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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

COVID-19 and public support for the Euro

The COVID-19 pandemic had disastrous effects on health and economic activity worldwide, including in the Euro Area. The application of mandatory lockdowns contributed to a sharp fall in production and a rise in unemployment, inducing an expansionary fiscal and monetary response. Using a uniquely large macro database, this paper examines the effects of the pandemic and the ensuing economic policies

Towards Explaining Satellite Based Poverty Predictions with Convolutional Neural Networks

Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been shown to predict poverty and development indicators from satellite images with surprising accuracy. This paper presents a first attempt at analyzing the CNNs responses in detail and explaining the basis for the predictions. The CNN model, while trained on relatively low resolution day- and night-time satellite images, is able to outperform human

Compacting Singleshot Multi-Plane Image via Scale Adjustment

A recent singleshot multiplane image (MPI) generation enables to copy an observed reality within a camera frame into other reality domains via view synthesis. While the scene scale is unknown due to the nature of singleshot MPI processing, camera tracking algorithms can estimate depth within the application world coordinate system. Given such depth information, we propose to adjust the scale of si

Probe thermometry with continuous measurements

Temperature estimation plays a vital role across natural sciences. A standard approach is provided by probe thermometry, where a probe is brought into contact with the sample and examined after a certain amount of time has passed. In situations where, for example, preparation of the probe is non-trivial or total measurement time of the experiment is the main resource that must be optimized, contin

The “Lund Moraine”–the geomorphic limit of the last Young Baltic ice advance in the Öresund region

Here we present geomorphological evidence of a previously unrecognised ∼50 km long, ice-marginal moraine complex in southwestern Skåne, southernmost Sweden, which we name the “Lund Moraine”. This lobate moraine marks a sharp boundary between heavily streamlined and gently undulating landscapes, and closely outlines the extent of the “Lund till/diamicton”. We interpret that the moraine was formed b

Isolation, Behavioral Identification, and Pathogenicity Assessment of Entomopathogenic Fungi from a Forest Wood Borer

Forest wood borers (FWB) cause severe tree damage and economic losses worldwide. The release of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) during the FWB emergence period is considered an acceptable alternative to chemical control. However, EPF resources have been significantly less explored for FWBs, in contrast to agricultural insect pests. This paper presents a protocol for exploring EPF resources from FWBs

Itga8-Cre-mediated deletion of YAP and TAZ impairs bladder contractility with minimal inflammation and chondrogenic differentiation

A role of Yes1-associated transcriptional regulator (YAP) and WW domain-containing transcription regulator 1 (TAZ) in vascular and gastrointestinal contractility due to control of myocardin (Myocd) expression, which in turn activates contractile genes, has been demonstrated. Whether this transcriptional hierarchy applies to the urinary bladder is unclear. We found that YAP/TAZ are expressed in hum

Revolutionizing Food Production: Digitalization for a Greener Future

This keynote presentation explores the transformative potential of digital technologies, with a specific focus on the Internet of Things (IoT), in revolutionizing food production for a more sustainable and efficient future. It delves into the critical issue of solid food waste and how digitization, through IoT, provides valuable insights to curtail waste and enhance resource efficiency in food man

Refixation behavior in naturalistic viewing : Methods, mechanisms, and neural correlates

When freely viewing a scene, the eyes often return to previously visited locations. By tracking eye movements and coregistering eye movements and EEG, such refixations are shown to have multiple roles: repairing insufficient encoding from precursor fixations, supporting ongoing viewing by resampling relevant locations prioritized by precursor fixations, and aiding the construction of memory repres

Institutional hybridisation in Swedish public sector development cooperation

While the concept of hybridisation(blending of different organisational forms, logics, or identities) in public administration has gained traction, its interplay with principal‐agent dynamics, especially within developmentcooperation, remains underexplored. Recent shifts towards the “whole‐of‐society”paradigmin Swedish development cooperation introduce complexities in the inter‐organisational dyn

Ute på djupt vatten? - Räddningstjänstens förmåga kopplat till översvämningar

Increasing climate change is causing a rise in natural disasters. One of the most common natural disasters in Sweden is flooding. Vulnerability is increasing due to urbanization and the removal of green spaces in Swedish cities. In the acute phase of a flooding, the municipal Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) are generally first to respond. In this thesis, the FRS’ management of flooding is reviewed

Effect of invitation letter in language of origin on screening attendance : Randomised controlled trial in BreastScreen Norway

Objective: To explore attendance at organised mammographic screening among immigrant groups that received an invitation letter and information leaflet (invitation) in their language of origin and Norwegian compared with Norwegian only. Design: Randomised controlled trial. Setting: Population based screening programme for breast cancer in Norway (BreastScreen Norway), which invites women aged 50-69

Adverse events during endovascular treatment of ruptured aneurysms : A prospective nationwide study on subarachnoid hemorrhage in Sweden

Introduction: A range of adverse events (AEs) may occur in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Endovascular treatment is commonly used to prevent aneurysm re-rupture. Research question: The aim of this study was to identify AEs related to endovascular treatment, analyze risk factors for AEs and how AEs affect patient outcome. Material and methods: Patients with aneurysmal SAH admitted to