching hospital.PARTICIPANTS: This study included adults under

Association between right ventricular dysfunction and restrictive lung disease in childhood cancer survivors as measured by quantitative echocardiography

BACKGROUND: Restrictive lung disease is a complication in childhood cancer survivors who received lung-toxic chemotherapy and/or thoracic radiation. Left ventricular dysfunction is documented in these survivors, but less is known about right ventricular (RV) function. Quantitative echocardiography may help detect subclinical RV dysfunction. The aim of this study was to assess RV function quantitat

Crosstalk between ROR1 and BCR pathways defines novel treatment strategies in mantle cell lymphoma.

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive form of non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphoma with poor prognosis due to drug resistance. Introduction of the Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitor ibrutinib has markedly improved MCL therapy outcome, but drug resistance remains a challenge. The selective cell-surface expression of oncogenic receptor tyrosine kinase–like orphan receptor 1 (ROR1) pseudokinase in h

The origin of the Milky Way globular clusters

We present a cosmological zoom-in simulation of a Milky Way-like galaxy used to explore the formation and evolution of star clusters. We investigate in particular the origin of the bimodality observed in the colour and metallicity of globular clusters, and the environmental evolution through cosmic times in the form of tidal tensors. Our results self-consistently confirm previous findings that the

The Smith Cloud and its dark matter halo : Survival of a galactic disc passage

Under conservative assumptions about the Galaxy, the derived velocity of the Smith Cloud indicates that it will have undergone at least one passage of the Galactic disc. Using hydrodynamicsimulations, we examine the present-day structure of the Smith Cloud and find that a dark matter supported cloud is able to reproduce the observed present-day neutral hydrogen mass, column density distribution an

Thin, thick and dark discs in ΛcDM

In a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology, the Milky Way accretes satellites into the stellar disc. We use cosmological simulations to assess the frequency of near disc plane and higher inclination accretion events, and collisionless simulations of satellite mergers to quantify the final state of the accreted material and the effect on the thin disc. On average, a Milky Way-sized galaxy has three s

Fundamental differences between SPH and grid methods

We have carried out a comparison study of hydrodynamical codes by investigating their performance in modelling interacting multiphase fluids. The two commonly used techniques of grid and smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) show striking differences in their ability to model processes that are fundamentally important across many areas of astrophysics. Whilst Eulerian grid based methods are able t

The source of ionization along the magellanic stream

Since its discovery in 1996, the source of the bright Ha emission (up to 750 mR) along the Magellanic Stream has remained a mystery. There is no evidence of ionizing stars within the H I stream, and the extended hot halo is far too tenuous to drive strong shocks into the clouds. We now present a hydrodynamical model that explains the known properties of the Ha emission and provides new insights on

How cultural values are reflected on the housing market – direct effects and the cultural spillover

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse two questions. First, is there, and if so, how large is the price premium paid for a building exhibiting a cultural value? Second, are there any spillover effects of buildings with cultural values on sales prices of neighbouring houses? Design/methodology/approach: Using a unique database of all buildings in the region of Halland, Sweden, combined w

Short exposure to oxygen and sulfide alter nitrification, denitrification, and DNRA activity in seasonally hypoxic estuarine sediments

Increased organic loading to sediments from eutrophication often results in hypoxia, reduced nitrification and increased production of hydrogen sulfide, altering the balance between nitrogen removal and retention. We examined the effect of short-term exposure to various oxygen and sulfide concentrations on sediment nitrification, denitrification and DNRA from a chronically hypoxic basin in Roskild