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Institutions and the Geography of Innovation: A Regional Perspective

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling är att skapa en bättre förståelse för vilken betydelse institutioner har för innovationsprocesser inom regionala innovationssystem. Den fokuserar särskilt på hur olika typer av institutioner på skilda geografiska nivåer samspelar; hur institutionell påverkan förändras i samband med att innovationsprocesser utvecklas över tid; samt vilka möjliEconomic geographers have long been intrigued by the role of institutions in innovation processes. It has been argued that differences in institutions are among the factors explaining the uneven innovative capacity across and within countries. The regional innovation system approach highlights the interrelationships of firms, universities, governmental authorities and other organizations, as well

Calculating the Physical Bounds for Antennas Above a Ground Plane

The physical bounds for antennas above a ground plane is analyzed in this paper. Optimal antenna G/Q ratio and Q factor are calculated using convex optimization from stored electric and magnetic energy matrices, obtained from a method of moments solver. Physical bounds for a patch antenna with different heights above a ground plane are investigated. Results are verified using commercially availabl

Ten Years Of Sustainable Construction Aspects From A North And A South Perspective – A Review From Sustainable Building Conferences 1998-2007.

This paper is about, from a North and South different perspective, how the international focus of sustainable construction issues has changed over the past ten years. It is a review from four different international and regional sustainable building conferences between 1998 and 2007. The paper is mostly based of the first author's notes from the conferences, especially from the plenary sessions an

Automatic Tuning of Digital Controllers with Applications to HVAC Plants

It has been demonstrated that PID controllers can be tuned effectively based on an experiment with relay feedback. This paper describes a tuning method for a general digital controller based on relay feedback. The control design method is based on pole placement. An interesting feature is that the sampling period and the desired closed-loop poles are determined from the experiment. The method is a

Search for lepton-flavour-violating H -> mu tau decays of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector

A direct search for lepton-flavour-violating H -> mu tau decays of the recently discovered Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. The analysis is performed in the H -> mu tau(had) channel, where tau(had) is a hadronically decaying tau-lepton. The search is based on the data sample of proton-proton collisions collected by the ATLAS experiment corresponding to an integrated lum

On the physiological location of otoacoustic emissions

During recent years, much attention has been paid otoacoustic emissions in the clinical audiological practice. The received view locates their origin in the cochlea, more precisely in the outer hair cells. It is, however, still uncertain if there is an interaction between the ears regarding otoacoustic emissions. Earlier findings suggest an interaction at the level of the olivocochlear bundle. The