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Kommissionen föreslår gemensamma principer men olika vägar till flexicurity
Leaf physiological responses of mature Norway Spruce trees exposed to elevated carbon dioxide and temperature
Heavy flavor production in p+p and d+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV from single leptons over a wide kinematic range.
Pol Pot-stöd ingen privatsak
CBE growth of nanowires
Globalization of Corporate Governance: The American Influence on Dismissal Performance Sensitivity of European CEOs
A green future with thawing permafrost mires? : a study of climate-vegetation interactions in European subarctic peatlands
Popular Abstract in Swedish Projektioner om framtida klimat i Arktis och subarktis tyder på att drastiska förändrinar väntar regionen under det närmaste århundradet. Inte bara temperaturen spås öka utan även nederbörd, och då framför allt nederbörden under vinterhalvåret. Dessa förändringar kommer sannolikt att ha stor inverkan på miljön i Arktis och subarktis, och stora forksningsansträngningar hClimate projections indicate that Arctic and sub-Arctic regions are facing a significant change in climate during the 21st century. With warmer temperatures precipitation is also expected to increase, and in particular winter precipitation. These changes are likely to have large impacts on the Arctic and subarctic environment, and extensive research has focused on ecosystem-climate interactions in
Organic field beans have low nitrous oxide emissions and high N-efficiency
Costs, benefits and constraints in the evolution of avian reproductive tactics: a study on the blue tit
In this study I have investigated the various factors influencing reproductive tactics among breeding blue tits (Parus caeruleus). The study was carried out in a nestbox-breeding population of marked individuals at the Revinge Area, outside Lund, southern Sweden. I have especially investigated the energetic, physiological and temporal factors influencing the reproductive decisions. This included u
Offentlighetsprincipen handlar om att granska, inte att stalka
Tjänster som Lexbase verkar göra oss alla till präktiga stalkare. När informationsöverflödet kommer så nära tycks mångas omdöme stängas av. Enligt devisen ”kan man, så ska man” släpper vi all rim och reson och börjar sedan lexbejsa den skumme grannen, kompisens nye kille eller kanske chefen.
Theoretical studies of electron correlation and relativistic effects in complex atomic systems
[abstract missing]
Missat tillfälle att kasta ljus över en diktator
Effects of influent fractionation, kinetics & stoichiometry and mass transfer on CO2, CH4 and H2 production for (plant-wide) modelling of anaerobic digesters
Latin hypercube sampling for structural reliability and importance sampling
Trust and Brand Recovery Campaign in Crisis: Findus Nordic and the Horsemeat Scandal
The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze a transboundary crisis, focusing crisis communication, from the perspective of an involved major corporation. More concretely the intent is to increase under-standing of how Findus Nordic in Sweden managed the crisis communication response and repair of it´s corporate brand during and after the horesemeat scandal in 2013. The case study is founded i