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Att göra livet (över)levbart : Transpersoners ontiska, relationella och reflekterande arbete för att skapa minoritetsro och hantera utsatthet i vardagen

Transgender people report significantly poorer mental health than cisgender people. In psychological research, these health disparities are explained by theories of minority stress and microaggressions, while other disciplines use theories on normativity, livability, affective work, world making and utopias. Such theories are seldom picked up by psychologists even though they could serve to help p

Impact of Varicocele Repair on Semen Parameters in Infertile Men: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Purpose: Despite the significant role of varicocele in the pathogenesis of male infertility, the impact of varicocele repair (VR) on conventional semen parameters remains controversial. Only a few systematic reviews and meta-analyses (SRMAs) have evaluated the impact of VR on sperm concentration, total motility, and progressive motility, mostly using a before-after analytic approach. No SRMA to da

A model of reactive settling of activated sludge : Comparison with experimental data

A non-negligible part of the biological reactions in the activated sludge process for treatment of wastewater takes place in secondary settling tanks (SST) that follow biological reactors. It is therefore of interest to develop models of so-called reactive settling that describe the spatial variability of reaction rates caused by the variation of local concentration of biomass due to hindered sett

Why Russia needs decolonisation for its future democratisation

Ukraine’s recent success on the battlefield has encouraged discussion on potential changes to Russia’s political setup. While a new leader would be needed, more fundamental change would be required if the country is to embark on a path towards democracy. The key issue lies in Moscow’s relations with its periphery, an exploitative relationship that has persisted for centuries.The war in Ukraine has

Water quality modeling of a eutrophic drinking water source : Impact of future climate on Cyanobacterial blooms

Cyanobacterial blooms are becoming more frequent in freshwater sources, causing concern throughout the world. Cyanobacterial blooms affect human health and the entire environment. Numerical modeling is an effective tool for investigating aquatic systems. In this study, a 3D hydrodynamic and water quality (ecological) model was used to simulate eutrophication of a drinking water source, Lake Vomb,

An LO phase shifter with frequency tripling and phase detection in 28 nm FD-SOI CMOS for mm-wave 5G transceivers

This paper presents an LO phase shifter with frequency tripling for 28-GHz 5G transceivers. The phase shifting and frequency tripling are achieved using an injection-locked oscillator and injection-locked frequency tripler, respectively. A phase detector based on third harmonic mixing is also implemented and is used to detect the applied phase shift, supporting automatic calibration of the phase s

The impact of previous health on the mortality after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage : analysis of a prospective Swedish multicenter study

Purpose: There is an an increasing awareness of the importance of health and lifestyle for stroke diseases like spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). However, the importance of pre-existing medical conditions for clinical course and mortality after SAH has not been studied. The aim of the present study was to identify pre-existing conditions contributing to mortality after SAH. Methods: Data

Whole-genome Analysis Reveals Contrasting Relationships Among Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genomes Between Three Sympatric Bat Species

Understanding mechanisms involved in speciation can be challenging, especially when hybridization or introgression blurs species boundaries. In bats, resolving relationships of some closely related groups has proved difficult due subtle interspecific variation both in morphometrics and molecular data sets. The endemic South American Histiotus bats, currently considered a subgenus of Eptesicus, har

Grundkartläggning av konst- och kulturutbildningar i Skåne : Rapport för Region Skånes kulturförvaltning

Denna rapport har sammanställts på uppdrag av Region Skånes kulturförvaltning under perioden mars – september 2022. Kartläggningsuppdraget är en del i Region Skånes arbete med att stärka samverkan mellan kultur- och utbildningssektorn inom utvecklingsområdet konstnärligt skapande. Syftet med rapporten är att ge en både övergripande och detaljerad bild av befintlig utbildningsinfrastruktur i Skåne,

Hur bör rätten kartläggas? : En metoddiskussion om kritisk rättskartografi av praktiska verkställighetshinder

I denna artikel används två kartläggningar av samma rättsliga begrepp, nämligen praktiska verkställighetshinder i utlänningslagen, för att illustrera olika sätt att närma sig migrationsrätten som studieobjekt. Artikeln beskriver, vidareutvecklar och argumenterar för en reflexiv kritisk rättskartografisk metod i kvalitativa studier av svensk migrationsrätt. Med avstamp i Boaventura de Sousa Santos

Elbilsköparnas tankevurpor: Vad som får oss att kliva över till den gröna sidan

Titel: Elbilköparnas tankevurpor: Vad som får oss att kliva över till den gröna sidan Seminariedatum: 2023-01-11 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Marcus Andersson, Christopher Duong, Ludmilla Mateus Tati Handledare: Veronika Tarnovskaya Nyckelord: Innovators, early adopters, early majority, konsumenter, köpbeteende, eWOM, WOM SyfTitle: The thoughts of electric car buyers: What makes us step over to the green side Date of seminar: 2023-01-11 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration, Bachelor's Degree thesis in Marketing Authors: Marcus Andersson, Christopher Duong, Ludmilla Mateus Tati Advisor: Veronika Tarnovskaya Keywords: Innovators, early adopters, early majority, Consumers, The buying decision process, eWOM, W

Minority governments in Sweden : Majority cabinets in disguise

This chapter focuses on governments in Sweden, a country which has a relatively high share of minority governments, over 70 percent, in the post-war period. Most governments formed during this period have been single-party Social Democratic cabinets, supported by one or more parties in parliament, but there have also been several cases of minority coalitions. Swedish politics has historically been

Imaging Studies of Olfaction in Health and Parkinsonism

Olfactory loss is a common non-motor symptom of Parkinson’s disease (PD), often preceding the cardinal motor symptoms of the disease. The aim of this thesis was to: (a) evaluate whether olfactory examination can increase diagnostic accuracy, and (b) study the structural and functional neural basis of olfactory dysfunction in PD with different applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).Paper