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Bias correction of GPM IMERG Early Run daily precipitation product using near real-time CPC global measurements

This study focused on improving the performance of the near real-time Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (IMERG) Early Run (IMERG-E) product based on a newly developed bias-correction scheme, LSCDF. The LSCDF was established by integrating the mean-based Linear Scaling (LS) and quantile-mapping Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) matching approaches. The

Mechanisms of spectral orientation in a diurnal dung beetle

Ball rolling dung beetles use a wide range of cues to steer themselves along a fixed bearing, including the spectral gradient of scattered skylight that spans the sky. Here, we define the spectral sensitivity of the diurnal dung beetle Kheper lamarcki and use the information to explore the orientation performance under a range of spectral light combinations. We find that, when presented with spect

Total Hip Arthroplasty Leads to Better Results After Low-Energy Displaced Femoral Neck Fracture in Patients Aged 55 to 70 Years : A Randomized Controlled Multicenter Trial Comparing Internal Fixation and Total Hip Arthroplasty

Background:The optimal treatment of displaced femoral neck fractures in patients 55 to 70 years old remains controversial. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of closed reduction and internal fixation with cannulated screws (IF) compared with total hip arthroplasty (THA) on hip pain and function, with use of data for outcome measures, complications, and reoperations.Methods:This

Internet-based vestibular rehabilitation versus standard care after acute onset vertigo : a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Background: Dizziness and vertigo affect around 15% of adults annually and represent common reasons for contacting health services, accounting for around 3% of all emergency department visits worldwide. Vertigo is also associated with excessive use of diagnostic imaging and emergency care and decreased productivity, primarily because of work absenteeism. Vestibular rehabilitation is an evidence-ba

Diatom-reconstructed summer sea-surface temperatures and climatic events off North Iceland during the last deglaciation and Holocene

Lateglacial and Holocene summer sea-surface temperature (SST) variability in the northern North Atlantic was reconstructed based on diatom records from two sediment cores from the North Icelandic shelf. The temperature changes are discussed in relation to palaeoceanographic circulation patterns and past climatic changes. Modern diatom data from surface sediments from around Iceland and Southeast a

Mechanistic Insights Into the Heterogeneity of Glucose Response Classes in Youths With Obesity : A Latent Class Trajectory Approach

In a large, multiethnic cohort of youths with obesity, we analyzed pathophysiological and genetic mechanisms underlying variations in plasma glucose responses to a 180 min oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Latent class trajectory analysis was used to identify various glucose response profiles to a nine-point OGTT in 2,378 participants in the Yale Pathogenesis of Youth

Trust-Based Public Management : Conceptualization and lessons from the Swedish trust reform

Following years of increasing bureaucracy and micro-management, there is a need for more trust in the judgement of street-level professionals and citizens in the public administration. After an intense debate in Sweden for several years, the Swedish Government launched a trust reform in 2016. This was organized around a government commission, called the Trust Commission. At the centre of its work

Sertoli and Germ Cells Within Atrophic Seminiferous Tubules of Men With Non-Obstructive Azoospermia

Background: Infertile men with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) have impaired spermatogenesis. Dilated and un-dilated atrophic seminiferous tubules are often present in the testes of these patients, with the highest likelihood of active spermatogenesis in the dilated tubules. Little is known about the un-dilated tubules, which in NOA patients constitute the majority. To advance therapeutic strate

Assessment of grid/filter size dependence in large eddy simulation of high-pressure spray flames

With the increase of computing power, large eddy simulation (LES) within the Lagrangian–Eulerian two-phase flow framework has evolved as an useful numerical tool to gain insights to the spray combustion processes in advanced internal combustion engines. However, the inherent effect of grid/filter size (G/FS) on the physics revealed by LES is not fully understood. In this paper, we present several

The structure of insulin granule core determines secretory capacity being reduced in type-2 diabetes

Exocytosis in excitable cells is essential for their physiological functions. Although the exocytotic machinery controlling cellular secretion has been well investigated, the function of the vesicular cargo, i.e. secretory granular content remains obscure. Here we combine dSTORM imaging and single-domain insulin antibody, to dissect the in situ structure of insulin granule cores (IGCs) at nano lev

Three Levels of AI Transparency

Transparency is generally cited as a key consideration towards building Trustworthy AI. However, the concept of transparency is fragmented in AI research, often limited to transparency of the algorithm alone. While considerable attempts have been made to expand the scope beyond the algorithm, there has yet to be a holistic approach that includes not only the AI system, but also the user, and socie

Sialic Acid Derivatives Inhibit SiaT Transporters and Delay Bacterial Growth

Antibiotic resistance is a major worldwide concern, and new drugs with mechanistically novel modes of action are urgently needed. Here, we report the structure-based drug design, synthesis, and evaluation in vitro and in cellular systems of sialic acid derivatives able to inhibit the bacterial sialic acid symporter SiaT. We designed and synthesized 21 sialic acid derivatives and screened their aff

Is sleep duration associated with self-reported overall health, screen time, and nighttime texting among adolescents?

OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate whether sleep duration is associated with self-reported overall health, screen time, and nighttime texting among Swedish adolescents.METHODS: This was a cross-sectional survey of students (n = 1518) aged 13 to 15 years (50.7% girls) in southern Sweden.RESULTS: Fewer than 8 hours sleep duration before a school day was reported by 31% of students. The median time