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Your search for "*" yielded 535172 hits

Statelessness in Central Asia: from Succession to Solutions

Many of the protracted situations of statelessness that we face today have arisen due to State succession. In addition, State succession continues to poses a risk with regard to the creation of further large scale cases of statelessness. Therefore, there is a need to better understand how to prevent and resolve statelessness in situations of State succession. This chapter argues that if we are to

Motivation utifrån Generation

Forskningsfråga: Vad finns det för skillnader i motivationsfaktorer hos den unga befolkningen kontra den äldre och hur kan arbetsgivare genom styrning påverka motivationen hos de arbetstagare? Syfte: Undersöka skillnader i motivationsfaktorer mellan generationer inom svenska redovisning & revisionsbolag. Metod: En kvantitativ enkätstudie där olika generationer inom revision och redovisning sam

Börsdumpen, ett missfoster och Darth Vader

Research question: How are metaphors used in Börspodden and how are they expressing biases? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze the metaphoric depiction of biases in podcast within the category of business. This objective is achieved through a discourse analysis to identify the underlying biases that can be interpreted from the use of metaphors. Methodology: The purpose of the study

The Leasing Effect: The relationship between leasing ratios and the financial performance of publicly listed American airline companies

This paper aims to examine the relationship between aircraft leasing and the financial performance of American publicly listed airline companies. In doing so, this paper aims to contribute to the academic literature on leasing within the financial management literature. In addition, this paper aims to provide insights for decision-makers working within airlines (e.g., financial officers) or extern

Minimax Adaptive Control and Estimation

This thesis presents five papers on minimax adaptive control and estimation. Minimax adaptive estimation is a framework for output prediction and state estimation that provides a priori computable performance bounds for esti- mators. Minimax adaptive controllers ensure that the closed loop has finite gain, maintaining stability and performance under model class uncertainty. The contributions of t

Feedforward Control : Analysis, Design, Tuning rules, and Implementation

While there are thousands of books written about feedback control, it is surprising that this is the very first book about feedforward control. Feedforward control is a very powerful technique to compensate for measurable load disturbances in regulation control problems, and the use of feedforward control to assist the traditional feedback controllers is rapidly increasing in industry. The main go

Controllers for Two-Coordinate Positioning of the UAV Auxiliary Video Camera

Despite the successes in the use of artificial intelligence systems for image analysis, in certain critical applications, the final decision-making should remain with the human operator. To facilitate the working conditions of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) pilot during prolonged missions, an auxiliary narrow-angle video camera is installed on board the UAV. This camera can be positioned indepen

Inclusive and differential cross-section measurements of tt¯Z production in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector, including EFT and spin-correlation interpretations

Measurements of both the inclusive and differential production cross sections of a top-quark-top-antiquark pair in association with a Z boson (tt¯Z) are presented. Final states with two, three or four isolated leptons (electrons or muons) are targeted. The measurements use the data recorded by the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider during the years 2015–2018

Assessing Unilateral Spatial Neglect using advanced technologies : The potentiality of mobile virtual reality

BACKGROUND: Unilateral Spatial Neglect, or neglect, is a common behavioral syndrome in patients following unilateral brain damage, such as stroke. In recent years, new technologies, such as computer-based tools and virtual reality have been used in order to solve some limitations of the traditional neglect evaluation. Within this perspective, also mobile devices such as tablets seems to be promisi

Icke-vetande, nya tankar och mod - Professionellas stöd till personer som utforskar sin könsidentitet

AbstractIn Sweden, the notion of gender identity is up for renegotiation and an increasing number of people are seeking professional support in relation to these issues. Professionals dealing with gender issues are either the transgender health care, specialized in transgender issues, or general practitioners.The purpose of the study is to investigate professional work with people who are question

Fallstudie av ett BREEAm-projekt

I takt med ett ökat klimatarbete och ambitioner på EU-nivå i from av EU:s taxonomi, har bygg- och anläggningssektorn tagit fram en färdplan gällande omställningen för att nå nettonollutsälpp senast 2045. Som en del av utvecklingen presenterar Swedish Green Building Council att miljöcertifieringar säkerställer hållbara byggnader, vilket även stöds av tidigare forskning. Utmaningen med miljöcertifieThis study has investigated the incentives for obtaining BREEAM certification for a building. The study focused on a case of BREEAM certification at the Excellent level and compared it with the lowest energy requirements in Sweden from an energy, cost, and climate perspective. The reference object for the study is a building, soon to be finished, in Linköping Sweden intended for healthcare and res

Melanoma Incidence and Mortality Trends in Sweden

IMPORTANCE: Over the past decades, many global regions have experienced a steady increase in the incidence of cutaneous melanoma. However, more recently, a downward trend has been observed in the younger age groups in Australia and the US. Yet, in Europe, none of the countries have reported any significant decline in melanoma incidence for any age group.OBJECTIVE: To assess melanoma incidence and

Distributed Reinforcement Learning for Building Energy Optimization

Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems are ubiquitous and are one of the major components responsible for energy consumption in a typical building system. In light of the imminent energy crisis, there is an increasing demand to revisit the building systems and save as much energy as possible. In this regard, the scope of the thesis is to explore opportunities for data-driven opt

Neural Speech Tracking in EEG: Integrating Acoustics and Linguistics for Hearing Aid Users

This master thesis explores the neural encoding of speech features for hearing aid users. The study utilizes electroencephalography (EEG) and audio data from an experiment that stimulates a Cocktail Party scenario. This is a complex auditory scene, especially difficult for individuals with hearing impairments. The primary objective of the study is to investigate how different acoustic and linguist

Developing an authentic sex : Deconstructing developmental-psychological discourses of transgenderism in a clinical setting

The paper is based on a broader study of the use of discourses of transgenderism among sex-reassignment evaluators in Sweden. In this paper we explore how a developmental–psychological discourse was reproduced by the evaluators in their discursive negotiations of transsexualism. We found that maturity and authenticity are two key concepts that illuminate how the developmental–psychological discour

Trauman med suddiga konturer : Att uppmärksamma och bemöta psykisk sårbarhet bland yngre familjehemsplacerade barn

Boken tar upp de allra yngsta familjehemsplacerade barnen – och deras psykiska mående och utveckling. Den utgår från djupintervjuer med familjehem och företrädare för familjehemsvården i flera svenska kommuner. Men den innehåller även en lättillgänglig översikt av senare års kunskapsutveckling om psykisk sårbarhet bland små placerade barn, och vad som enligt forskning är avgörande för att traumati

Investigation of luminescence properties of hydrothermally synthesized Pr3+ doped BaLuF5 nanoparticles under excitation by VUV photons

We report on the luminescence properties of hydrothermally synthesized BaLuF5:Pr3+(1%) nanoparticles having a cubic crystal structure. The properties were investigated at low temperatures using time-integrated and time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy under VUV photon excitation in the energy range of 5–45 eV. This spectral region covers both the Pr3+ 4f2→4f15d1 transitions and the intrinsic abs

Exploring the Functional Landscape of the p53 Regulatory Domain : The Stabilizing Role of Post-Translational Modifications

This study focuses on the intrinsically disordered regulatory domain of p53 and the impact of post-translational modifications. Through fully atomistic explicit water molecular dynamics simulations, we show the wealth of information and detailed understanding that can be obtained by varying the number of phosphorylated amino acids and implementing a restriction in the conformational entropy of the

Social Networks: Qualitative inquiry into the practices and mechanisms related to information sharing among Polish migrants in Sweden.

This research is a qualitative inquiry into mechanisms that facilitate the diffusion of information about living and working in Sweden among Polish immigrants and their transnational links between Polish immigrants in Sweden and Poles in Poland. Give extensive nature to which migration has been studied, this research aimed to be an explorative study and provide ground for further research in the u