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Interacting particle systems for opinion dynamics: the Deffuant model and some generalizations

In the field of sociophysics, concepts and techniques taken from statistical physics are used to model and investigate some social and political behavior of a large group of humans: their social network is given by a simple graph and neighboring individuals meet and interact in pairs or small groups. Although most of the established models feature rather simple microscopic interaction rules, the m

Experimental Investigation of Glycerol Derivatives as Low-Concentration Additives for Diesel Fuel

The worldwide adoption of renewable energy mandates, together with the widespread utilization of biofuels has created a sharp increase in the production of biodiesel (fatty acid alkyl esters). As a consequence, the production of glycerol, the main by-product of the transesterification of fatty acids, has increased accordingly, which has led to an oversupply of that compound on the markets. Therefo

En misogyn kaskad

En essä över skildringen av Roms kvinnor utifrån Eva Queckfeldts bok Romarrikets kvinnor

Why Pashukanis was right : Abstraction and form in The General Theory of Law and Marxism

The area of Marxism and law has long been considered marginalised. However, hand in hand with the renaissance of Marxist theory in recent decades, neglect has finally been put to rest. As Marxists increasingly explore the connections between rights, law, democracy and capitalism, one text in particular has taken centre stage: The General Theory of Law and Marxism, published by E. B. Pashukanis in

The dilemmas of a dissident intellectual and inadequate activist

This chapter presents the personal experiences of an activist researcher. It describes the role of activism in Gaborit's trajectory from being a student research assistant, through PhD candidate to postdoctoral fellow, and finally, to breaking with academia. This chapter discusses the inherent contradictions of working against hegemonic structures that enable social harm, from within the hegemonic

Impulse oscillometry indices in relation to respiratory symptoms and spirometry in the Swedish Cardiopulmonary Bioimage Study

Background Impulse oscillometry (IOS) is sensitive in detecting lung function impairment. In small studies, impaired IOS relates better to respiratory symptoms than spirometry. We studied how IOS related to spirometry and respiratory symptoms in a large population of individuals (n=10 360) in a cross-sectional analysis. Methods Normal values for IOS and spirometry were defined in healthy, never-sm

Early-life exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances and serum antibody concentrations towards common childhood vaccines in 18-month-old children in the Odense Child Cohort

Exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has been associated with reduced antibody response to childhood vaccinations. Previous studies have mostly focused on antibodies against diphtheria or tetanus, while fewer studies have assessed antibodies toward attenuated viruses, such as measles, mumps or rubella (MMR). Therefore, we set out to determine associations between prenatal and ear

"Stenarna de suttit på / står ännu kvar" : Ekokritiska läsningar av Barbro Lindgrens poesi

Taking its cue from questions raised in ecocritical theory, this article studies some of the central themes in the poetry of Swedish ALMA laureate Barbro Lindgren: the non-hierarchical attitude towards all that lives and exists; the cycle of life and death that is a fundamental condition of existence for human and non-human animals as well as for trees and plants; and the exploration of scales tha

Use of non-surgical treatments on the journey to knee replacement in patients with knee osteoarthritis : A 10-year population-based case-control study

Aim To investigate temporal trends in primary care visits, physiotherapy visits, dispensed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and opioids in knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients who have and have not undergone knee replacement. Methods We analysed 5665 OA patients from the Skåne Healthcare Register, Sweden, who underwent knee replacement between 2015 and 2019. Controls were OA patients wi

Management of Acute Lower Limb Ischemia Without Surgical Revascularization – A Population-Based Study

Objectives: To evaluate outcomes of management without surgical revascularization in patients with acute lower limb ischemia (ALI) in a population-based setting. Design: Retrospective observational population-based study. Materials: Patients from Malmö, Sweden, hospitalized for ALI between 2015 and 2018. Methods: In-hospital, surgical, radiological, and autopsy registries were scrutinized for desc

Scientific methods for integrating expert knowledge in Bayesian models

Generating scientific advice to environmental management involves assessments with complex models, sparse data, and challenging empirical experiments, necessitating the integration of expert judgment with data into scientific models. To integrate expert judgement, assessors might elicit judgement by experts as quantiles, find a probability distribution that matches the quantiles, and add this info

Strictly weak consensus in the uniform compass model on Z

We investigate a model for opinion dynamics, where individuals (modeled by vertices of a graph) hold certain abstract opinions. As time progresses, neighboring individuals interact with each other, and this interaction results in a realignment of opinions closer towards each other. This mechanism triggers formation of consensus among the individuals. Our main focus is on strong consensus (i.e., gl

Novel pathological variants of NHP2 affect N-terminal domain flexibility, protein stability, H/ACA Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex formation and telomerase activity

Telomere biology disorders (TBDs) are characterized by short telomeres, premature aging, bone marrow failure and cancer predisposition. Germline mutations in NHP2, encoding for one component of the telomerase cofactor H/ACA RNA binding complex together with Dyskerin, NOP10 and GAR1, have been previously reported in rare cases of TBDs. Here, we report two novel NHP2 variants (NHP2-A39T and NHP2-T44

Maternal PlGF and umbilical Dopplers predict pregnancy outcomes at diagnosis of early-onset fetal growth restriction

BACKGROUND. Severe, early-onset fetal growth restriction (FGR) causes significant fetal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. Predicting the outcome of affected pregnancies at the time of diagnosis is difficult, thus preventing accurate patient counseling. We investigated the use of maternal serum protein and ultrasound measurements at diagnosis to predict fetal or neonatal death and 3 secondary o

I skuggan av Karl August : Nya perspektiv på Fersenska upploppet 1810

On 20 June 1810 Stockholm was rocked by a full-blown and violent riot. A funeral precession for the recently deceased crown prince Charles August turned into a furious riot which eventually developed into an attack on the entire existing social order. The marshal of the realm, Axel von Fersen, was killed and large crowds fought during the rest of the day regular street battles against military and

Exploring the Complex and Multifaceted Interplay between Melanoma Cells and the Tumor Microenvironment

Malignant melanoma is a very aggressive skin cancer, characterized by a heterogeneous nature and high metastatic potential. The incidence of melanoma is continuously increasing worldwide, and it is one of the most common cancers in young adults. In the past twenty years, our understanding of melanoma biology has increased profoundly, and disease management for patients with disseminated disease ha